
hénɡ é
  • banner;placard
横额 [héng é]
  • (1) [horizontal tablet]∶横匾

  • (2) [a horizontal inscription scroll]∶横批

  • (3) [slogan banner]∶横幅标语

  1. 书院于五月底在伯利冲宿舍停车场增设了横额回收箱。

    A banner recycling bin has been placed in the car park of Bethlehem Hall since late May .

  2. 网上横额广告&>特价HK$300月费,送首月月费.贵公司可在合约期内除时使用此优惠。

    Web banner advertisement special price at HK $ 300 / month , free for the 1st month . You may use this special offer at anytime within the contract period .

  3. 横额标题:横跨整个版面的大字主标题。

    Banner : the main headline , in large type , across the full width of a page .

  4. 欢迎各学生团体将弃用的横额投至回收箱内,共建绿色校园。

    All student organisations are welcome to dispose their used banners into the recycling bin for building a green campus .

  5. 东向(城内)尚存横额,“胥门”二字已毁,砖雕边维修。

    To the east ( the city ) surviving banners ," Xu Men ," the word has been destroyed , while brick repairs .

  6. 他们带上书本、横额和宣言,却全都是空白的,进一步强调他们这次运动的随心所欲。

    They carry books , banners , and manifestoes , all of which are blank , further implying the arbitrary nature of their campaign .

  7. 运动制服、各国奖杯、襟章、奖牌、锦旗、横额、银碟、银器、水晶制品、木盾、木器等等。

    Johnson Sports uniform and Trophy specializes in sports uniforms , national trophies , badges and medals , flags and banners , silverwares , crystals , wooden products , etc.

  8. 在横额上雕有书体不同的寿字百个,其结构形制和装饰雕刻基本上与百狮坊相类似。

    In the body of the book banners have carved hundreds of different Longevity , its structure is basically the shape and decorative carving is similar to a lion tamer Square .

  9. 同时,一个全新的《英文虎报》横额正设于人流热点尖沙咀天星码头,为新一浪的宣传攻势展开序幕。

    In addition , a brand new banner of The Standard is currently being displayed at the Star Ferry pier in Tsim Sha Tsui , as part of a new marketing campaign of the newspaper .