
  • 网络television engineering
  1. 1550nm光传输系统在广西村村通广播电视工程建设中的应用

    Application of 1 550 nm Fiber Optic Transmission System in Guangxi " Village-village Connection " Radio & Television Engineering Construction

  2. 并以辽宁师范大学广播电视工程专业的摄录像技术课程的开展为例,对创设新的学习情境指导教学取得的教学效果的进行论证。

    For example , Radio and Television Engineering , Liaoning Normal University Professional Camera technology Creation of a new Learning situation for the guidance of teaching made to demonstrate teaching effectiveness .

  3. 利用ACCESS开发地市级有线电视工程辅助管理系统

    Exploiting CATV Assistant Management System Using Access

  4. 利用Visio自制有线电视工程模板

    Drawing Cable TV Engineering Template Using Visio

  5. 广播电视工程技术人员掌握SDH基本知识,熟悉SDH性能告警机理,对维护SDH传输网尤为重要。

    It is very important for the technologists of broadcasting and TV to grasp SDH basic knowledge and to know an alarm mechanism of SDH function as defending SDH network .

  6. 村村通广播电视工程

    Project " extend radio and TV coverage to every village "

  7. 利用Word2000绘制有线电视工程网络图

    Draw up the CATV Project Network Chart Using Word 2000

  8. 有线电视工程若干问题的分析

    An Analysis of Some Problems on the CATV Engineering

  9. 有线电视工程建设流程再造设计

    The Design of CATV Projects Development Process Reengineering

  10. 广播电视工程空调系统几个技术问题的探讨

    Discussion of some technical points on the air conditioning system in radio and TV projects

  11. 试述村村通广播电视工程的建设与管理

    On the Construction and Management of " Approaching to Every Village " Radio & Television Project

  12. 介绍有线电视工程管理系统的功能及设计原理,系统采用工作流技术来管理系统中的工程,方便了数据的维护,同时也更加符合实际的工作方式。

    This article introduces the function and design principle of the CATV engineering management system , which adopts the workflow technique to manage the engineering in the system , it make the data maintain convenience , in the mean time accord to actual work .

  13. PDCA循环在广州新电视塔工程管理中的应用

    Application of PDCA Circle of Engineering Management in Guangzhou New TV Tower

  14. 454m高上海广播电视塔工程垂直运输的处理

    A Practical Method to Deal with the Vertical Transportation in the Construction of Shanghai Broadcast Television Tower , 454m in Height

  15. 荆州市有线数字电视覆盖工程技术经济分析

    Technology and Economy Analyse for JingZhou DVB - C Overlaying Engineering

  16. 有线电视地埋工程费用的计算

    Calculation for the Expenses of Cable television Underground Envelopment Engineering

  17. 广播电视光缆工程实践与管理

    Implementation and Management of the Radio & TV Cable Work

  18. 民用闭路监视电视系统工程技术规范

    Technical code for civil closed circuit monitoring TV system engineering

  19. 有线电视系统工程的招标

    Inviting Bids for the Project of Cable TV System

  20. 福建广播电视中心工程结构设计

    Structural Design of Fujian Broadcast and TV Centre Engineering

  21. 武汉广播电视中心工程钢管柱施工

    Construction of Steel Pipe Columns of the Wuhan Broadcast and Television Center Project

  22. 湖南省移动数字电视联网工程方案

    The Program of Hunan Mobile Digital Television Network Table

  23. 大跨度现浇预应力空心楼板施工技术在北京电视中心工程中的应用

    Construction technology of BIG-SPANNED cast-in-situ pre-stressed hollow floor applied to Beijing Television Center Project

  24. 广州新电视塔工程核心筒顶部4层施工技术

    Construction Technology of Upper Four Floors of Core Tube in Guangzhou New TV Tower

  25. 触点润滑工艺在有线电视网络工程领域中应用实验

    The Lubricated Craft of Contact Uses the Experiment in the Networks of Cable TV

  26. 气象服务的电视形象工程

    An Image-Improving Project of TV Meteorological Service

  27. 会议电视系统工程验收规范

    Code for acceptance of videoconference system engineering

  28. 有线电视网络工程管理探讨

    Cable TV Networks Engineering Management

  29. 安卓电视的工程经理克里斯o麦基洛普在此为大家解读这种新技术将如何彻底颠覆游戏业。

    Chris McKillop , Android TV engineering manager , explains how this new technology could forever change the game .

  30. 有线广播电视系统工程技术管理之主管机关为交通部。

    The agency in charge of the engineering techniques of cable radio and television systems shall be the Ministry of Transportation and Communications ( MOTC ) .