
  • 网络ETC;E-ZPass;ETCS;electronic toll collection
  1. 电子收费系统(ETC)是智能交通系统(ITS)体系结构中一个重要的组成部分,在国外有着广泛的应用,也是ITS体系中发展较为成熟的技术。

    : ETC system is an important part in the ITS architecture , which is broadly used overseas , and it is a comparatively mature application .

  2. 电子收费系统(ETC)作为智能运输系统(ITS)的一个组成部分,在中国有着广阔的应用前景。

    ETC is one part of ITS which has a wide perspective application .

  3. ETC(ElectronicTollCollectionSystem)电子收费系统又称不停车收费系统或自动收费系统。

    Electronic toll collection system is also called automatic collection system .

  4. 不停车收费系统又称电子收费系统,简称ETC系统。

    No stop toll collect system is also called electronic toll system , simply called ETC.

  5. RFID技术在电子收费系统路径识别的应用设计

    Application design of RFID technology in electronic toll collection route identification

  6. 为了迎接2008年奥运会,探讨北京市高速公路发展不停车电子收费系统(ETC)的必要性与紧迫性显得尤为重要。

    For the 2008 Olympic Games , it makes all the difference to research on the necessity and urgency of developing electronics toll collection for Beijing highway .

  7. 首先简要介绍了高速公路收费系统的现状,提出了建立高速公路不停车电子收费系统(ETC)的必要性。

    This paper firstly introduces the status of the charging collection system of the motorways and discusses the necessity of the construction of the Electronic Toll Collection System ( ETCS ) .

  8. 第一层包括GIS应用系统、交通管理与规划系统、电子收费系统、出行者信息系统、紧急事件和安全系统、综合运输运营管理系统。

    The first layer include GIS application system , Traffic Management And Planning System , Electronic Charge System , Tourist Information System , Emergency And Security System , Integrated Transportation And Operation System .

  9. 公路电子收费系统中DSRC协议规范的应用设计

    Design of DSRC Protocol Specification for ETC Application

  10. 把联网ETC系统置于ITS体系中加以研究,分析了电子收费系统的结构组成、数据流动模型、资金在银行系统的流动模型和与ITS其它子系统的接口模型。

    This article is to research the ETC system based on the ITS architecture , and to analyze its structure , the modal of data flow and the modal of financing flow in the clearing bank system and between other ITS subsystems .

  11. 本文阐述了智能交通系统(ITS)与不停车电子收费系统(ETC)的概念,并详细介绍了用于智能交通系统的专用短程通信(DSRC)系统的组成、协议分层以及标准化问题。

    The paper explains the concept of intelligent transportation system ( ITS ) and electronic toll collection ( ETC ) . It also describes some aspects of dedicated short range communication ( DSRC ) used in ITS such as its constitution , protocol layer and standardization .

  12. 公路不停车电子收费系统的研制及实现

    Development and Realization of Electronic Toll Collection System for Running Vehicles

  13. 主要介绍一种全新适用型公路电子收费系统。

    This paper introduces a novel applicable road electronic toll system .

  14. 电子收费系统在国内高速公路的应用

    The application of electronic toll collection system on expressway in China

  15. 公路电子收费系统中实时通信的实现

    Implementation of Real - time Communication in Highway Toll System

  16. 吉林省高速公路电子收费系统的设计与应用

    Design and Application of Electronic Toll Collection on Jilin Freeway

  17. 一种基于红外检测的车型自动分类电子收费系统

    A Vehicle Classifying Electric Toll System Based on Infrared Detecting

  18. 国标《智能运输系统电子收费系统框架模型》的研究与制定

    Study and Establishment of GB " Intelligent Transport Systems-Electronic Toll Collection-System Architecture "

  19. 不停车电子收费系统在高速公路收费中的应用

    Application of No Parking Electronic Toll System ( ETS ) in Highway Toll

  20. 一种开放式全自动电子收费系统的研究

    A Research of open automatic electronic toll collection system

  21. 全自动电子收费系统简介

    Introduction on full - automatic electric charging system

  22. 一种新型多车道公路电子收费系统设计

    Design of Novel Multi-lane Road Electronic Toll System

  23. 不停车电子收费系统关键技术

    Research of The Key Technology of ETC System

  24. 联网环境下电子收费系统的兼容性

    Compatibility of Networked Electronic Toll Collection System

  25. 关于加快我国区域电子收费系统标准化进程的思考和建议

    Proposal and Think Deeply to Speed up Standardization of Electrical Collect Fees in our District

  26. 高速公路不停车收费电子收费系统是国际上正在普及的一种用于高速公路电子收费系统。

    The electronic toll collection system of the highway is being internationally popular for electronic toll collection systems .

  27. 电子收费系统主要由射频读卡器、激光车型传感器、逃费抓拍装置和车道控制器组成。

    The ETC mainly consists of RF reader , laser calssification sensors , video enforcement systems and lane controller .

  28. 文章介绍了我国路桥不停车电子收费系统的现状、难点及解决办法。

    This paper gives an account of the present state of the charging system without halt for highways and bridges in China .

  29. 联网电子收费系统涉及无线通讯、智能卡技术、信息安全、系统集成、测试技术等多个领域。

    The standardization of Unified ETC System will be involved with wireless communication , CPU IC , information security , system integration , testing etc.

  30. 分析了智能运输系统存在的问题和重要作用,讨论了ITS电子收费系统的网络拓扑结构。

    Importance of Intelligent Transportation System ( ITS ) and its trend are discussed . The networking architecture of ITS is put forwarded and analyzed .