
  • 网络Central State
  1. 陕西秦岭中央国家森林公园建设条件研究与技术分析

    Construction Conditions and Technique Analysis of Qinling Central State Forest Park in Shaanxi Province

  2. 完善中央国家机关体育协会组织网络化建设,形成科学自主发展动力。

    Improve the central state organs Sports Association organized the construction of networks , a scientific self-development momentum .

  3. 对中央国家机关住房租金改革的几点看法

    Some Ideas on the Reform of Rent for Apartments Owned by Government Offices

  4. 对中央国家机关人事干部胜任力的实证分析

    The Empirical Analysis on the Competency of Personnel Officials in the Central Government Departments

  5. 中央国家机关工作委员会

    State Organs Work Committee of the CPC

  6. 学好政府采购法,提高中央国家机关单位政府采购工作效率

    Study the government 's purchasing law and raise the central government 's purchasing working level

  7. 中央国家机关房改需要解决的几个问题

    Some Problems Need to be Solved in the Reform of Housing Provided by Government Organizations

  8. 压缩中央国家机关公用经费5%,节省的资金专项用于抗震救灾。

    We cut general public spending in state organs by5 % , and all of the savings were used to provide disaster relief .

  9. 目前,我国正在推广工程总承包,相关的研究和应用越来越多,但对像中央国家机关建设项目那样的政府投资房屋建筑工程的应用研究还不多。

    At the moment , our country is making efforts to popularize general engineering contracting . And there are more and more related research and application .

  10. 中央国家机关房地产物业管理改革的思考中央国家机关房改需要解决的几个问题

    Thinking about the Management of Real Estate Owned by the Government Offices Some Problems Need to be Solved in the Reform of Housing Provided by Government Organizations

  11. 中央国家机关人民防空主管部门管理中央国家机关的人民防空工作。

    The competent departments for civil air defense of the State organs at the central level shall administer the work of civil air defense of their own organs .

  12. 2009年度还获得“中央国家机关文明单位标兵”及北京市“十佳版权单位”称号。

    In2009 , it was recognized as the " Civilized Pacesetter of the State Organs " as well as " Top10 Copy Right Unit " by the Beijing municipal .

  13. 一些岗位最终只招录一名公务员,这意味着每个岗位至少有四名考生将无缘中央国家机关这块鸡肋!

    Some post recruit one civil servant only finally , this mean each post have four examinee have no chance with the central state organs , chicken ribs at least !

  14. 本文提出了我国事业单位机构改革的目标模式,并且指出了使之实现的措施:较大幅度地减少直接隶属于各级国家机关特别是中央国家机关的事业单位数量;

    The present article presents a proposed target model for the reform in China 's non-profit enterprises and a series of measures to be taken to apply such a model .

  15. 为此,我们专门设计了当前中央国家机关人事干部胜任力模型。并通过调查统计,对构成要素的需要程度和人事干部的实际具备程度进行了实证分析。

    Based on a survey data , we designed the competency model of the central government department personnel officials , and studied the degree of urgency of the components and their practical possess .

  16. 本文从文化论的角度出发,通过分析古代中国中央国家机构的设置以及各机关的权力关系,发现古代中国的中央国家权力结构呈一元化特征,即各机关总是围绕着皇权进行权力运行的。

    From the view of culture , the thesis has analyzed the establishment of national central institution in ancient China and found that its central national power structure has the Power Surrounding the imperial power .

  17. 提出建立中央国家机关机构养老基地、完善离退休费保障机制,研究建立专项补贴制度等建议措施。

    It proposed to establish the central state organs institutional pension base , vigorously develop senior housing , improve retirees ' pensions protection mechanism , study and establish a special subsidy system such as suggestions and measures .

  18. 作者希望通过该文的讨论,能提醒人们在当下的宪政建设中注意传统法律文化的制约作用,创制出更为合理的权力结构和中央国家机构体系。

    The author hopes that this thesis will remind people of the law culture 's restraining power in the constructer of constitutionalism , in order to make the power structure and the system of the national central institution more reasonable .

  19. 2008年,中央国家机关从加强政法队伍建设的高度对政法院校招录培养模式进行了深刻地变革,并确立了按需招录、入校即入警的招录体制和人才培养模式。

    In 2008 , the central government made profound changes in training model recruiting from the angle of team building to enhance the Law , and established the recruiting system and training model " on-demand recruiting , the school is getting into the police ," .

  20. 中央国家机关体育协会工作人员偏老龄化,大部分以退休人员为主,虽然文化层次,社会经验较为丰富,但是缺少年轻力量,不利于协会可持续发展。

    The central state organs Athletic Association staff partial aging in most retirees based , although cultural level , social experience is more abundant , but the lack of a young force , is not conducive to the sustainable development of the Association . 3 .

  21. 中央纪委国家监委网站对此发表评论称,相比于之前的几次表态,特斯拉终于有了一些诚恳谦和的样子。

    The electric vehicle maker 's latest public statement had finally " showed some form of sincerity " .

  22. 海南省要敢于担当、主动作为,以钉钉子精神夯实自由贸易港建设基础。中央和国家有关部门要支持海南大胆改革创新,推动海南自由贸易港建设不断取得新成效。

    Local government of Hainan should act boldly and proactively to accomplish the goal of laying a solid foundation for the construction of the Hainan free trade port , while central authorities should support Hainan 's daring reforms and innovation , pushing for new achievements in the construction of the port .

  23. 不需要向中央的国家商务部提出申请。

    There is no need to apply to the central mofcom .

  24. 法国是一个传统的中央集权国家,集权观念根深蒂固。

    France is a traditionally centralized country and the centralization is ineradicable .

  25. 我们崇奉强固的中央集权国家。

    We believe in a strong centralized state .

  26. 但现在那个陈旧的中央集权国家在衰落。

    But now , the old centralized bureaucratic Indian state is in steady decline .

  27. 公元前221年,中国建立了第一个统一的多民族的中央集权国家&秦朝。

    In221b . c. , the first united , multi-ethnic , centralized state the qindynasty was founded in china .

  28. 农业生产、漕运条件优越的基本经济区是封建农业中国中央集权国家机器最有力的支撑。

    A basic economic region with superior agricultural production and water carriage conditions was the main support of a centralized feudal China dynasty .

  29. 自秦始皇统一中国以来,中国在绝大多数时间里都是统一的中央集权国家。

    Since the unification by the First Emperor , Qin Shihuang , China remained unified and highly centralized for most of its history .

  30. 秦军最终打败了其他六国,使秦朝成为中国历史上第一个统一的中央集权国家。

    The Qin warriors eventually defeated six other states in war , making the Qin dynasty the first unified , centralized state in Chinese history .