
dēnɡ yuè cānɡ
  • lunar module
  1. 登月舱此时在围绕月球的天体轨道上运行。

    The lunar module is now in orbit around the moon .

  2. 登月舱开始倾斜着向月球表面降落。

    The lunar module begins a slanting descent to the moon 's surface .

  3. 显然,这会给登月舱或任何RT系统造成灾难性的后果。

    Clearly this could lead to disastrous consequences for the Lander , or any RT system .

  4. 示例应用程序模拟了无人值守的LunarLander登月舱的控制技术。

    The sample application simulates the control technology for an unmanned Lunar Lander module .

  5. 当登月舱遇到月球表面的时分灯亮起。

    Lights up when the LM is on the lunar surface .

  6. 艾德文·巴兹·奥尔德林是登月舱驾驶员。

    Edwin " Buzz " Aldrin was pilot of the moon lander vehicle .

  7. 在登月舱上半截的一次驾驶,可真是一次难得的经验。

    A ride in the lunar module 's upper stage was quite an experience .

  8. 他们只好取消了在月球着陆的计划,并利用登月舱作为救生艇。

    They had to cancel the moon landing and use the moon lander as a lifeboat .

  9. 两名宇航员将从在轨道上飞行的指令舱乘载登月舱在月球着陆。

    Two astronauts would ride in it from the orbiting command module to the moon 's surface .

  10. 据星期日的报道,上面载有宇航员的登月舱已经找到。

    It was reported on Sunday that the lunar module has been found with astronauts on board .

  11. 宇航员和飞行指挥中心立即决定使用登月舱作为救生艇。

    The astronauts and the flight control center quickly decided that the lunar module could be their lifeboat .

  12. 离开的时间到了。他们回到了老鹰登月舱上,安全地驾驶它离开了月球。

    When it was time to leave , they returned to the Eagle and guided it safely away .

  13. 第一艘登月舱现陈列于华盛顿的史密森学会航空航天博物馆。

    The first lunar module is now on display at the Smithsonian air and Space Museum in washington .

  14. 红线显示了登月舱的实际位置,蓝线显示了雷达度量的位置。

    The red line shows the Lander 's true position , the blue line the position measured by radar .

  15. 然后,他们开始准备发动登月舱起飞,返回正在绕月轨道上飞行的指令舱。

    Then they began to prepare to launch the lander for the return flight to the orbiting command module .

  16. 他走出了登月舱寒冷、暗的阴影,迈入了眩目的白色阳光中。

    He left the cold black shadow of the lander and stepped into the blinding white light of the sun .

  17. 质疑者:当登月舱从月球表面起飞时,它的下部没有喷出火焰。

    Sceptic : There was no exhaust flame spurting from beneath the lunar module when it blasted off from the moon .

  18. 最后,飞船指令长阿姆斯特朗和美国国家宇航局的航天操控者们同意此时将登月舱“鹰”与哥伦比亚号的指令舱分离。

    Finally , spacecraft commander Armstrong and NASA flight controllers agreed it was time to separate the lander module Eagle from the command module Columbia .

  19. 阿姆斯特朗走出[鹰]号登月舱,成为第一个登上月球的人。他将载入历史成为人类探索宇宙的先驱。

    That 's the day astronaut Neil Armstrong stepped down from the spaceship Eagle and became the first human to set foot on the moon .

  20. 勘查工作完成之后,月球上的两位宇航员便引发登月舱上的火箭,重新回到宇宙飞船内。

    When the exploration was completed , the two astronauts on the moon would blast off in the landing craft to join the moon-ship once more .

  21. 当其中一名太空人在船舱中绕著月球飞行的时候,另一名在登月舱中向月球表面降落。

    While one of the astronauts went round the moon in the command module , the other went down to the surface in the lunar module .

  22. 你可以睡在月球探险车里,在登月舱里洗澡,墙壁和天花板上都贴满了闪闪的星星和各种神秘星球。

    You can sleep in a moon buggy , bathe in a lunar capsule , and the walls and ceilings are covered in twinkling stars and planets .

  23. 本文根据登月舱的运动方程,在固定推力条件下,给出最优推力方向。

    In this paper according to the equation of movement of the lunar module , under the condition of fixed thrust , the optimal direction of thrust is obtained .

  24. 将系数冻结后的最优轨迹作为参考模型,并将登月舱软着陆的动力学模型线性化,从而问题转化为一个标准的模型参考跟踪问题。

    The optimal trajectory is represented as reference models with frozen coefficients and the dynamic model of the lander is linearized . Consequently , the problem comes down to a standard model reference control problem .

  25. 1969年7月16日,奥尔登特派团指挥官尼尔·阿姆斯特朗,航空舱试验官迈克尔·柯林斯和登月舱驾驶员埃德温·尤金·奥尔德林共同启程飞向月球。7月20日,阿姆斯特朗和奥尔德林成为登陆月球第一人,而柯林斯并没有走出登月舱。

    Launched on July 16 , 1969 , it carried Mission Commander Neil Alden Armstrong , Command Module Pilot Michael Collins , and Lunar Module Pilot Edwin Eugene ' Buzz ' Aldrin , Jr. On July 20 , Armstrong and Aldrin became the first humans to land on the Moon , while Collins orbited above .