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yí huò
  • doubt;puzzle;reservation;bemusement;not be convinced;be not convinced;feel uncertain;dubiety
疑惑 [yí huò]
  • (1) [puzzle]∶迷惑,不理解

  • 面有疑惑

  • (2) [feel uncertain;be not convinced]∶怀疑,不相信

  • (3) [unpeaceful]∶疑虑不安,犹豫不定

疑惑[yí huò]
  1. “我怎么办呢?”她疑惑地说。

    ' What am I going to do ? ' she wondered aloud .

  2. 她用疑惑的眼睛看着我们。

    She stared at us with unbelieving eyes .

  3. 他满腹疑惑地盯着我。

    He stared at me in disbelief .

  4. 一丝疑惑困扰着她。

    A doubt niggled at her .

  5. 她疑惑地望着他。

    She looked at him quizzically .

  6. 乔用手摸了一把脸,看上去疑惑不解。

    Joe passed his hand over his face and looked puzzled .

  7. 神父在亮光下皱起了眉头,一脸疑惑。

    The priest frowned into the light , his face puzzled .

  8. 他们有些疑惑自己的饮料里是否被偷偷搀了烈性酒。

    They wondered whether their drinks had been spiked .

  9. 他们满脸疑惑。

    A look of bemusement spread across their faces .

  10. 他虽疑惑但还是笑了笑。

    He smiled , unsullied by doubt .

  11. 吃晚饭时疑惑消除了:原来他们把我当成肯尼了。

    During dinner the confusion was cleared up : they had mistaken me for Kenny .

  12. 专家们对为什么美国政府没在这个国家采取类似的强硬措施来对抗艾滋病而感到疑惑。

    Experts wonder why the US government is not taking similarly strong actions against AIDS in this country

  13. 我们都很疑惑为什么政府突然批准在岛上建一所新学校。

    We are all wondering why the government is suddenly okaying a brand new school on the island .

  14. 但还有些别的东西,虽没有确凿的证据,却让我心生疑惑。

    But there was something else , too . Not hard evidence , but it made me wonder .

  15. 他站在门口,疑惑地盯着我看。

    He stood at the door , staring at me in disbelief .

  16. 她起了疑惑,便决定弄个水落石出。

    She got suspicious and decided to get to the bottom of it .

  17. 我最好走吧,不然我丈夫准会疑惑我出什么事啦。

    I 'd better be getting along , or my husband will be wondering what 's happened to me .

  18. 我回过头一脸疑惑地看着这个问题。

    I stared back , not understanding the question .

  19. 医生们对他的奇异的不眠感到疑惑

    The doctors were puzzled by this strange continuous sleeplessness .

  20. 小白狗满脸疑惑地望着它,嗅到一股陌生的凶气和野味

    The little dog stares suspiciously at the old wolf .

  21. 疑惑的阴影笼罩着该事件。

    A penumbra of doubt surrounds the incident .

  22. 狗疑惑地嗅着那个陌生人

    The dog sniffed suspiciously at the stranger .

  23. 多读书或许可以减少你的疑惑

    More reading may be allaying your doubt .

  24. 他的疑惑和犹豫令人厌烦

    His doubts and hesitations were tiresome .

  25. 第二天,雌蟹发现她的新郎走起路来和普通螃蟹一样。她便疑惑重重。

    The next day she noticed her new husband walking sideways like all the other crabs2 , and got upset .

  26. 接着,他疑疑惑惑得看着帕特说:“可是,你今天早晨怎么也出来这么早啊?”

    Then looking at Pat with suspicion , he said , " But why are you out so early in the morning ? "

  27. 你是否曾经看到一个奇怪的建筑设计时感到疑惑,“建筑师当时在想啥呢”?或许你觉得“建筑师一定是眼瞎了”,这样想也情有可原。新的调查显示,其实你也许是对的……

    Have you ever looked at a bizarre building design and wondered , " What were the architects thinking ? " … You might be forgiven for thinking " these architects must be blind ! " New research shows that in a real sense , you might actually be right … .

  28. 您可能会疑惑该time参数究竟有何意义。

    You may wonder exactly what that time parameter means .

  29. 让Web设计新手感到疑惑的一个问题是应该将被浮动元素置于源文档的什么位置。

    One area where new Web designers may get confused is determining where to put the floated element within the source document .

  30. 如果英国消费者对O2和Three这两家移动通信供应商100亿英镑的合并计划感到疑惑,是情有可原的。

    British consumers might be forgiven for wondering what problem the proposed & # 163 ; 10bn merger of the mobile providers O2 and Three is designed to solve .