
bái zào shēng
  • white noise
白噪声[bái zào shēng]
  1. 让受试者通过耳机听“白噪声”。

    ' White noise ' was played into the subject 's ears through headphones

  2. 射电望远镜就像一只耳朵,从宇宙的白噪声中听到有意义的无线电信息。

    The radio telescope is like an ear , listening to tell meaningful radio messages from white noise in the universe .

  3. 量子随机Cable方程的白噪声分析方法

    A White Noise Approach to Quantum Stochastic Cable Equations

  4. 高精度数字式高斯白噪声发生器的FPGA实现

    The FPGA Implementation of High-precision Digital Gaussian White Noise Generator

  5. 基于FPGA的白噪声信号发生器的实现

    The realization of white noise signal generator based on FPGA

  6. 基于Kalman滤波的白噪声估计理论的推广

    A Generalization of White Noise Estimation Theory Based on Kalman Filtering

  7. W是一个零均值的白噪声源。

    W is a zero mean white noise source .

  8. 叠加白噪声图象的双向Kalman滤波

    The Two-Direction Kalman Filter of Image Additive White Noise

  9. 基于MonteCarlo方法的白噪声仿真算法与编程

    Algorithm and Procedures of White Noise Simulating Based on the Monte Carlo Method

  10. 基于MATLAB利用充分统计量法对含有高斯白噪声二元信号检测的仿真

    The Simulation of Checking Duality Signals with White Gaussian Noise Using Plenitude Statistic Method Based on MATLAB

  11. 第三章研究了基于DSP的白噪声生成工艺及系统仿真试验。

    The generation techniques of white noise and simulation research of the system based on DSP were studied .

  12. 方法:采用白噪声应激建立NS大鼠模型。

    The rat NS model was induced by white noise .

  13. 由于GIS局部放电超高频检测中不可避免的会遇到白噪声干扰,且现有抑制白噪声的方法有许多不足之处。

    As white-noise interference exists in GIS partial discharge ( PD ) UHF detection inevitably , the available suppression methods are unsatisfactory .

  14. Gauss白噪声与非Gauss白噪声

    Gauss white noise and non - Gauss white noise

  15. 针对具有随机白噪声输入的随机系统,分析了PID控制下期望指标的相容性问题。

    For the stochastic system with white noise input , the consistency problem of desired indices for PID controller is investigated .

  16. 白噪声激励vanderpol振子的精确平稳解

    Exact Stationary Solutions to Van Der Pol Oscillator with White Noise Excitations

  17. 一类带Gauss白噪声的随机信号传递系统的优化建模与系统分析

    Modeling and analysis of a kind of stochastic signal transfer systems with Gauss white noise

  18. 文中就超分辨率MUSIC算法在低SNR时定阶难以实现的问题,提出了基于互谱估计的MUSIC算法,利用了白噪声序列的互相关为0的特性有效抑制了噪声对子空间划分的影响。

    To the difficulties in the rank-deciding in low SNR situations , a cross-spectral MUSIC algorithm was proposed , reducing efficiently the influence of the noise .

  19. 与Kalman滤波相比,H∞滤波采用未知的具有有限能量的确定性干扰代替白噪声驱动状态空间系统;

    Compared with Kalman filtering , the unknown definite disturbance with finite energy instead of white noise drives the state-space system in H filtering .

  20. 根据环境激励技术(NExT)的相关理论,线性结构中白噪声响应之间的相关函数与系统的脉冲响应函数具有类似的数学表达形式。

    According to the technique called the Natural Excitation Technique , the correlation functions of responses induced by white noise on linear structures have similar mathematical format as the impulse response functions .

  21. 高斯白噪声下LMS算法的改进

    The improving method for the least mean square ( lms ) algorithm under white Gaussian noise

  22. 随机噪声是影响CCD器件输出信号信噪比的主要因素,它包括1/f分形噪声和白噪声。

    Stochastic noises in CCD output signal , which contain 1 / f fractal noises and white noises , mostly affect the Signal-to-Noise .

  23. 基于现代最优控制理论建立海洋平台磁流变(MR)半主动控制系统的数学模型,采用白噪声过程通过滤波器来近似随机波浪力谱。

    The mathematical model of the semi active MR damping control for the offshore platforms and the semi active control algorithm based on the theory of modem optimal control are established .

  24. 研究弱白噪声驱动下的Duffing系统的新方法

    A new method of studying Duffing system driven by weak white noise

  25. 对于白噪声干扰情况,利用线性Kalman滤波器估计系统状态,以水翼艇为研究对象进行了仿真。

    Using linear Kalman filter to estimate system states with white-noise interference , for submerged Hydrofoil Craft , a mathematical simulation was conducted .

  26. 白噪声Wiener反卷积滤波器

    White Noise Wiener Deconvolution Filters

  27. 采用稳健估计对Kalman滤波模型进行处理,解决了滤波模型中非零均值系统白噪声的处理问题。

    The Kalman filter model is robustly estimated to solve the problem that the measurement noise in the model is not zero-mean White one .

  28. 通过有效的数学处理,并利用Markov过程理论,计算和推导了频率阶跃及高斯白噪声同时介入时环路的各种性能。

    By means of efficient mathematical processing , various performances under frequency step plus noise input are analysed - by using the theory of Markov process .

  29. 稳态白噪声对豚鼠听觉脑干诱发反应(ABR)功率谱的影响

    The effects of steady white noise on the power spectra of auditory brainstem responses ( abrs ) in guinea pigs

  30. MMSE算法性能最好,对于ICI和白噪声有很好的抑制作用,但是因为涉及到矩阵的求逆,计算复杂度较高。

    The MMSE algorithm has well performance but the computational complexity is very high because of the matrix inversion .