
  • 网络Chinese News;china news;News of China;ChinaNews;Chugoku Shimbun
  1. 中国新闻社(ChinaNewsService)援引叶诗文自己的话称:我的成绩来源于勤奋和训练,不会使用任何禁药。

    Ye herself was quoted by the China News Service as saying : My results come from hard work and training and I would never use any banned drugs .

  2. 根据官方媒体中国新闻社(ChinaNews,简称:中新社)上周末的报道,这名开着宝马车去参加辽宁省高考的男生试图用手机作弊,结果被监考老师抓了个正着。

    According to the state-run China News , over the weekend , the student who had driven a BMW to test site in Liaoning province was caught by an official when he tried to cheat by looking at his phone .

  3. 中国新闻媒体报道称,零售商家库存的金色iPhone已经全部售完。

    Chinese news outlets reported that retailers have already sold all of the gold iPhone 5S models they had in stock .

  4. 最近,中国新闻社的一则报道称,北京有约50万名年龄在25至50岁之间的女性属于剩女或称3S女性--单身,70年代生人,不知所措。

    A China News Service report recently described the roughly half-million single women aged 25-50 living in Beijing as shengn ü ( leftover women ) , or " 3S " women - single , seventies ( most shengn ü born in the 1970s ) and stuck .

  5. 据中国新闻社报道,中国住房和城乡建设部(简称MHURC)于周四在北京正式成立。

    China 's Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Construction ( MHURC ) was formally launched on Thursday in Beijing , China News Service reports .

  6. 中国新闻纸的生产、市场、竞争与发展

    Production , market , competition and development of China 's newsprint

  7. 媒介生态学:中国新闻史研究的新路径

    Media Ecology : the New Research Way of Chinese Journalistic History

  8. 1949年以来的中国新闻史研究及其反思

    Research and Reflection on the History of Chinese Journalism Since 1949

  9. 中国新闻传媒准入制度初探

    A Preliminary Discussion of China 's Admittance System of News Media

  10. 中国新闻周刊的生存状况与发展路径

    Living Spaces and Developing Approaches of China 's News Weekly Magazines

  11. 论网络时代中国新闻传播业的生态变迁

    On Ecological Changes of Chinese New Media in Internet Era

  12. 中国新闻舆论监督思想研究

    The Study of Press Supervision of Public Opinion in China

  13. 中国新闻传播领域中的女性角色研究

    Studies on the Female Status in the Chinese Journalism Field

  14. 2006年中国新闻舆论监督综述

    A Review on the Research of Supervision by Public Opinion in 2006

  15. 中国新闻网站的首页分析

    Analysis of the Front Page of China 's Journalistic Websites

  16. 近代中国新闻文化嬗变中的历史阵痛与现实解读

    News Culture in Modern China : Its Historical Throes and Realistic Analysis

  17. 中国新闻纸需求量灰色预测

    Gray System Forecasting of China 's Demand for Newsprint

  18. 当代世界新闻业与中国新闻业总体特征分析

    An Analysis of Overall Features of the Contemporary World Journalism and Chinese Journalism

  19. 摘要中国新闻发言人制度发展中存在三大问题。

    China 's press spokesman system has had three problems during its upgrowth .

  20. 19世纪末是中国新闻事业蓬勃发展的时期。

    The news cause was flourishing at the end of the nineteenth century .

  21. 储安平是中国新闻史上的重要人物之一。

    Chu Anping is one of the important figures in Chinese journalism history .

  22. 教会报刊与近代中国新闻事业

    Church newspapers and the journalism of modern China

  23. 专门史课程教学探析&以《中国新闻事业史》为例

    A Probe into the Teaching of Specialized History

  24. 湖南卫视掀起了中国新闻电视改革的新一轮狂飙。

    Hunan TV station is the leader of the reformation of Chinese news programs .

  25. 外经贸部新闻发言人胡楚生2003-2005中国新闻发言人制度

    Mr. Hu Chusheng , Spokesman of the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation

  26. “事实”与“意见”的关系体现了现代中国新闻报道思想历史演进的内在逻辑。

    On the historical position of journalistic thoughts of the Communist Party of China ;

  27. 这是否意味着,《好莱坞报道》将把更多资源放在中国新闻的采集上面呢?

    Does that mean The Reporter will devote more resources to newsgathering in China ?

  28. 中国新闻周刊:当时出于怎么样一种心情而来写作这篇文章?

    China News Week : What was your intention when you wrote the article ?

  29. 黄远生在中国新闻史上是一个开启新闻本位时代的重要人物。

    " Huang Yuansheng " is the first political journalism of the Chinese press .

  30. 对当代中国新闻娱乐化现象成因的分析和思考

    Analysis and reflection of the cause for the phenomenon in entertained news of modern China