- bisexual;bisexuality;LGBT

Pink tourism , also known as gay tourism or LGBT tourism , is a form of niche tourism marketed to gay , lesbian , bisexual and transgender ( LGBT ) people .
June is recognized in the United States as Lesbian , Gay , Bisexual and Transgender Pride Month , or LGBT Pride Month .
They 're quite brazen about their bisexuality , it doesn 't worry them .
As their contribution to the " it gets better " website , more than a dozen gay , lesbian , bisexual and transgender Apple employees talked on camera about how they managed to survive high school .
Take " I Kissed a Girl , " a dim song about experimenting with bisexuality that was Ms. Perry 's first Billboard Hot 100 chart topper , in 2008 .
NPR 's Mara Liasson has more the new protections for lesbian , gay bisexual and transgender employees .
• stand : Apple CEO Tim Cook fought for workplace protection for the LGBT community
One in eight gay men is H.I.V. - positive , and yet a majority of gay and bisexual men say they are not concerned about H.I.V. , according to new research from the Kaiser Family Foundation .
One in eight gay men is H.I.V. - positive , and yet a majority of gay and bisexual men say they are " not concerned " about H.I.V. , according to new research from the Kaiser Family Foundation .
The women were more likely than the men to call themselves bisexual . They were also three times more likely to change their minds about their sexuality in their 20s , the American Sociological Association 's annual conference heard .
But under DOMA , lesbian , gay , bisexual and transgender Americans did not have the same right .
Last week my organization , the Elton John AIDS Foundation , announced a series of grants to lesbian , gay , bisexual and transgender organizations to promote testing and prevention , spread awareness and fight anti-H.I.V. stigma .
Supermodel Cara Delevingne has insisted her bisexuality is not a phase and actress Amber Heard had a long-term relationship with a female photographer before marrying Johnny Depp .
Less predictably , gays and lesbians turned out to be more ambitious than most , with 44 per cent of LGBT workers wanting to be leaders .
Notably , one study revealed how LGBT Asians in America found concerns over immigration , healthcare , racism , and hate crimes as more critical than obtaining the right to marry .
Russian president Vladimir Putin recently signed laws banning the promotion of gay , lesbian or bisexual lifestyles and making foreign tourists who are members of the LGBT community subject to arrest .
Of the 650 members of Britain 's House of Commons , 34 are openly lesbian , gay , bisexual or and transgender ( LGBT ) - about 5.2 % of the total .
ILGA is the only worldwide federation campaigning for lesbian , gay , bisexual , trans and intersex ( LGBTI ) rights and was established in1978 .
The student network , founded in1998 , works to end physical , verbal and online harassment of young people perceived to be gay , lesbian , bisexual or transgender , a group known as LGBT youth .
Researcher Elizabeth McClintock , of the University of Notre Dame in Indiana , said : ' This indicates that women 's sexuality may be more flexible and adaptive than men 's. ' Her study comes as growing numbers of female celebrities openly talk about being bisexual .
In its initial incarnation , Baker 's rainbow flag consisted of eight colours - two more than the version now recognised internationally as an emblem for the LGBT community - and each colour was assigned a symbolic meaning .
Though our Yulya firstly had a baby instead of Elena who is a bit older than her , Yulya once announced that she was a B.I.And Elena also said that Yulya once had been with a girl .
Speaking at the launch of a lesbian and gay , bisexual and transgender network set up by Arup , he said business is still less tolerant than other areas of life and called for " concrete targets " to measure progress .
I didn 't know I am bi until I was13 .
That 's why you 're a dirty bisexual , huh ?
Sexual orientation means heterosexuality , homosexuality , or bisexuality .
She also did not hide the fact that she was bisexual .
Bisexuality immediately doubles your chances for a date on Saturday night .
I apologize if I was derogatory about your bisexuality .
People always ask me if this research means everyone is bisexual .