
tóu zhěn
  • headrest
头枕[tóu zhěn]
  1. 同时将头枕导向装置向上拉出。

    Pull the headrest guide up and out at the same time .

  2. 追尾碰撞主动头枕的控制策略研究

    Control Algorithm of Active Headrest in Rear End Collision

  3. 她头枕着胳膊躺在草地上。

    She lay on the grass , her head pillowed on her arms .

  4. 头枕垫子仰卧。

    Lie face upwards with a cushion under your head .

  5. 我躺在床上,将头枕在柔软的羽绒枕上。

    In bed , I rest my head on a soft pillow filled with feathers .

  6. 基于ADAMS的头枕冲击试验机弹射系统仿真分析

    Simulation of Head Restraints Impact Test-Bed Ejection System Based on ADAMS

  7. 在“虎版M3”的内部,每一个座椅头枕上都绣着一个桔黄色的虎头。

    Inside , each of the headrests is embroidered with an orange tiger 's head .

  8. 一位微博用户写道:头枕不是用来砸玻璃的。这位网友还给出了《北京晨报》(BeijingMorningPost)刊登的一篇文章,文章援引某汽车生产厂家的话说,金属插头只起支撑作用。

    One user wrote that headrests are not made for smashing windows , linking to an article published by the Beijing Morning Post that quoted a car manufacturer stating that headrests are designed for the sole purpose of support .

  9. S500加长版轿车:前排座椅豪华头枕

    Luxury head restraints for front seats for S 500 Long Wheelbase Version

  10. 她让他将头枕在她的手臂上来安慰他。

    She pillowed his head on her arm to comfort him .

  11. 他走了过来,把他的头枕在我的裙子上。

    He came over , put his head in my lap .

  12. 他头枕着胳膊打瞌睡。

    He dozed off with his head on his arm .

  13. 他头枕着胳膊,睡着了。

    He was asleep with his arms on his heads .

  14. 汽车座椅头枕结构的参数化设计

    Parameterization Design of Structure of Automotive Seat Head rest

  15. 将拔出的头枕导向装置向外按。

    Press the headrest guide you pulled out outwards .

  16. 这款环抱式旅行头枕让小孩感觉如同被抱着。

    They will feel like they 're being hugged .

  17. 约翰现在头枕着我的肩膀睡着了。

    John was now asleep , with his head resting on my shoulder .

  18. 前言:目的:进一步为临床治疗头枕部疼痛提供解剖学基础。

    Objective : To provide more anatomical basis for treatment of occipital neuralgia .

  19. 检查头枕导向装置是否牢固入位。

    Check that the headrest guide is seated securely .

  20. 基于虚拟仪器的汽车座椅头枕测试系统开发

    The Development of Headrest of the Chair of Automobile Test Bed on Virtual Instrument

  21. 该头枕也应一并调整,以帮助促进良好的态势。

    The headrest should also be adjusted in order to help facilitate good posture .

  22. 头枕着遥远的喜马拉雅山脉东部的末端

    Lying atthe far eastern end ofthe Himalayas ,

  23. 真空负压助产中胎头枕后位增加肛门括约肌损伤风险

    Occiput posterior fetal head position increases the risk of anal sphincter injury in vacuum-assisted deliveries

  24. 方法:对7例头枕部高压电击伤病人进行回顾性分析。

    Methods : 7 cases with high voltage electricity injury in occipital region were analyzed retrospectively .

  25. 你的头枕在我的手臂上!

    This arm beneath your head !

  26. 她坐在我身边,头枕在我胳膊上听我讲故事。

    She sat next to me with her head on my arm as I told the tale .

  27. 有时候他躺在地板上,曲着腿,头枕在肘上。

    Sometimes he reclined on the floor , his legs bent , his head sustained on one elbow .

  28. 贝基现在快15岁了,她坐在那儿,让拉尔夫的头枕在她的腿上。

    Becky , nearly fifteen years old now , sat with Ralph 's head resting on her lap .

  29. 如何工作:主动安全头枕缩短了乘客头部与头枕的距离。

    How They Work : Active head restraints narrow the space between an occupant 's head and the headrest .

  30. 他依着她的话坐下去,她把她的头枕在马吕斯的膝上,眼睛不望马吕斯,独自说道

    He obeyed ; she laid her head on Marius'knees , and , without looking at him , she said