
  • 网络Telecommunication
  1. 建立MIS系统对电信产业发展的意义

    Building MIS system to telecommunication industry 's development

  2. 当前我国电信产业的SCP现状与政府规制

    Present Situations of SCP in Telecommunication Industry and Government Regulation

  3. 3G产业是电信产业因技术进步而分化出来的新产业。

    3G is a new industry divided from the telecommunications with the technology development .

  4. 英国电信产业的放松管制和对主导运营商BT的再管制

    Liberalization & deregulation on UK telecommunications and regulation on dominant firm BT

  5. 3G牌照提前发放的讨论再次热烈,使电信产业链上的人们热盼3G繁荣时代的到来

    Talks about issuing the 3G licenses in advance get heated again and it makes us longing for a prosperous 3G era

  6. 以2008年的电信产业重组以及09年3G牌照的发放为标志,中国的电信产业转型拉开了帷幕。

    With telecom industry restructuring in 2008 and 3G license released in 2009 , it shows the industry transformation in ongoing .

  7. 尽管iptv在早期存在着一些技术上的缺陷,但在传统固话收益稳步下降的情况下,这项技术可以为电信产业重新注入活力。

    Despite some early technology hiccups , IPTV could help revitalise a telecoms industry facing the steady decline of traditional fixed-line voice revenues .

  8. 今年中国已正式加入WTO,在未来的几年内中国的民族产业将面临一次巨大的机遇和挑战。作为国家基础产业之一的电信产业势必也将面对来自国际电信市场的冲击。

    China has formally entered into WTO in this year , and the next coming years , china 's national industry also must face challenges from international telecom industry after china 's entry into WTO .

  9. 在中国,随着电信产业第四次重组的完成以及3G牌照的发放,移动互联网在技术和业务上逐渐趋于成熟,移动互联网用户的增长步伐加快,开展移动互联网业务的时机已经成熟。

    With the accomplishment of the fourth reconstruction of telecommunications and issue of third-generation mobile telephone licenses , Mobile Internet have become mature in technology and business in China .

  10. 3G通讯技术的应用,在给我们带来更多的数字体验的同时,也使得原有的电信产业结构及其与相关产业的关系发生了巨大的变化。

    While bringing us more digital experience , the application of 3G technology has also made great changes to the structure of telecom industry and its relationship with other industries .

  11. 3G正在重组我国的电信产业组织,同时对电信运营商商业竞争模式的变革提出要求。

    The telecommunication industry is being restructured with the coming of 3G , and the competition modes for companies in telecom industry have to be reorganized to match up 3G .

  12. TL9000质量体系&中国电信产业面对加入WTO应对国际电信业竞争的必由之路

    The Unique Path of Coping with International Telecom Competition While China Telecom Industry Facing the Reentry to WTO & TL 9000 Quality System

  13. 随着电信产业和技术的飞速发展,MMS业务被认为是移动通信服务最终走向多媒体服务的基础。

    As the telecommunications industry and the rapid development of technology , MMS business is considered to be the ultimate mobile communication services to multimedia services basis .

  14. 以语音业务为主的2G时代已经逐渐走下历史的舞台,3G网络快速的传送速度、优质的服务质量以及高度的信息安全为整个电信产业带来了无限的机会。

    The traditional voice business era will become history , 3G network has quickly transmission speed , quality service and height safety , bring the limitless opportunity for the telecom industry .

  15. 但SCP范式是建立在市场主导的背景下,对于规制仍是产业重要组成部分的中国电信产业而言,直接将SCP范式移植过来也难以有很强的说服力。

    " SCP ", however , was established under the market-leading environment , so that directly transplant it to the telecommunication industry with regulation as it important ingredient cannot be cogent enough .

  16. 因此利用产业组织SCP范式理论,能够找出影响中国电信产业发展的因素及其之间的相互关系,从而制定出正确的电信产业政策。

    So the pattern of " structure-conduct-performance " of the industry organization theory can find the factors of the development of Chinese telecommunications industry and the relationship between them . Therefore , we can make out the correct policy of telecommunications industry .

  17. 本文从电信产业竞争环境分析入手,运用SWOT分析法、PEST分析法和价值链分析法等多种手段,分析竞争环境,确定核心竞争能力和竞争关键因素;

    This article obtains from the telecommunication industry competition environment analysis , utilizes the SWOT analytic method , the PEST analytic method and the value chain analytic method and so on many kinds of methods , the analysis competition environment , definite core competitive ability and competition key aspect ;

  18. 业内分析人士认为,5G网络商用不仅将促进电信产业发展,还将促进大数据、云计算、人工智能等其他新兴领域的发展。

    Industry analysts believe that the commercialization of a 5G network will not only bolster the telecom industry , but will also drive other emerging sectors , such as big data , cloud computing , artificial intelligence and more .

  19. 本文立足于电信产业价值链,运用实物期权法之Black-Scholes模型,对3G项目延迟期权价值进行了分析,定量地说明了,投资3G将会为电信行业带来巨大收益。

    Through carefully researching of the value chain of information technology industry , this paper analyzed the value of option to defer in 3G by application of Black-Scholes model . And the result explained quantitatively that the investment in 3G will bring great benefit for the technology information industry .

  20. 针对UNE的失败,本文提出,只有采用多个网络之间相互竞争的方式,才是将竞争引入电信产业的最好方法。

    In the light of the failure of UNE policy , it can be concluded that the best way to introduce competition in telecommunication industry is to encourage inter-modal competition by rival networks .

  21. 电信产业价值链上的委托代理关系分析

    Analyse of Commision-Agent relation on the value chain of Telecom Industry

  22. 中国电信产业改革驱动关系模型实证研究

    An Empirical Research on Institutional Change Model of China Telecommunication Industry

  23. 中外电信产业规制的经济学比较分析

    Comparative Analysis of Economics Regulation in Chinese and Foreign Telecommunication Industry

  24. 电信产业性质与产业监管模式演变研究

    Research on Evolution of Telecom Industrial Nature and Related Regulating Mode

  25. 基于网络融合下的电信产业价值链趋势分析

    Telecom industrial value chain trend analysis based on the network integration

  26. 产业融合带来电信产业新的经济增长点。

    The industry convergence will bring in new development growth point .

  27. 电信产业是典型的自然垄断网络产业。

    Telecommunication industry is a typical natural monopoly network industry .

  28. 对我国电信产业规制与制度供给的几点思考

    Speculations about Regulations and the System Supplying of Telecom Industry in China

  29. 我国电信产业民营化改革初探

    Pilot Study on the Privatization of China 's Telecommunication Industry

  30. 移动2.0下的电信产业链变革研究

    Research on Evolution of Telecom Industry Chain under Mobile 2.0