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bǎi guān
  • Baiguan;officials of all ranks and descriptions
百官 [bǎi guān]
  • [officials of all ranks and descriptions] 各种官吏

百官[bǎi guān]
  1. 一次,刘表请刘备代替他到襄阳去会见百官,蔡氏兄妹觉得这是杀害刘备的好机会。

    Cai and her brother decided it was an good opportunity .

  2. 文武百官于是都在旁等着看北宫奢如何出丑。

    All officials were waiting to see Beigong She 's gaffe .

  3. 朝廷中的文武百官都弄不懂这是怎么回事。

    All the civil and military officials of the court couldn 't understand what was the matter .

  4. 最后朝中文武百官高举酒杯齐声为玄宗祝寿。

    Finally , all civil and military officials in the court held high wine glasses to congratulate on Emperor Xuanzong birthday .

  5. 当仪式开始后,所有的文武百官都要跪在地上扮演三拜九叩。

    When the ceremony began , the civil and military officials all performed the three kowtows and nine prostrations on the square .

  6. 唐代监察体制已日趋成熟和完备,形成了一张密布全国的监控百官之网。

    In Tang Dynasty , the supervision system became mature and adequate , forming a network of controling all officials throughout the country .

  7. 有一天,国王和很多文武百官一起坐龙船出海游玩。

    One day , the King and all the top civil and military officials went to the ocean in a dragon boat to sightsee .

  8. 说出傅说的面貌和所在后,令百官到处去寻找,终于在罪徒中找着了。

    Then he described the appearance and locality of Fu Yue , ordering officials to look for him . Fu Yue was found among the criminals eventually .

  9. 唐代官府手里的粮食分配,主要指供应皇室、百官俸禄、厨食、赈灾用粮及供应军队用粮等。

    The grain controlled by government mainly supplied to the imperial household food , rice as salary for officials , working food and relief requirement and the army requirement .

  10. 另一位清朝皇帝乾隆颁布了一项法令,以此让百官明白狩猎对军事训练和身体锻炼的重要性。

    Qianlong , another Qing emperor , issued a decree in which he gave his officials to understand the importance of hunting to both military exercise and physical training .

  11. 渠上的发现的东、西侧桥梁,应是文武百官上朝前的“下马桥”;

    In addition , the east and west bridges above the Ditch was the " Xia Ma "( Dismounting ) Bridges , where officials dismounted before attending to the emperor 's assembly .

  12. 商王是最高统治者,独揽大权;王之下设相,是百官之长,辅佐商王以统治全国;

    The king of the Shang Dynasty was the imperator , arrogating all powers to himself ; under him was the minister , the head of all officials , assisting the king to rule the country .

  13. 从前有位国王在森林打猎,他猎取野味心切,文武百官都难以赶上他。的确,只有野蛮人才能使一个在垂死的文明中挣扎的世界年轻起来。

    A King was once hunting in a great wood , and he hunted the game so eagerly that none of his courtiers were able to keep up with him Only barbarians are able to rejuvenate a world in the throes of collapsing civilization .

  14. 后来朱元璋做了皇帝,想起小时候吃那顿粥的味道,就命太监用各种粮食煮了一锅糖粥,欢宴群臣,后朝中文武百官争相效仿并传入民间,遂成了一种节日习俗。

    Later , the emperor made the emperor , thinking a child eat porridge and that the taste of Dayton , he ordered his eunuchs to use a variety of food cooked up a pot of sugar porridge , feast courtiers , after North Korea Wenwubaiguan emulated and passed civil society , Sui Cheng A holiday customs .