
  • male chauvinism;Masculinity;masculinist
  1. 科学家们说,即使两者的关系完全正常且无害,这种关系也会对丈夫的男权主义情怀产生负面影响。

    Scientists say that even though these relationships are normally completely harmless , they can have a negative effect on the husband 's feelings of power and masculinity .

  2. 劳伦斯既不是女权主义的呐喊者,也不是男权主义的维护者。

    Lawrence is neither a feminism supporter nor a male chauvinism exponential .

  3. G.P.是小说的另一男主角。他是绝对的男权主义者。

    The other male protagonist , G. P. , is a man with absolute patriarchy .

  4. 掀开法律的男权主义面纱&对中国当代性犯罪立法的文化解读与批判

    A Cultural Explanation and Critique of Chinese Contemporary Sexual Crimes Legislation

  5. 浅析巴金《家》中的男权主义思想

    Brief Analysis of Male Chauvinism in Ba Jin 's " Family "

  6. 海明威历来被作为一个典型的男权主义作家看待。

    Hemingway has been regarded as one of typical male chauvinistic writers .

  7. 他来自一个非常男权主义的社会。

    He comes from a very male-dominated society .

  8. 批评者批评自己的想象&围绕《围城》的男权主义与倪文尖商榷

    Critics Criticize Their Own Imagination & Discussion with NI Wen-jian about the Androcentrism in Fortress Besieged

  9. 男权主义思想的死灰复燃,导致了家庭暴力如殴打妻子的事件不断增多。

    Family violence such as wife beating is rising as a result of resurgent male chauvinism .

  10. 但在一定程度上,他被误解为一个将权力凌驾于女性和自然之上的男权主义者。

    But to some degree he is misunderstood for so-called patriarchy attitude toward women and nature .

  11. 男权主义在现实生活中的影响,既有历史的原因,也有现实的条件制约。

    The influence of male-dominated ism in real life has both historical causes and realistic conditions .

  12. 第五部分为结论,男权主义及英雄主义情结促使主人公最终做出艰难的抉择;

    Part Five is the conclusion .

  13. 李安的电影,却不自觉地将小说诠释成为一个男权主义文本,并且带有浓厚的后殖民想象。

    Ang Lee interpreted the novel as a masculinist text that is possessed of postcolonialism imagination .

  14. 第二,因为她们生活的是一个封建的、非人的性别歧视的社会、一个男权主义的社会。

    Secondly , women lived in a society where they were discriminated against and men ruled all .

  15. 传统儒家文化作为中国古代社会主流意识形态,是一种男权主义色彩极其浓厚的文化模式。

    The traditional Confucian culture as the dominant ideology in ancient China is a patriarchy-dominated cultural model .

  16. 同时,这些人妖恋情故事也充分体现了作者男权主义的视角及态度。

    At the same time , the author embodies his view on male chauvinism in these stories .

  17. 周一发布的一份调查显示,男权主义依旧随处可见,女性的容貌比能力吃香。

    Sexism is till rife and appearance counts for more than ability according to a survey released Monday .

  18. 如今,这部卡通片因强调男权主义,而受到抨击&片中105位蓝精灵中只有3位女性。

    The cartoon is now under fire for being sexist – out of105 Smurfs there are only three females .

  19. 对于某些影迷来说(包括女影迷),她是叛逆的女权主义者;但是另一些人觉得她是男权主义幻想的象征。

    She 's a feminist renegade to some fans , including women , but a sexist fantasy figure to others .

  20. 有人认为她是男权主义的支持者,也有人认为她是支持女性独立的作家。

    Some people take her as a pro-patriarchy while some others hold that she is an advocate of women independence .

  21. 小说中对五位女性形象的描写充分表明,康拉德是一个具有强烈的女性意识的男性作家而非男权主义作家。

    The depiction of the five women forcefully indicates that Conrad is a male writer with strong feminist consciousness rather than a masculinist .

  22. 电影表达的是扭曲的男性自恋思想、对男权主义的渴望和控制女性身体及情感的欲望,自以为女性最想要的就是这些。

    It betrays a twisted male narcissism and a male desire for patriarchal power and control over female bodies and emotions misconstrued as female longing .

  23. 张爱玲的原作带有明显的女性叙事的特点,这是由作家的性别决定的,表现出女性对传统男权主义的解构。

    Eileen Chang 's original is possessed of female narrative , it is decided by the writer 's sex and demonstrates that female deconstruct masculinist .

  24. 但是,反男权主义并不等于反男性,更不是要走向女权主义的一极。因为女权主义和男权主义一样,也是本质主义。

    However , anti-male chauvinism does not mean anti-male , and not even toward a very feminism , because both feminism and male chauvinism are essentialism .

  25. 莫里森的作品以黑人女性为写作主题,深刻揭示了种族主义和男权主义对黑人女性造成的物质和精神创伤。

    Morrison focuses the theme of her works on black woman , and aims to reveal the physical and mental damages brought to African Americans by racism and gender discrimination .

  26. 文章采用女性主义文学批评理论,从《还乡》中游苔沙与三位男性的纠葛揭示了十九世纪社会盛行的男权主义传统思想对女性的压迫和束缚。

    This thesis is to analyze Eustacia s tragedy in the light of Feminist Criticism and reveals that it is the traditional patriarchalism caused the repression and bondage suffered by women .

  27. 传统的文体分析反映了男性立场,文体学家把自己局限在男权主义文体批判中,这是女权理论试图批判和替代的。

    Thus the traditional stylistic analysis represents males ' position and such stylisticians position themselves very much within the domain of the phallocentric stylistic criticism which feminist theory aims to criticize and displace .

  28. 自从我成为女权主义者的那天起,我就意识到,所有那些暗示女人最大的敌人是她们自己的说法,都是男权主义者们捏造出来的谎言,目的就是阻挡女性前进的脚步。

    The day I became a feminist was the day I realised that all those snide insinuations that we are our own worst enemies were just patriarchal nonsense designed to keep us down .

  29. 它生动地描绘了一些女性角色,她们生于贫困,却坚持与男权主义作斗争,寻找自己在父权社会中的地位,并最终建立起了自己的身份。

    It vividly portrays some female characters who grow up in extreme poverty , keep fighting against male supremacy , quest for their own place in the patriarchal world , and finally construct their female identity .

  30. 试图分析墨西哥女作家罗萨里奥·卡斯特亚诺斯作为女权/女性主义者在她的土著主义小说中表现出的女性观点:对男权主义社会中女性悲剧命运的揭露和对男性中心主义家庭的否定。

    This paper tries to analyse the feminine viewpoints of Mexican female writer Rosario Castellanos , a feminist , in her novel about aboriginality which exposes the tragic fate of females in a society advocating male power and negates male centralism .