
  • 【医】nom dub
  1. 每日邮报称克里希在阿森纳的未来成疑,担心这名防守球员不签下一份新合同。

    The Daily Mail says Clichy 's future with Arsenal is in doubt as fears grow that the defender will not sign a new contract .

  2. 据《广州日报》报道,日本近日暂停使用疑致日本4名儿童死亡的两款疫苗,分别为由美国辉瑞公司生产的“沛儿”和法国赛诺菲安万特的“安尔宝”疫苗。

    Japan has stopped using the US 's Pfizer Inc 's Prevenar and France 's Sanofi Aventis SA 's ActHIBor vaccines while it investigates the deaths of4 children who were inoculated .