
bái jīn hàn gōng
  • Buckingham Palace
白金汉宫 [bái jīn hàn gōng]
  • [Buckingham palace] 英国君王在伦敦的王宫,位于威斯敏斯特城内。白金汉,英语 Buckingham 的音译

白金汉宫[bái jīn hàn gōng]
  1. 白金汉宫是重要的旅游胜地。

    Buckingham Palace is a major tourist attraction .

  2. 昨晚他出席了在白金汉宫举行的国宴。

    Last night he attended a state banquet at Buckingham Palace .

  3. 雾霭蒙蒙,白金汉宫若隐若现。

    Mist shrouded the outline of Buckingham Palace .

  4. 他必须前往白金汉宫去接受女王授予的“大英帝国勋章”。

    He had to go to Buckingham Palace to accept an MBE from the Queen .

  5. 白金汉宫最近向公众开放,比尔是最先获得进入许可的人之一。

    Bill was among the first to gain entry to Buckingham Palace when it opened to the public recently

  6. 我被女王的私人秘书罗伯特·费洛斯爵士召往白金汉宫。

    I received a summons to the Palace from Sir Robert Fellowes , the Queen 's private secretary .

  7. 去白金汉宫的在此下车。

    Alight here for Buckingham Palace .

  8. 白金汉宫对旅游者来说是个有巨大吸引力的地方。

    Buckingham Palace is a great magnet for tourists .

  9. 在旅途中,人们可以看到伦敦塔、白金汉宫和大本钟。

    On the ride , people can get a view of the Tower of London , Buckingham Palace and Big Ben .

  10. 白金汉宫还承诺,游客将拥有“千载难逢的草地野餐机会”。

    Visitors were also promised a " once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to picnic on the lawn " .

  11. 聚集在白金汉宫外和全国各地民众的喜悦是那么深切感人。

    The sense of joy in the crowds who gathered outside and across the country was profound .

  12. 然而,白金汉宫花园在猫途鹰网站上却是恶评一片,有些游客抱怨性价比极低。

    However , the gardens received a number of damning reviews on TripAdvisor , with some customers complaining about how much was available .

  13. 我清楚地记得,当时和妹妹在白金汉宫阳台上与父母及丘吉尔首相一起目睹的欢庆场面。

    I vividly5 remember the jubilant scenes my sister and I witnessed with our parents and Winston Churchill from the balcony of Buckingham Palace .

  14. 比较便宜的商品有12.95英镑(约合人民币115元)的白金汉宫“小狗围巾”,以及一系列售价9.95英镑(约合人民币88元)的口罩。

    Among the cheaper items are a £ 12.95 Buckingham Palace ‘ dog bandana ’ , and a timely range of face masks priced £ 9.95 .

  15. 一名失望的游客写道:“白金汉宫今年首度向公众开放了花园——其实大可不必。”

    One disappointed visitor wrote : " Buckingham Palace has opened its gardens to the public for the first time this year – it really shouldn 't have bothered .

  16. -6-如今住在白金汉宫的蜘蛛可能是维多利亚时代就住在里面的蜘蛛的后代——这简直就是和人类皇室平行发展的一个蜘蛛皇室。

    The spiders that live in Buckingham Palace now are probably the descendants of the spiders that lived there during Victorian times - it 's a whole parallel royal family but with spiders .

  17. 说好的草地野餐也大打折扣,感觉“被宰了”。白金汉宫的花园日前首度向公众开放,游客如今有机会到英国女王的私人花园一游了。

    Visitors to Buckingham Palace now have the opportunity to explore the Queen 's private garden , as the Queen has opened up the palace gardens to the public for the very first time .

  18. 例如,白金汉宫蜡烛以其“清香的茉莉花香”而闻名,据说其设计“灵感来自法国文艺复兴时期花园呈几何分布的种植”,售价115英镑(约合人民币1017元)。

    For instance , the Buckingham Palace Candle , noted of delicate jasmine ’ and whose design is said to be ‘ inspired by the geometric planting of gardens of the French renaissance ’ , costs £ 115 .

  19. 过去一年,疫情导致白金汉宫的游客数量剧减,从而让白金汉宫蒙受了巨大的经济损失。白金汉宫希望开放美丽的花园可以吸引更多人到白金汉宫来游玩。

    The royal palaces have suffered huge financial losses in the past year because of the pandemic-induced decline in tourists and visitors , and it is hoped that opening the splendid gardens will boost the number of visitors into the palace .

  20. 已经育有两个孩子的凯特王妃将首次出席在白金汉宫(BuckinghamPalace)举行的国宴。

    The mum-of-two is set to attend her first state banquet at Buckingham Palace .

  21. 对此说法,白金汉宫(TheBuckinghamPalace)新闻办公室则用“不置可否”来礼貌地做出回应。

    The Buckingham Palace press office politely " refuse to confirm or deny " this .

  22. 预计英国王室也会“出镜”,开幕式上会播放在白金汉宫(BuckinghamPalace)提前录好的一些片段。

    Even the royal family gets a look-in with an expected prerecorded segment inside Buckingham Palace .

  23. 英国皇室发布的Twitter信息还包括温莎城堡卫兵更换以及女王在白金汉宫为其他人授爵等信息。

    The monarchy 's tweets included the changing of the guard at Windsor Castle and the Queen knighting someone at Buckingham Palace .

  24. 但非常糟糕的是,该酒店原来从白金汉宫(buckinghampalace)招来的一名贴身管家被一位客人挖走了。

    Too bad that one of its original butlers , recruited from Buckingham Palace , was poached by a guest .

  25. 之后,公布消息会张贴在白金汉宫外,同时也会在皇家官方Twitter和Facebook上发布消息。

    Then , an announcement will be posted in front of Buckingham Palace , as well as the monarchy 's official Twitter and Facebook accounts .

  26. 他们两人都91岁高龄,但都精神矍铄,为了ITV的纪录片节目《女王的绿植》(TheQueen'sGreenPlanet)在白金汉宫的植物园边走边录制。

    The pair , both a youthful 91 , strolled through the gardens of Buckingham Palace for an ITV documentary , The Queen 's Green Planet .

  27. 12月12日,52岁的《哈利·波特》作者J·K·罗琳在白金汉宫被威廉王子授予“荣誉勋爵”,以奖励她在文学和慈善上的贡献。

    The Harry Potter author , 52 , was made a Companion of Honor by Prince William at Buckingham Palace on Tuesday for her contributions to literature and philanthropy .

  28. 凯特王妃的丈夫——现年33岁的剑桥公爵也将第一次出席在白金汉宫(BuckinghamPalace)举行的国宴。

    Kate 's husband the Duke of Cambridge is also expected to be attending his first Palace banquet - at the age of 33 .

  29. 梅根也曾在5月份婚礼后不久,穿着Goat的衣服出现在白金汉宫的花派对上祝贺查尔斯王子的70大寿.

    The British label was also worn by Meghan at a Buckingham Palace garden party celebrating Prince Charles ' 70th birthday , just days after her wedding in May .

  30. 还在伦敦时,一次睡在白金汉宫外大街上的经历成为艾德创作Homeless的灵感来源。

    During his early days in London , at one point , he slept on the streets outside Buckingham Palace , which inspired his song Homeless .