
  • 网络Corporate finance;Business finance;Entrepreneurial Finance
  1. 理财环境对企业财务管理水平的提高起着重要作用。

    Financial condition plays an important role in enhancing business finance management .

  2. 现行的税务筹划属于企业财务战略范畴。

    The current tax planning is the area of business finance strategy .

  3. 用回归方法作企业财务困境判别模型时,财务指标的取舍依赖t检验和F检验,保留的指标受主观假设和共线性问题影响。

    In the discriminant analysis and prediction of corporate financial distress , selections of financial ratios in regression model rely on t-test and F-test , and the retained variables may contain the impact of subjective hypothesis and the problem of collinearity .

  4. 创新企业财务管理,改变传统财务管理观念、制度与技术(方法),不仅有利于企业建立和完善现代企业制度,以适应WTO大环境带来的冲击,而且也是提升企业核心竞争力的重要因素之一。

    To develop new management of financial affairs and improve the traditional financial management , system and methods can not only help the enterprise to set up a complete modern enterprise system to meet the challenge of the WTO but also can strengthen the competitiveness of the enterprise .

  5. 本文的研究思路是以战略管理理论为基础,在对传统的财务管理与战略进行分析与评价的基础上,构建了基于EVA的企业财务战略。

    This article research mentality is take the strategic management theory as a foundation , in carries on the analysis and in the appraisal foundation to the traditional financial control and the strategy , has constructed based on the EVA enterprise financial strategy .

  6. FASB第5号财务会计概念公告《企业财务报告的确认和计量》提出了历史成本、现行成本、现行市价、可实现净值、未来现金流量现值5种计量属性。

    No. 5 financial statement of FASB on " the Recognization and Measurement of Enterprise Financial Report " has put forward 5 kinds of measurement attributes including historic cost , current cost , current market value and net realizable value , present value of future cash flow .

  7. 企业财务报告体系完善与发展的研究

    The Research of Corporation Financial Affairs Report Perfecting System and Development

  8. 新形势下加强企业财务预算的见解

    The View on Strengthening Financial Budget in Enterprise under New Situation

  9. 关于企业财务危机预警模型的研究

    The Research of the Model of Warning for Corporate Financial Distress

  10. 企业财务困境形成过程研究

    Study on the Form Course of Enterprises ' Financial Difficult Position

  11. 勘察设计企业财务管理与电算化

    Financial Administration and Computer Processing in Prospecting and Designing Company

  12. 台湾企业财务危机债务清理研究

    Study of Debts Reshuffle of Taiwan Business in Financial Crisis

  13. 我国困境企业财务恶化趋势的实证分析

    Empirical Analysis on Financial Degeneration of Troubled Firms in China

  14. 信息时代的企业财务管理

    On the Management of Financial Affairs of Enterprises in Times of Information

  15. 企业财务政策的搭配研究

    The Research of the Collocation of the Enterprise Financial Policy

  16. 企业财务战略若干问题研究

    The Research on Some Problems of Enterprise 's Financial Strategy

  17. 我国西部企业财务管理机构设置分析

    On the Set-up of Business Financial Administrative Organizations in the Western Regions

  18. 我国企业财务报告理论研究

    Research on The Firms ' Financial Report Theory in China

  19. 基于非财务指标的企业财务危机模糊预警模型研究

    Non-Financial Indicators-Based Fuzzy Warning Model for Financial Risks in Enterprises

  20. 企业财务指数预警模型及其应用研究

    The Research on Enterprises ' Financial Index Early-warning Model and Its Application

  21. 企业财务战略选择:环境分析

    The strategic choice of financial affairs of businesses : analysis of related elements

  22. 企业财务治理结构优化的对策分析

    A Countermeasure Analysis of Enterprises Financial Governance Structure Optimization

  23. 加强企业财务信息安全保密方略

    To strengthen Safety Secrecy of Financial Information in Enterprise

  24. 企业财务分析诊断的模糊数学模型

    Fuzzing Mathematics Model of Enterprise Finance Analysis and Diagnosis

  25. 企业财务风险生成和传导机理分析

    Analysis of Enterprise Financial Risks Generation and Transmission Mechanism

  26. 关于我国航运企业财务战略问题的研究

    The Financial Strategy Decision and Implementation of Maritime Enterprises

  27. 高技术中小企业财务危机预警指标体系研究

    Research on high-tech SMEs ' financial distress predicting system

  28. 地勘单位企业财务管理引入税收筹划之浅见

    Opinion on Tax Planning Introduced in Business Financial Management of Geological Prospecting Units

  29. 企业财务风险控制与预警

    Enterprise financial risk control and pre - alarms

  30. 企业财务报告目标;

    Objectives of financial reporting by business enterprises ;