
xìn xī tí ɡōnɡ zhě
  • information provider
  1. MIDI文件播放器应用程序充当了一个信息提供者,它对MIDI文件进行排序,并将命令发布给代理。

    A MIDI file player application acts as an information provider by sequencing a MIDI file and publishing the commands to the broker .

  2. 最后,MIDI输入应用程序通过捕捉MIDI命令并将他们发布给代理充当了信息提供者,这些MIDI命令是通过键盘这样的控制器输入的。

    Finally , a MIDI input application acts as an information provider by capturing MIDI commands entered via a controller such as a keyboard and publishing them to the broker .

  3. 信息提供者可以根据需要运用XML语言,自行定义标记及属性名,结构化地描述信息内容。

    The information providers can define their own tags and attribute to describe the structured content .

  4. 它具有和其他缓存信息提供者(如Portlet、Portal页面和Theme)同样的权限。

    It has equal rights of other cache information contributors , such as portlets , portal pages , and themes .

  5. 参考Web服务模型,构建栅格交换模型,确定信息提供者、信息请求者和信息目录服务器之间关系以及各自的功能。

    Reference Web Services Mode , grid exchange model had been built , the respective functions and relationship between the information providers information requesters and information directory server had been determined .

  6. 当一个呼叫从内部到外部电话放在号码,交换机发送必要的信息提供者的SIP中继谁建立了调用拨打的号码,并作为为调用中介行为。

    The provider can also terminate PSTN numbers , and route incoming calls for those numbers back to the IP PBX over the SIP can also Trunk .

  7. 信息提供者发布的所有NoteOn命令将会用此主题作标记。

    All NoteOn commands published by the information provider would be tagged with this topic .

  8. MIGA说,MIGA与当地信息提供者(如投资促进和私有化机构以及商业信息提供者)结成合作伙伴关系,以保持网站内容的及时性与准确性。

    MIGA partners with local information providers such as investment promotion and privatization agencies and business information providers to keep website content fresh and accurate , says MIGA .

  9. 信息提供者数量对职务信息完整性的影响

    Effects of the Numbers of Information Providers on Job Information Completeness

  10. 因特网用户既是信息提供者又是信息收集者。

    Internet users are either information providers or information gatherers .

  11. 她说,拉丁美洲的环境记者不仅仅是简单的信息提供者。

    Environmental journalists in Latin America are more than simple informers , she says .

  12. 潜在投资者的查询一般直接送达当地信息提供者。

    Inquiries from would-be investors are often sent directly to the local information provider .

  13. 经纪人&促进信息提供者和对信息感兴趣的组织间的伙伴关系。

    Brokerage – facilitates partnership between information providers and organizations interested in consuming it .

  14. 在对信息提供者和信息消费者进行感知差异性比较中也发现,信息提供者比信息消费者更加重视信息的真实性。

    It is found that the information provider paid more attention to the authenticity than information consumer .

  15. 方法用因子分析法得出不同信息提供者版本的因子结构。

    Method : Factor analyses were carried out to examine the factor structure for each of informant separately .

  16. 图书馆作为具有悠久历史的传统知识信息提供者,在互联网快速发展的环境下,也进行了数字化变革。

    Libraries , as traditional knowledge providers , with the rapid development of the Internet , implemented digital revolution .

  17. 那些以提供数据为主的网站给予用户及信息提供者方便的更新界面方式。

    The introduction of data driven sites provides a fast and easily updateable interface for both user and provider .

  18. 他说,更多记者应该接受关于如何采访受过心理创伤的人的培训,以保护他们自己和信息提供者。

    He says that more reporters should be trained in interviewing traumatized people , to protect both themselves and their sources .

  19. 直属海关要成为海关立法的积极建议者、有益补充者和信息提供者。

    To make the directly subject customs become the positive advisor , beneficial complement and provider for information of customs legislation .

  20. 与之类似网站的信息提供者往往是为良心所驱使,为公共利益而透露资料。

    Sites like WikiLeaks work because sources , more often than not pricked by conscience , come forward with information in the public interest .

  21. 通过利用本馆和其他图书情报单位和信息提供者的信息资源来满足读者的信息需求。

    The information needs of the readers are met by using the information resources from the library itself , other libraries and the information supporter .

  22. 会计在这套制度安排中充当信息提供者和监督管理的重要角色,是所有者对经营者进行激励和监督的主要工具。

    Accounting plays a role for providing information and supervising in this system and it is the very thing for the owners to do the assessments .

  23. 本研究探讨3种不同实验情境下,信息提供者数量对职务分析信息完整性及击中完整性的影响。

    This study was intended to explore the effects of numbers of the information providers on job information completeness and the hit completeness under different experimental conditions .

  24. 在授权的过程中,尤其是国际组织的创立过程中,第三方将发挥相当重要的信息提供者的作用。

    In the process of delegation , especially in the process of international organizations creation , third parties will play a very important role as information providers .

  25. 而内幕交易法居然不可思议地规定,判断某人(不一定是购买股票的那个人)是否违法,要看他是否违反了对信息提供者的受托责任。

    And insider trading law strangely requires someone ( not necessarily the person who bought shares ) to have breached a fiduciary duty to the source of the information .

  26. 付费采访是指新闻媒体及其从业人员以向信息提供者支付费用的方式获取新闻信息的专业活动。

    " Paid interview " refers to the specialized activities in which the press media and press practitioners pay information suppliers for access to the press information they offer .

  27. 这一创新的服务理念包括使潜在读者变为现实读者,变偶尔读者为经常读者,变信息提供者为知识导航者等内容。

    This innovation service idea includes changing the potential readers to realistic readers , changing the occasional readers to regular readers , and changing information providers to knowledge navigators .

  28. 由于这一点,发布/订阅消息实现了信息提供者(发布者)和信息使用者(订阅者)的完全分离。

    Because of this , publish / subscribe messaging completely decouples the provider of the information ( the publisher ) from the consumer of that information ( the subscriber ) .

  29. 近年来,在我国各城市都出现了一类被称作“新闻报料人”(或新闻线人)的媒体信息提供者。

    In recent years , a kind of media information provider called " People of giving news clues "( or news informants ) has appeared in every city of our country .

  30. 在该控制方案中,引入了信任信息提供者这一新的成员,还对该控制方案的工作过程做了详细描述。

    Compared with the traditional static control scheme , this dynamic control scheme is more adoptable to the development trends of EC , which adds a new member , trust information provider .