
  • 网络participatory development
  1. 基于参与式发展的城中村改造研究&以云南省昆明市F村为例

    Studies on the Reconstruction of F Urban Village in Kunming with a Participatory Development Perspective

  2. 参与式发展理论对农业项目的影响&对IPM项目参与式发展模式和特点的分析

    Impacts of participatory development theory on agriculture programs & Analysis on the model and characteristics of participatory development theory of IPM program

  3. 浅谈参与式发展理论在自然保护中的运用

    The Application of Participatory Developmental Theory to Natural Protection

  4. 参与式发展理论是在社区发展项目中被广泛采用的一种理论。

    The theory of participation development is widely adopted in community development projects .

  5. 浙南山区竹业参与式发展实证研究

    Case Study of Bamboo Industry Participation Development in the Mountainous Region of Southern Zhejiang

  6. 坡地植物篱技术参与式发展研究

    Study on Participatory Development of Hedge Planting Technique on the Slope Land in Guizhou

  7. 参与式发展在我国农村减贫的实践中运用已久,已经不是一个陌生的概念。

    Participatory development has been applied in rural poverty reduction for a long time .

  8. 参与式发展的迷思&云南省三个少数民族社区项目的个案研究

    The Myth of Participatory Development & Case Studies of Three Minority Community Projects of Yunnan Province

  9. 参与式发展:社区教育深层发展的思考

    The Participating Type of Development : The Thinking of the Deep Development of the Community Education

  10. 竹业参与式发展的观念创新和体制创新。通过观念创新,建立从指导到引导,从指挥到服务的观念;

    The conception and the system innovations of bamboo industry development by the way of participation were studied .

  11. 深化与拓展:参与式发展的本土化探索&甘肃雨田农村发展论坛会议评述

    Deepening and Expansion : Explore the Localization of the Participatory Development & The Reviews of Gansu Yutian Rural Development Forum

  12. 本文通过对参与式发展理论的内涵以及参与式发展模式方法的研究和探讨,探索构建在当前我国新农村建设中参与式发展模式的具体应用。

    This dissertation discusses and explores the connotation of new countryside as well as the specific use of participatory development .

  13. 其项目管理理论基础主要包括生态经济学、公共财政学、项目管理、参与式发展等理论。

    The theoretical foundation of the Project Management includes theories of ecological economics , public finance , project management , participatory development etc.

  14. 参与式发展理论起源于对传统发展模式的反思,它为解决农村发展问题提供了一个新的理论视角。

    The theory of participating development originated from the reflection to traditional development mode is offering a fresh methodical implement for resolving issues in rural development .

  15. 参与式发展模式的思想和方法完全可以满足这些要求,因此在新农村建设中运用参与式发展模式非常适合得当。

    Participatory development idea and method will be able to meet the requirement , so in rural area , using participatory development method will be appropriate and correct .

  16. 参与式发展的核心是赋权,农民是农村发展的主体,是推动农村经济发展的动力。

    The core of the participatory development model is to grant enough autonomy . Farmers are the main part of the rural development and the motive power to push forward the rural development .

  17. 在浙江省丽水市采用应用参与式发展理论和方法,在系统分析农村社区行为特征基础上,制定竹业参与式发展研究的工作程序。

    A working procedure of participation development research was established on the basis of systematically analyzing the behavior characteristic of rural community , which was conducted by the application of participation development theory and method in Lishui , Zhejiang .

  18. 现介绍参与式发展理论和农村水利工程特点,阐述了把参与式理念引入小型农村水利工程建设的必要性,并用案例说明了采用参与式发展建设农村水利工程的良好效果。

    This article introduces the theory of participation and the characters of small rural water engineering , states the necessity of building small rural water engineering with the participation idea , and demonstrates the good result with a case study .

  19. 文章探析了参与式发展理论的内涵及其该理论在自然保护区规划和设计、自然保护区管理和保护补偿等具体操作中的运用以及相关的外部保障和支持系统。

    The paper introduces the concept of the participatory developmental theory and its application to the particular operation in planning design , and management compensation for the protection of nature reserves , as well as related external safeguard and supportive system .

  20. 通过《PRA理论与方法》培训项目回顾,认为:树立参与式农村发展理念是学习和掌握PRA理论和方法的基础;

    After reviewing the training project PRA theory and methodologies , the reflections gained are : participatory rural development concept is the foundation to learn and master PRA theory and methodologies ;

  21. 参与式农村发展作为农村(社区)发展的一套系统的理论和方法,是在20世纪60-70年代传统的发展模式陷入困惑和对传统发展理论反思的结果。

    Rural development of participatory is a suit of theory and methods .

  22. 参与式农村发展理论与实践&来自滇川黔地区的经验

    Participatory approaches to rural development : experience form yunnan , sichuan and Guizhou

  23. 等等乡村建设理念与方法是值得参与式农村发展理论学习借鉴的。

    Rural reconstruction idea and methods deserve participatory rural development theory study and reference .

  24. 参与式技术发展强调农户的参与,是对农户能力建设的过程。

    PTD is a process of emphasizing the participation and capacity building of local villagers .

  25. 参与式技术发展在毛竹笋用林施肥管理中的应用

    The Application of Participatory Technology Development on Fertilizing Management of Shoot-utilizing Stand of Moso Bamboo

  26. 从常规式到参与式农村发展中,政府、专家和农民三大角色发生了重大转变。

    During the developmental transition of conventional mode to participating one , the three main roles of government , experts and peasantry will significantly change over .

  27. 浅谈中学英语的情景教学参与式方法&发展西部教育的一个重要途径

    The Situational Approach in English Teaching in Middle Schools

  28. 贵州山区参与式农业技术发展研究

    Participatory Agricultural Technology Development in Guizhou Mountainous Areas

  29. 教师的整体素质、教育评价机制、客观条件是影响参与式教学深入发展的重要因素;

    It would affect the advanced development for teachers ability , evaluation system & objective condition ;

  30. 在对传统农业技术研究与推广相比较的基础上,提出参与式农业技术发展研究。

    Based on comparing with traditional agricultural study and extension , we advocate an investigation on participatory agricultural technology development ( PTD ) .