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nán zǐ qì ɡài
  • masculinity;manhood;machismo
男子气概 [nán zǐ qì gài]
  • (1) [manliness]∶适合男子和有男子般的性质或状态

  • (2) [manhood]∶勇气

  1. 从你们告诉我的,他完全缺乏男子气概。

    From you told me , he completely lacks machismo .

  2. 艾森豪威尔(Eisenhower)是个例外,但他是战场上的将军,因此他的男子气概实际上并不令人怀疑。

    Eisenhower was the exception , but he was a battlefield general , so his machismo wasn 't really in doubt .

  3. 他觉得这对他的男子气概是一种威胁。

    He felt it was a threat to his masculinity .

  4. 对于大多数男人来说,关于男子气概的老套观点现在已不再适用了。

    The old ideas of masculinity do not work for most men .

  5. 健美——挺有男子气概的,不是吗?

    Body building — that 's a bit macho , isn 't it ?

  6. 她真喜欢他的坚强,他那健康的容貌,他的男子气概。

    She was really fond of his strength , his wholesome looks , his manliness .

  7. 最新一期《女性心理学季刊》(PsychologyofWomenQuarterly)发表的一项研究显示,展现男子气概是更好的策略。

    It turns out that showcasing manliness is the better strategy , according to a study in the latest issue of Psychology of Women Quarterly .

  8. 最新一期《女性心理学季刊》(PsychologyofWomenQuarterly)发表的一项研究显示,展现“男子气概”是更好的策略。

    It turns out that showcasing " manliness " is the better strategy , according to a study in the latest issue of Psychology of Women Quarterly .

  9. 还有讽刺男子气概的配图——男演员大卫•哈塞尔霍夫(DavidHasselhoff)竖起大拇指。

    along with an ironic depiction of masculinity in the form of actor David Hasselhoff giving a thumbs-up .

  10. 根据来自charlestyrwhitt的反馈信息,德国顾客认为,粉色对他们来说“显得男子气概不足”。

    Based on feedback from Charles Tyrwhitt , customers in Germany think pink is " insufficiently masculine " for them .

  11. 伯纳德•凡•利尔基金会的临时执行理事迈克尔•费格尔森(MichaelFeigelson)认为,我们必须要让参与育儿的父亲感到这很有男子气概,千万不能将这股风气贬低为男性的失败或被驯服。

    We have to make co-parenting dads feel manly , argues Michael Feigelson , interim executive director of the Bernard van Leer Foundation . We mustn 't present the new fatherhood as a defeat or taming of men .

  12. 就当大卫·尼文公布伊丽莎白·泰勒荣获奥斯卡最佳影片奖提名时,34岁的罗伯特·欧贝尔肆无忌惮地裸奔冲上颁奖台,炫耀起他的小胡须和男子气概,还大胆地比着V字形手势。毫无疑问,这一举动进一步加固了欧贝尔的历史地位。

    As David Niven introduced Elizabeth Taylor to present the award for Best Picture , 34-year old Robert Opel cemented his place in history as he streaked across the stage flaunting his moustache , manly bits , and a very daring peace sign .

  13. 更重要的是,如果Andrej的面容长得更有男子气概一些,可能一些都不是问题了。

    More importantly , if Andrej had a more masculine face , would this be an issue ?

  14. 早在有电臀舞之前,就有了埃尔维斯(Elvis)的扭胯舞,人们对这种舞感到震惊,因为扭胯更多的是和女人联系在一起(臀部向前推则有一种男子气概的暗示)。

    Long before there was twerking , there were Elvis 's gyrations , which shocked people because gyrating hips are more associated with women ( thrusting his hips forward would have had a masculine connotation ) .

  15. 您需要做的只是上传一张自己的或其他人的快照到#HowDudeRobot,它就会告诉你你的男子气概的百分比。

    All you have to do is upload a snap of yourself or someone else to the ' # HowDudeRobot ' and it tells you what percentage ' dude ' you are .

  16. 您需要做的只是上传一张自己的或其他人的快照到“#HowDudeRobot“,它就会告诉你你的男子气概的百分比。

    All you have to do is upload a snap of yourself or someone else to the ' \# HowDudeRobot ' and it tells you what percentage ' dude ' you are .

  17. 要知道,你手中的这个白羊座男生是非常有男子气概的!

    You 've got quite a macho man on your hands !

  18. 不是只有男人才有大男子气概的!

    Men aren 't the only ones who can be macho !

  19. 男子气概扎克:你好啊,佩妮,最近过得如何?

    Zack : Hey , Penny , how 's it going ?

  20. 商人卖鞋,政客兜售男子气概。

    The merchant sold shoes , the politician sold his manhood .

  21. 他很有趣,很刺激,很有大男子气概。

    He 's interesting , he 's exciting , he 's butch .

  22. 他们年龄大概在25到30来岁,似乎重新发现了自己的男子气概。

    He is25-thirtysomething and appears to have re-found his masculinity .

  23. 成就非凡的女性是不是有意识地让自己变得更具男子气概?

    Did high-achieving women make themselves more masculine on purpose ?

  24. 哦,真是男子气概,不是吗?

    Oh , how manly of you . isn 't it just ?

  25. 男子气概可以通过很多方面来表现。

    Masculinity can be described in so many different ways .

  26. 在一些小事上为女士帮助,能让他们觉得自己高尚而富有男子气概。

    Helping women with simple tasks makes them feel macho and noble .

  27. 所以我觉得我自己对于男子气概的理解是行得通的。

    So for me , my own version of masculinity comes through .

  28. 因为他的儿子已经十五岁了,可是一点男子气概都没有。

    Because he has the15-year-old son , but that is not manly .

  29. 男人将这场运动的女性先驱视为男子气概十足的女性。

    Men regarded the women pioneers in this movements as very manlike .

  30. 现在的男子气概的定义已经本末倒置了。

    The definition of manhood is already turning upside down .