
  • 网络Electrical Separation
  1. 脑电分为自发脑电(EEG)和诱发电位(EP)两种。

    Brain signals are classified into EEG signal and EP signal .

  2. 基于VME总线的ARM7主控通信模块是为满足航空电子系统技术发展的需要而研制设计的,是某航电分系统的控制、处理、通信的核心。

    The ARM7 control and communication module based on VME-bus is designed to meet the need of new avionics system development .

  3. OADM在光域内实现了传统电分插复用器的功能,具有对信号制式和速率的透明性,是克服传统网络中节点的电子瓶颈问题的关键技术之一。

    OADM not only realizes the function of traditional ADM in the field of optical and has the transparency of the format and the signal rate , but also is one of the key technology to overcome the electronic bottle-neck in the node of traditional network .

  4. 应用相关研究混沌动力学的方法及脑电多相分析系统(EEGMPAS),观察经络感传者大脑皮层诱发电位及动态脑电分维地形图。

    Using electroencephalograph muti-phase analysis system ( EEGMPAS ) and chaotic dynamic method , the cerebral cortex evoked potential and running fractal mapping in Jing-Luo sensation-people were ob - served .

  5. 热电联产热、电分摊法分析

    Analysis on heat and electricity share method of pyroelectricity joint production

  6. 时窗复杂度序列在睡眠脑电分期中的应用

    Application of Complexity Sequence in Sleep Staging Based on Sleep EEG Data

  7. 既有线接触网电分相技术改造的探讨

    Discussion on Reconstruction of Neutral Sectioning Device of OCS in Existing Line

  8. 电分标准工作曲线的推导与实践研究

    Derivation and research of standard electronic color scanning working curve

  9. 电分相区辅助电源系统不间断供电的研究

    Study on Uninterrupted Power Supply Technology for Auxiliary System of Electric Locomotive when Passing Neutral Section

  10. 关节式电分相将成为我国高速电气化铁路的首选型式。

    The articulated neutral section insulator will be preferntial choice in the high-speed electrified railway in chine .

  11. 此外,电分相问题和运行经济性问题也是铁路相关部门的重要议题。

    Moreover , passing the neutral section and economical operation issues were also important topics of the railway sectors .

  12. 1998年,中国对邮电体制进行改革,实施了邮、电分营,建立了独立运行的邮政体制。

    In 1998 China reformed its postal and telecommunications system , separating postal and telecommunication services and establishing an independent postal service system .

  13. 现行的牵引供电系统的继电保护设置还不够完善,有必要在电分相处设置专门的异相短路保护。

    Our current protection settings is still not perfect , it is necessary to add new wrong-phase short circuit protection to the power supply system .

  14. 既有九跨式双断口电分相因不能满足第6次铁路大提速要求而需对其进行改造。

    Since the nine-span double open neutral section is unable to satisfy the requirements of the6th raising of speed in large scale , so the reconstruction of it is needed .

  15. 通过分析对比不同电分相位置对列车运行的影响,给出局部优化规则并通过算例证明规则的合理性与有效性。

    Under the analysis of the influence on train operation by different positions of neutral section , local optimization rules are given and proved to be reasonable and effective by examples .

  16. 根据历史数据,统计出合同市场和电力拍卖市场的价格和数量,还有两市场相关系数等的统计特性,得出我们所要求得购电分配比。

    According to historical data , we can know the statistics of the contract market and the auction market for electricity prices and quantities , and also the two market-related factors , and then we can obtain the purchase quantity distribution ratio .