
  • gay;BL;boy's love
  1. 这篇文章剖析了传媒对男同性恋者的描述。

    The article examines the portrayal of gay men in the media .

  2. 上周,我的埃尔顿·约翰艾滋病基金会(EltonJohnAIDSFoundation)宣布,向女同性恋、男同性恋、双性恋和跨性别者组织提供一系列捐赠,以推动艾滋病毒检测和预防活动,提升公众意识,洗除抗艾滋病毒的污名。

    Last week my organization , the Elton John AIDS Foundation , announced a series of grants to lesbian , gay , bisexual and transgender organizations to promote testing and prevention , spread awareness and fight anti-H.I.V. stigma .

  3. 尿液中检测HIV-1抗体进行男同性恋HIV病毒感染筛查的研究

    Analysis of HIV-1 Antibody in Urine Samples for MSM AIDS Infection Test

  4. 东北某地男同性恋者性行为及HIV感染流行病学研究

    Seroprevalence of HIV and risk behaviors among men who have sex with men in a northeast city of China

  5. 目的通过建立结构方程模型,阐明男同性恋者参与HIV检测的影响因素。

    Objective To investigate influencing factors of HIV test among men who have sex with men ( MSM ) under structural equation model .

  6. 在艾滋病护理杂志第一次发表了一篇文章,回顾了在男同性恋者和同性恋社区内关于HIV歧视的研究。

    An article published in the journal AIDS Care has , for the first time , reviewed research on HIV stigma between gay men and within gay communities .

  7. 在八个男同性恋者中,就有一个艾滋病病毒检测呈阳性,但凯泽家族基金会(KaiserFamilyFoundation)的资料显示,大多数同性恋和双性恋男性说,他们不担心艾滋病毒。

    One in eight gay men is H.I.V. - positive , and yet a majority of gay and bisexual men say they are not concerned about H.I.V. , according to new research from the Kaiser Family Foundation .

  8. 在八个男同性恋者中,就有一个艾滋病病毒检测呈阳性,但凯泽家族基金会(KaiserFamilyFoundation)的资料显示,大多数同性恋和双性恋男性说,他们“不担心”艾滋病毒。

    One in eight gay men is H.I.V. - positive , and yet a majority of gay and bisexual men say they are " not concerned " about H.I.V. , according to new research from the Kaiser Family Foundation .

  9. 目的:了解深圳市男同性恋的行为特征及性病(STD)和艾滋病病毒(HIV)的感染状况,为实施有效的干预措施和制定预防控制对策提供信息和依据。

    Objective : To take the effective information and the evidence of intervention and prevention , and explore the characteristics of the male homosexuality , and their status of STD / HIV infection in Shenzhen .

  10. 但根据《婚姻保护法案》,女同性恋、男同性恋、双性恋和变性(LGBT)美国人没有同样的权利。

    But under DOMA , lesbian , gay , bisexual and transgender Americans did not have the same right .

  11. 海绵宝宝是和粉色蜗牛Gary一起生活在海底,他的教练名叫泡芙阿姨(小编注:Puff在英语中是对男同性恋的称呼),该动画片在1999年刚刚播出时在同性恋社团受到欢迎。

    Spongebob , who lives in an underwater pineapple with pink snail Gary and receives driving lessons from Mrs Puff , has been popular with the gay community since his inception in 1999 .

  12. 加州大学旧金山分校的研究表示,性活动频繁的男同性恋者是其他人可能感染一种新的、高度抗药性菌株的许多倍,这种菌株被称作MRSA,是一种广为人知的超级菌株。

    Sexually active gay men are many times more likely than others to acquire a new , highlyantibiotic-resistant strain of the so-called MRSA bacteria widely know as the " superbug ," a UCSFledstudy shows .

  13. “观察:现场”(WatchWhatHappens:Live)的主持人安迪·科恩(AndyCohen)本周早些时候说,他正在eBay上拍卖自己的黑色杜嘉班纳西装,并打算把拍得的款项捐赠给男同性恋权利组织“家庭平等委员会”。

    Andy Cohen , the host of " Watch What Happens : Live , " said earlier this week that he was auctioning his black Dolce suit on eBay and would donate the money to the Family Equality Council , a gay rights organization .

  14. 一项调查指出在美国生活的亚裔LGBT人士(女、男同性恋者、双性恋者、跨性别者),比起结婚的权利,更关心移民、医疗、种族歧视和仇恨犯罪。

    Notably , one study revealed how LGBT Asians in America found concerns over immigration , healthcare , racism , and hate crimes as more critical than obtaining the right to marry .

  15. 一个男同性恋交友应用程序Grindr将用户性别、位置和手机序列号发送给3家广告公司。

    Grindr , an iPhone app for meeting gay men , sent gender , location and phone ID to three ad companies .

  16. Lule补充指出,世行将帮助填补其他捐赠机构未能填补的资金缺口,如通过支持性工作者和男同性恋等弱势群体填补这一缺口。

    The Bank would help fill financing gaps not met by other donors , such as by supporting vulnerable groups , including sex workers and men who have sex with men .

  17. 在工程顾问公司奥雅纳(Arup)设立的LGBT(女同性恋者、男同性恋者、双性恋者与跨性别者)网络的发起仪式上,布朗表示,商界的宽容度仍比不上其他社会领域,并呼吁设定衡量进展的“具体目标”。

    Speaking at the launch of a lesbian and gay , bisexual and transgender network set up by Arup , he said business is still less tolerant than other areas of life and called for " concrete targets " to measure progress .

  18. 这个星期传来惊人的消息:恋爱关系已经走到尽头,但仍然在一起经营生意的这两位,在接受意大利杂志《帕诺拉玛》(Panorama)采访时称,他们不赞成男同性恋者组成自己的家庭。

    So it was something of a surprise this week when word broke that the two men , who are no longer romantically involved but still run their business together , had given an interview in the Italian magazine Panorama in which they said they opposed gay people having families of their own .

  19. 这项提案将有利于那些不希望被贴上离婚标签的男同性恋妻子,Tabitha说,同妻协会的一名志愿者,一个网上支持男同性恋者的配偶的组织。

    The proposal will be advantageous for gay wives who do not wish to be labeled as divorcees , said " Tabitha , " a volunteer with the Tongqi Association , an online support group for wives of gay men .

  20. 这个女孩会让男同性恋重新考虑自己的性取向。

    This girl , she makes gay guys rethink their orientation .

  21. 男同性恋基数估计中认定标准的探讨

    Discussion of identification criteria in estimating size of male homosexual population

  22. 上大学的时候,我最好的朋友就是男同性恋!

    When I was in college gay men were my best friends !

  23. 男同性恋是个新兴的族群。

    The gay Stralght man was a new straln of heterosexual male .

  24. 认识你爸爸之前我还没遇到过男同性恋。

    I never knew any homosexual men personally until I met them .

  25. 如今的男性不仅是男同性恋也是如此。

    Men and not only gay men are now doing the same .

  26. 我知道你代理过男同性恋。

    I know for a fact you 've represented gay clients before .

  27. 有时候我选择就当一个有老二的男同性恋。

    Sometimes I choose just to be a gay man with a dick .

  28. 例如,在整个印度次大陆,男同性恋都是一种刑事犯罪。

    For instance gay sex is a criminal offence across the Indian subcontinent .

  29. 早前的一项研究表明,它也能减少男同性恋者之间的感染风险。

    An earlier study showed that it reduced the risk among gay men .

  30. 有多少“异性恋”男人喜欢跟男同性恋者交往?

    How many " straight " men enjoy the company of gay men ?