
  • 网络film song;movie songs
  1. 第三部分主要对左翼电影歌曲的题材类型进行了归纳。

    The third part will sum up types of subjects of left-wing movie songs .

  2. 很多左翼电影歌曲超越了它的载体,成为音乐的经典。

    A lot of left-wing movie songs beyonded their carrieres , became a classic music .

  3. P:我听过很多的电影歌曲。

    P : I mean I listen to a lot of film song tracks .

  4. 郁郁葱葱的麦田仿佛经过浓墨重彩的修饰和后期制作,让人觉得沙鲁克·汗(ShahRukhKhan)或许会突然从哪里冒出来,唱一首伤感的电影歌曲。

    The vivid green wheat fields look enhanced , postproduced , as if Shah Rukh Khan might suddenly burst out and sing a sentimental movie song .

  5. 今晚我们将欣赏电影歌曲改编的轻音乐。

    We 'll have light music arranged from film song tonight .

  6. 这其中,无不体现电影歌曲的社会功能和巨大力量。

    Which all reflect the social function of film songs and great strength .

  7. 电影歌曲是百年中国电影绽放的一朵艺术奇葩。

    Film songs is an exotic flower bursting in the garden of Chinese films .

  8. 作为文化传承之歌,电影歌曲的品位、格调、精神皆是一流的。

    As the songs of literature , film songs have the first-class style and spirit .

  9. 百年中国电影歌曲的协奏乐章

    Chinese film songs of a hundred years

  10. 作为艺术流行之歌,电影歌曲成为人见人爱的抒情乐章;

    As the songs of art , film songs become lyric movement that people love deeply .

  11. 最后以一首电影歌曲结束对他的采访。

    Let 's end the interview with the theme song of a famous film schindler 's list .

  12. 其发布视频的工具包括从迪士尼电影歌曲到电视节目等各种分类。

    And its tool for posting videos includes an entire category for songs from Disney films and TV shows .

  13. 电影歌曲作为一种大众艺术形式,民族意识驱使其为反侵略战争加油助威。

    National consciousness makes film songs which are as apublic art form to cheer for the war against aggression .

  14. 通过这些研究与探索,以达到对中国电影歌曲予以整体化的认知与了解。

    Through these research and exploration in order to achieve the awareness and understanding to be the whole of the Chinese Film Song .

  15. 我还记得某次考试前一天晚上,我和我室友决定把一个电影歌曲放进作品里当背景。

    I also remember revising for an exam the night before and me and my mate decided to put a film on for background noise .

  16. 在这种前提下,香港电影歌曲作为中国流行音乐的一个重要部分,也随之展现出它无法掩盖的独特魅力。

    In this premise , as an important carrier in the development of Chinese pop music , the movie songs in Hong Kong also demonstrate the unique charm which can not hide .

  17. 该片还获得了其他三个奖项:扮演一家之主的任达华获得最佳男主角奖,饰演十几岁儿子的李治廷获最佳新演员奖,该片还获得了最佳原创电影歌曲奖。

    The film won three other awards : best actor for Simon Yam for his role as the family 's patriarch ; best newcomer for Aarif Lee as the teenage son ; and best original film song .

  18. 纵观中国电影歌曲的发展历程,电影歌曲的创作曾一度引领着我国歌曲的创作,对我国现代歌曲的创作与发展起着不可磨灭的推动作用。

    Throughout the course of development of Chinese Film Song Film Song of creation was once lead by the creation of our songs , play an indelible role in promoting the creation and development of modern songs .

  19. 各具千秋的电影歌曲与类型各异的影片相结合,不仅增添了影片的艺术价值,更使歌曲在中国的流行音乐发展中占据了举足轻重的地位,并起到了不可磨灭的作用。

    Different types of songs and movies videos combining the film not only add artistic value , but also make songs occupy a pivotal position at the development of Chinese pop music , and play an indelible role .

  20. 对电影歌曲在电影中所具有的功能与作用、不同的时期的音乐特点、表演形式、地方民间音乐元素、少数民族音乐元素在电影歌曲中的应用,进行了深入地分析与研究。

    Function and role of film songs in the film has the characteristics of different periods of music , performances of local folk music elements , minority musical elements in the film songs , in-depth analysis and research .

  21. 首尔大学统一和平研究所(InstituteforPeaceandUnification)近期以149名脱北者为对象开展的一项研究显示,逾80%的人在逃离朝鲜之前接触过韩国的电影或歌曲。

    A recent study by Seoul National University 's Institute for Peace and Unification of 149 recent defectors showed that more than eight in 10 had been exposed to South Korean movies or songs before fleeing the North .

  22. 我买了一张迪士尼电影的歌曲全集。

    I bought a collection of songs from Disney movies .

  23. 你可以和你的朋友们一块谈论英文电影和歌曲。

    You can the film or song your friend .

  24. 其他的书籍、文章、电影、歌曲、写作片段

    Other books , articles , movies , songs , or pieces of writing

  25. -就是这些卡片电影流行歌曲

    It 's - It 's these cards , and the movies , and the pop songs

  26. 一提到“牛仔”,人们就会联想到电影、歌曲和电视中的各种形象。

    The name " cowboy " conjures up many different images from movies , songs and TV .

  27. 一开始的九分钟基本上就是一部小电影,歌曲的部分到短片结尾处来出现。

    The first nine minutes are essentially a short film the music doesnt start until the very end .

  28. 灰姑娘的故事影响了很多小说,电影,歌曲,舞蹈的作者。

    The story of Cinderella has influenced many creators of books , movies , songs , and dances .

  29. 个好办法,你不仅能够欣赏到美丽的电影和歌曲,也能提高你的听力。

    Through this way , you can not only enjoy the beautiful movie and music but also improve your listening .

  30. 在大众娱乐(比如电视节目、电影、歌曲等)中描绘暴力被证明是商业上成功的。

    Portrayals of violence have proven commercially successful in television programs , movies , songs , and other forms of popular entertainment .