
  • lily;Calla;Lilium
百合花 [bǎi hé huā]
  • (1) [lily]

  • (2) 百合的花

  • (3) 在洁白、美丽、纯洁和脆弱等方面类似百合花的一种人

  • 一个贞洁的少女,一朵洁白无瑕的百合花

  1. 她像百合花一样美。

    She is as fair as lily .

  2. 她破坏了一朵百合花.

    She destroyed a lily flower .

  3. 高高的白色瓷瓶上绘满了百合花。

    There were lilies everywhere in tall white porcelain vases .

  4. 如果这周末你要买百合花送人,那么花朵很可能就来自于荷兰的这个角落。

    If you 're sending lilies this weekend , there 's a good chance they began their journey in this corner of the Netherlands .

  5. 百合花发育相关MADSbox基因的克隆

    Cloning of Flower Development Associated MADS box Gene Fragments in Lilium

  6. 之后他制作了个CD示范带给了她,还有一束白色的百合花。

    Then he made a demo CD and gave it to her , together with a bouquet of white lilies .

  7. 岷江百合花发育全长cDNA文库的构建及EST-SSR标记的建立

    Construction on Full-length cDNA Library and EST-SSR Markers of Lilium Regale Wilson

  8. 在柱顶上刻着百合花。

    The capitals on top were in the shape of lilies .

  9. 村舍花园万紫千红,鸢尾、百合花和牡丹竞相争艳。

    The cottage gardens blaze with irises , lilies and peonies .

  10. 亚洲百合花器官的组培快繁技术研究

    Tissue Culture and Rapid Propagation of Asiatic Lily from flower organs

  11. 云南大百合花器官的组织培养技术研究

    Studies on Tissue Culture Techniques of Floral Organs of Cardiocrinum giganteum

  12. 手持一束采自山谷的百合花的新娘;

    A bride carrying a nosegay of lilies of the valley ;

  13. 《野百合花》与延安文学新潮

    The wild lily and the new trend of the Yanan Literature

  14. 野地里的百合花怎么长起来;

    Consider the lilies of the field , how they grow ;

  15. 我种兰花,菊花,百合花和仙人掌。

    I grow orchids , chrysanthemums , lilies and cactuses .

  16. 对我来说,你就是百合花我也要喝水。

    To me you are a lily , and I want water .

  17. 《百合花》中女性化的神圣情怀浅析

    An Analytical Study of the Holy Feminine Sensibility in Lily

  18. 他接近这朵百合花,因为这花儿温柔清新。

    He drew near because it was waxen and fresh .

  19. 我们买来了一盆百合花,然后把它放在阳光通透的窗台上。

    We bought a lily and set it in a sunny window .

  20. 复活节是洁白的百合花;生日里会有天鹅绒般的红玫瑰;

    White lilies at Easter , and velvety red roses for birthdays .

  21. 非洲山药和百合花更为密切相关。

    Yams are from Africa and are more closely related to lilies .

  22. 这飘香的百合花,能在这世间得以永恒吗?

    Can these fragrant lilies attain eternity in this world ?

  23. 凯伦在她的花园里头种满了美丽的玫瑰和百合花。

    Karen plants beautiful roses and lilies in her garden .

  24. 她是个纯洁的少女,一朵洁白无瑕的百合花。

    She is a virgin , a most unspotted lily .

  25. 仅有这几种是原产于大不列颠的百合花。

    These are the only lilies native to great britain .

  26. 我也不企羡百合花的洁白,

    Nor did I wonder at the lily 's white ,

  27. 百合花:我们是花朵女孩,我们是最好的朋友。

    LILY : We 're the flower girls and we 're best friends .

  28. 也挥舞拐棍,把路边百合花扫个光。

    He lopped the wayside lilies with his cane .

  29. 至今在美国,夏日里美丽的百合花仍用色彩装点着道路两旁。

    The pretty flowers still color the roadside across America in the summertime .

  30. 凋谢的百合花征对肾盂输尿管重复畸形的诊断价值

    The Drooping Lily Sign-Diagnostic Value to a Duplex Kidney