
yí nàn
  • problem;difficult;knotty;puzzle
疑难 [yí nán]
  • [difficult;knotty] 疑惑难解的

  • 疑难病症

  • [problem] 疑惑难解的道理或问题

疑难[yí nàn]
  1. 颅内疑难肿瘤的MRI多序列图像分析

    MR imaging manifestation of difficult diagnostic brain tumors

  2. GECT/T8800滤线器疑难故障一例

    A Difficult Problem for GE CT / TJ8800 Filter

  3. 如果碰到疑难,就点击“帮助”。

    If you get stuck , click on Help .

  4. 许多疑难病症要耗时数年才能搞明白。

    It took years to understand many perplexing diseases

  5. 为疑难管理问题提供了解决之道,这些疑难管理问题诸如冲突(conflict)、人际沟通(interpersonalcommunication)和时间约束(timeconstraint)等等。

    Provides answers to tough management issues like conflict , interpersonal communications , and time constraints .

  6. 对日本松下无控电缆CO2焊机疑难故障的排除

    Fixing knotty breakdown of panasonic noncontrol cable CO_2 welder

  7. 远程系统不可用。有关网络疑难解答,请见Windows帮助。

    The remote system is not available . For information about network troubleshooting , see Windows Help .

  8. PCR技术常见疑难浅析及策略

    Common Difficulties and Tactics of PCR Technique

  9. 难下定义、描述或分析的MicrosoftWORD疑难问题解析

    Impossible to define , describe , or analyze . Analysis of the Difficult Problems in Microsoft Word

  10. SDH结构刨析及疑难故障探索

    SDH Structure Analysis and Difficult Breakdown Discussion

  11. MoS2固体润滑剂在解决设备维修疑难问题时的作用

    The Function of MoS_2 Solid Lubricants for Solving the Difficult Problem of Repairing Equipments

  12. 结论对临床疑为十二指肠血管压迫综合征患者,上消化道钡餐造影是一种简单易行的诊断方法,如遇疑难病例则可考虑作CT血管造影等检查。

    Conclusion The upper gastrointestinal contrast X-ray study is a convenient and effective method for duodenal vascular compression syndrome . CT angiography is useful in some complicated cases .

  13. 但是阅读医学疑难类书籍就有点与众不同了,能表现你学术方面的精准,昆丁J舒尔茨这样说道。

    But reading medical mysteries is a little quirky and shows some intellectual rigor , says Quentin J. Schultze .

  14. 他是IBMPlatformasaService产品的共享服务(如,日志、监控和缓存服务)和服务(疑难解答)的技术负责人。

    He is the technical lead for shared services ( like logging , monitoring , and caching services ) and services ( troubleshooting ) for the IBM Platform as a Service products .

  15. 用分子生物学技术鉴定新生儿脐血ABO疑难血型

    The Molecular Method for the ABO Blood Group Typing for the Neonate Cord Blood Samples

  16. 针对e-维护中疑难故障的诊断问题开发了基于IP组播和CSCW的设备远程协同诊断软件原型;

    Aiming at the difficult diagnostic problems in e-maintenance , the long-distance co-operative diagnostic software based on IP multicast and CSCW technology is developed .

  17. 用IgH、TCR基因重排技术检测疑难淋巴组织增生性病变

    Detecting Problematic Proliferative Lesions of Lymph Tissue by IgH and TCR Gene Rearrangement Technique

  18. 您可以选择一个强大的、充满生机的社区为您解答疑难、修复bug、向其中增加新函数。

    You 'll find a strong , vibrant community answering questions , fixing bugs , and adding new functions in both camps .

  19. ICD疑难编码研究与技术性处理

    An Investigation and Technical Management on ICD Knotty Coding

  20. 假丝酵母属疑难菌株大亚基rDNAD1/D2区域序列分析及其分类学意义

    Molecular taxonomic study on the problematic Candida strains based on 26S rDNA d1 / d2 domain sequence comparison

  21. 随着分子生物学理论和实验技术的进一步发展,PCR方法在鉴定ABO疑难血型方面将有更广泛的应用前景。

    With the further development of molecular biological theory and techniques , PCR possesses an extensive application to identifying the suspicious ABO blood group .

  22. 对于类风湿性关节炎(RA)等临床常见病、疑难病,中医药辨证施治(分证论治)是具有优势的治疗手段。

    The treatment based on differentiation of syndromes in Chinese Medicine ( CM ) has manifested its superiority to some chronic and common diseases .

  23. 目的:分析疑难危重病例率(CD率)和病例优良率,验证病例分型分级的合理性和稳定性。

    Objective : To analyze case difficulty danger rates ( CD rates ) and case eligible rates , and to validate the rationality and stability of case branch and classification .

  24. MRU在小儿泌尿道畸形疑难病例诊断中的应用

    Application of MRU in Diagnosis of Difficult Pediatric Cases with Urinary Tract Congenital Malformation

  25. 结论根据临床经过和必要的实验室检查大部分FUO病例可以明确病因诊断,病理学检查对疑难病例的诊断提供重要依据,极少数病人最终只能依赖尸检明确诊断。

    Pathological examination is very important in diagnosing the etiology of FUO .

  26. 三组的数据在统计学上有明显差异,说明FCM测定DNA含量有可能成为子宫颈癌早期诊断中解决疑难问题的一条新途径。

    As the data showed significant difference , it is believed that the FCM assay of DNA content may add a clue to solve the difficult problem in early diagnosis of cervical cancer .

  27. 本文介绍了学习和运用MCS-51系列单片机中的一些技巧,特别针对MCS-51单片机的一些疑难指令提供了相应的解决方法

    The paper introduces techniques of learning and using MCS-51 single chip computers , It is aimed at some knotty instructions to supply appropriate solving methods

  28. 胚胎干细胞(Embryonicstemcell,EScell)在细胞诱导分化方面具有可塑性强、分裂增值旺盛和免疫原性低等特点,为进行细胞移植治疗疑难疾病带来希望。

    Embryonic stem ( ES ) cells have the character of high plasticity , apt proliferation and division and lower antigenic specificity , which can bring great expect to the cell replacement therapy in the treatment of desperate diseases .

  29. 众所周知,Newton引力理论有一些无法解决的疑难,例如万有引力定律方程式的非洛伦兹协变性、水星近日点的附加进动等。

    It is well known that , Newton 's gravitational theory has some intrinsic difficulties , such as the non-Lorentz covariant of the gravitational field , the orbital precession of Mercury etc. .

  30. 结论肺活检术获取肺组织是弥漫性间质性肺疾病、不典型肺疾病或罕见疑难病症最直接的诊断方法,对常规、胸部高分辨CT检查等未能确诊的病例,具有较高的诊断价值。

    Conclusion Harvest of lung tissue directly by biopsy could be the most useful diagnostic method for DPID , and it is a highly valuable diagnostic tool for those patients whose diagnosis is uncertain with routine chest film and high resolution computed tomography .