
Analysis on productivity effect of natural oak stand of different community structure and the optimal model
But now that oil and transportation prices have gone up , productivity gains are not as big as they were , and there are issues around risk in supply chains , companies are starting to go where the customers are , instead of where the raw materials are .
Comparative Study on Development and Planting Return among Various Genotypes of Bt Transgenic Cotton Study on the Productivity and Efficiency of Six Different Forage and Grain Multiple Cropping Patterns
Study on productivity and efficiency of six different multiple cropping systems
A study on the productivity and efficiency of upland winter agriculture in Jiangxi Province
The Benefit Evaluation on Changing the Agricultural S & T Information into Productive Forces
A Study on the Grass and Field Crops Rotation in Mountain Region of Southern Ningxia 1 . The Production and Benefit of Different Rotation System
The condition , treatment and method of the grass and field crops rotation experiment , as well as the productivity and benefit of different rotation patterns were introduced in the paper .
The article introduces the characteristics of building construction safety , discusses its new management method and operating process based on PDCA circulation , in order to reduce building safety accident rate , to improve productive forces of building industry and to increase economic benefits .
Studies on Bamboo Productivity and Advantage of Mixed Forest of Bamboo with Broad leaved Tree
Study on productivity and ecologic benefits of young growth Chinese fir plantations systems in different densities
The woodland productivity was enhanced .
Development of centralized production and social division of work are the dual manifestation of socialization of production .
The results showed that the productivity , ecological and economic benefits were greatly raised in the new system .
According to the conclusion of the division , the paper evaluated the productivity and economic benefit of the bamboo .
In the era of knowledge economy , information and knowledge dominate enterprises resources and directly result in the creativity , productivity and economic efficiency of the enterprises .
If the limitation of equipment in a power plant can be managed correctly and in time , it will advance productivity and the benefit and the benefit of economy .
Gray relation analysis was made of six multiple cropping systems involving forage and / or grain crops to compare their productivity , energy efficiency , economic efficiency and comprehensive benefits .
In the new historical period , it 's a great subject of our country 's defence industry conversion mission how to strengthen military industry institutes ' conversion work , industrialize defence industry conversion projects of those institutes , finally engender realistic productivity and produce economy benefit .
Productivities and economic benefits of the different cultivations way of rice
The result showed that it could increase a stand productivity and economic benifit in both the mixed stands of A.mearnsii and Nanmu phoebe , and A.
Some issues about urban ecosystem and economics system are studied . The focal point is the urban ecological productivity and benefits , the urban economical productivity and benefits .
The author thinks , the system is an important influence factor , but we must also see the weakness of agriculture , tender infrastructure , backward productivity and low benefit .
It is regarded that this courtyard ecosystem is a highly productive and considerably beneficial system and thus has important realistic significance in directing the construction of the rural courtyard ecosystem in this region .
In this paper , the way of multiple index of environment productivity and the way of benefit coefficient are used to set up the assessing models of internal and external benefit in the watershed .