
yuè yár
  • crescent moon
  1. 女性堕落文本的互补性阐释&《月牙儿》、《沉香屑·第一炉香》比较

    Female Degeneration-A comparison of Crescent Moon with Crumbs of Agalloch Eaglewood-the First Incense Burner

  2. 是的,在这三四年里我想不起曾经看见过月牙儿;

    Yes , for three or four years I don 't recall seeing the crescent moon ;

  3. 《羊脂球》与《月牙儿》的女主人公形象比较

    The Heroine Image Comparison of BALL of FAT and CRESCENT MOON

  4. 象月牙儿般,遥不可及地悬挂在空中。

    Like Crescent Moon-like , distant land hanging in the air .

  5. 一直的我立到月牙儿落下去。

    I stood there until the moon had set .

  6. 她那双眼睛,笑起来就像一对月牙儿。

    When she smiled , her eyes resembled a pair of crescent moons .

  7. 那第一次,带着寒气的月牙儿确是带着寒气。

    The first time , the chill crescent moon really brought a chill .

  8. 是的,我又看见月牙儿了,带着点寒气的一钩儿浅金。

    Yes , I 've seen the crescent moon again - a chill sickle of pale gold .

  9. 妈和我还穿着白袍,我又看见了月牙儿。

    Mama and I were both wearing white gowns again the next tame I saw the crescent moon .

  10. 有时月牙儿已经上来,她还哼哧哼哧的洗。

    Some times , even after the crescent moon had already risen , she would still be scrubbing away .

  11. 我失去那个月牙儿,也失去了自己,我和妈妈一样了!

    I had lost the crescent moon , and myself as well . I was the same as mama !

  12. 超越性别的女性生命体验&析老舍《月牙儿》的女性意识

    Taste of Female Life beyond the Sex & Analyses of the female consciousness in A Piece of Moon by Lao She

  13. 在北方,年夜饭的传统饭是饺子或像月牙儿形的汤圆。

    In the north , a traditional dish for the feast is " Jiaozi " or dumplings shaped like a crescent moon .

  14. 怎样进的城,我就不知道了,只记得迷迷糊糊的天上有个月牙儿。

    How we got back to the city I don 't know . I only remember hazily that there was a crescent moon in the sky .

  15. 我的心像&还是像那个月牙儿,只能亮那么一会儿,而黑暗是无限的。

    My heart was like that crescent moon - only able to shine a little while , surrounded by a darkness that was black and limitless .

  16. 月在这样的夜里,瘦得只剩下半弧月牙儿,望着天空,不由感叹&“人生代代无穷己,江月年年只相似。”

    In this month 's night , only half of thin arc Crescent Moon , looking at the sky , not help sigh & " Life is endless generations have , year after year just like the moon . "

  17. 只是一想起学校就想到花罢了,正像一想起爸的坟就想起城外的月牙儿&在野外的小风里歪歪着。

    Yet whenever I think of school I think of flowers . Just as whenever I think of Papa 's grave I think of a crescent moon outside the city - hanging crooked in the wind blowing across the fields .

  18. 四外漆黑,没有声音,只有月牙儿放出一道几冷光。我们紧走慢走,还没有走到城门,我看见了月牙儿。

    All around us was darkness and silence . Only the crescent moon gave off a cold glow . We walked and walked , sometimes fast , sometimes slow . We still hadn 't reached the city gate when I saw the crescent moon again .