
  • 网络coastal tourism
  1. 我国海滨旅游开发的战略思考

    Strategic Thought of Development of the Coastal Tourism in China

  2. 三亚的海滨旅游城市化现象在国内具有典型性。

    The Spatial Structure Study on Coastal Tourism in China ;

  3. 关于山东省海滨旅游区旅游开发之思考

    The thinkings on tourist development of coast region of Shandong Province

  4. 中国海滨旅游地气候适宜性评价

    The climate suitability of tourism at the coastline destinations of China

  5. 英国海滨旅游城市布莱克普尔的发展及规划

    Development and urban planning in seaside city Blackpool in Britain

  6. 他们在意大利海滨旅游胜地租了一幢别墅。

    They rent a villa on the Italian riviera .

  7. 奥斯坦德是比利时最重要的海港和最大的海滨旅游胜地。

    Ostend is the most important seaport and largest seaside resort in belgium .

  8. 海滨旅游空间的符号学与文化研究

    Semiotics and cultural studies on tourist destination of beach

  9. 天气允许的话,将在明天组织一次海滨旅游。

    Weather permitting , we will go on an outing to the beach tomorrow .

  10. 海滨旅游城市可持续发展研究

    Study on Sustainable Development of Seashore Tourism Cities

  11. 文化型海滨旅游度假区的开发

    Development of Cultural Seaside Tourist Holiday Resort

  12. 中国海滨旅游研究进展

    Studies on Coastal Tourism of China

  13. 青岛依山傍海,是著名的海滨旅游城市。

    Against the mountain and overlooking the sea , Qingdao is a famous seaside tourist city .

  14. 并在此理论指导下,分析了台州海滨旅游资源的优劣势,进而提出了其作为旅游资源非优区的旅游发展战略。

    In the guide of the theory , it analysis tourism development strategies in Taizhou seaside .

  15. 三亚海滨旅游开发对城市发展的影响研究

    The Impacts of Coastal Tourism Development on Urban Development : Take Sanya , Hainan as Case Study

  16. 在此背景下,海滨旅游便成为许多人休闲放松的理想方式之一。

    Under this circumstance , coastal tourism has become an ideal way to relax for many people .

  17. 厦门海滨旅游现状、趋势及发展对策分析

    The Analysis of Actualities , Directions and Countermeasures of Chinese Seashore Tourism & give an example to xiamen

  18. 目前国内关于海滨旅游地的研究主要集中在旅游资源评价方面,有关旅游客流和居民感知的研究成果不多。

    Up till now , considerable research on coast resorts mainly deals with the evaluation of tourist resources .

  19. 不合理的规划,低水平的建设给海滨旅游度假区的发展产生了巨大的阻碍。

    Unreasonable planning , the construction of low-level waterfront tourism resort to the development of the enormous obstacles .

  20. 这个城市是海滨旅游胜地,许多人夏天去那儿避暑。

    This city is a coastal resort , many people go there in summer to escape the heat .

  21. 海滨旅游产品深度开发思路探讨&以大连市为例

    Exploration and Discussion of the Further Development of the Coastal Tourism Products & A Case Study of Dalian

  22. 但是,海滨旅游城市面临的问题严重影响到了城市的可持续发展。

    However , the problems faced by seashore tourism cities have seriously influenced the sustainable development of these cities .

  23. 在此基础上,对中国海滨旅游以后的研究进行了展望。

    Then on the basic of these , the authors put forward on the domestic study on coastal tourism .

  24. 近年来,海滨旅游城市经济发展迅速,为我国经济的发展作出了突出贡献。

    In recent years , seashore tourism cities have made great contributions to economic development of the whole country .

  25. 旅游业是当今世界上最大的产业,未来仍将保持强劲的发展势头,而世界旅游业发展最快和发展潜力最大的区域是海滨旅游区。

    Abstract Tourism , the biggest industry in the world , will be maintained a strong momentum of development .

  26. 海南岛四周多为优质沙滩,可开发成海滨旅游胜地。

    Davao Islands is much oner all sides is a high-quality sandy beach , can develop seashore tour divine spot .

  27. 认为云台山风景名胜区气候资源十分优越,海滨旅游资源优势非常突出。

    It is concluded that Mt. Yuntai Scenic Spot is endowed with a salubrious climate and rich coastal tourist resources .

  28. 海滨旅游地居民对旅游影响的感知&海南省海口市及三亚市实证研究

    Residents ' Perception of Tourism Impacts in Coast Resorts & The Case Study of Haikou and Sanya Cities , Hainan Province

  29. 大连作为中国的一个优秀旅游城市,其发展目标是要成为中国北方最具吸引力的休闲、度假型海滨旅游中心城市。

    As a " china excellent tourism city ", Dalian 's developing target is to become the most attractivest leisure and vacation tourism central city .

  30. 因此大连这个海滨旅游胜地被安踏品牌划为一线城市,而大多数营销商却将之视为二线城市

    So Dalian , a seaside resort , ranks as a first-tier city for Anta but would be considered to be the second tier by most