
  • 网络Phenomenological approach;phenomenological method;phenomenology;phenomenologic approach
  1. 现代意义上的解释学则源于胡塞尔和他的现象学方法。

    The story of modern hermeneutics begins with Edmund Husserl and his phenomenological approach .

  2. 媒介的直观&论麦克卢汉传播学研究的现象学方法

    Intuition on Medium & Phenomenological Method of McLuhan 's Communication Research

  3. 黑格尔与胡塞尔:两种现象学方法之比较

    A Comparative Study of Hegel 's Phenomenology and Husserl 's Phenomenology

  4. 用现象学方法解读实事求是

    Interpretation of seeking truth from facts with the method of Phenomenology

  5. 自创立以来,现象学方法对许多学科产生了深刻的影响。

    Once discovered , it has a profound effect on many disciplines .

  6. 试论胡塞尔现象学方法的四重含义

    On the Four Aspects of Interpreting Husserl 's Phenomenological Methodology

  7. 马克思建构新唯物主义的现象学方法探析

    The Exploration of Phenomenology Method by Which Carl Marx Built His New Materialism

  8. 现象学方法在自生成设计领域的实践

    Practice of phenomenology method in self-generation design field

  9. 教育现象学方法的研究是其应用的关键。

    Investigating the research methods of phenomenological pedagogy is the key to its application .

  10. 建构智慧教育学的现象学方法;

    Constructing the pedagogy phenomenon methods ;

  11. 这是海德格尔现象学方法与穆斯林哲学家之间的呼应与借鉴。

    That is response and reference each other between the phenomenological way of Heidegger and the Muslim philosophers .

  12. 实证方法、辩证方法和现象学方法并称为当代哲学三大方法。

    Positivistic method , dialectic method , and phenomenal method are called the three major methods of contemporary philosophy .

  13. 本研究认为,现象学方法应用于中学化学教学评价具有可行性,并将能切实地促进中学化学教学的改进与发展。

    So the thesis concludes that the application of phenomenological methodology to Chemistry teaching evaluation is possible and effective .

  14. 深入挖掘现象学方法的普遍原则无疑具有重要的理论意义和实践价值。

    It is highly valuable both in theory and in practice to research the general principle of the method of phenomenology .

  15. 文章的第四部分采用了比较的研究方法,将存在主义现象学方法与常用的消费者研究方法&焦点团体座谈会与深度访谈进行了比较。

    The forth charter makes a compare between existential-phenomenology method and focus groups & in-depth interview method in theory and operation level .

  16. 现象学方法立足时代的实践格局,实现了对西方哲学传统的解构和超越。

    Phenomenological method based on the practice of pattern of the times , and gave the deconstruction of traditional Western philosophy and beyond .

  17. 为重建哲学真理,现代西方哲学家提出了四种主要方法:分析方法、辩证方法、现象学方法和结构方法。

    In order to reconstruct philosophical truth , modern western philosophers developed four major methods : analytical , dialectical , phenomenological , and structural .

  18. 批判继承了海德格尔的存在诠释学的现象学方法和胡寨尔的经验视域、主体间性等观点;

    Second , it inherits critically the Phenomenology method of existential Hermeneutics of Heidegger and the viewpoint of experiential horizon and intersubjectivity of Husserl .

  19. 在哲学上,萨特试图用现象学方法把现象学和存在论结合起来建立一种现象学的本体论,即他的自由哲学。

    In philosophy , Sartre tries to build up a kind of phenomenological ontology by unifying phenomenology and ontology , i.e. his free philosophy .

  20. 马克思正是在批判地吸取了黑格尔精神现象学方法的基础上,才实现了哲学的革命变革,从而建构起人学现象学理论。

    Marx realized philosophical revolutionary reform based on critically drawing on Hegel 's phenomenology method of spirit , then to construct phenomenology of human theory .

  21. 导论主要阐述本文的基本宗旨,即依据卡西尔的现象学方法,论述从人的本体论结构与生命形式角度分析民俗文化的必要性。

    In Introduction , I will argue that it is necessary to interpret folk culture from ontological structure of human and life-form , based on phenomenology .

  22. 利用现象学方法分析了高速断裂中裂纹速度效应与岩石断裂模式和断裂耗能的关系。

    Then , the relationship of the fracture velocity in rapid crack with the rock crack mode and energy consumption is analyzed by the phenomenology method .

  23. 作为存在主义美学的代表人物,萨特继承了笛卡尔的我思传统和胡塞尔的现象学方法,把自己的理论建立在非反思意识的基础上。

    Sartre , an important representative of existentialism aesthetics , inherited the tradition cogito of Descarte and phenomenology of Husserl , established his theory on pre-reflective consciousness .

  24. 在探究艺术本质的方法上,海德格尔对传统的归纳法、演绎法表示了质疑,提倡采用现象学方法来探讨艺术问题。

    In order to explore the nature of art , Heidegger uses phenomenon . He thinks the traditional way of inductive method and deductive method are not correct .

  25. 本文在概述认识论哲学的反思方法在主客体关系形成中的作用之基础上,重点论述了胡塞尔和海德格尔运用现象学方法,从不同角度对主客体关系理论的改造,及其对美学研究的影响。

    This thesis gives a brief account of the important function of epistemology method . Further , it discusses Husserl and Heidegger ' Phenomenology method which influenced the aesthetics study deeply .

  26. 如果遵从胡塞尔的现象学方法:回到事情本身,那这事情本身可能并不是意识,而是生活。

    If we followed Husserl 's phenomenological method of " recur the things per se ", the " things per se " would not be " consciousness " but " life " .

  27. 他的学说具有浓重的科学背景,是一种现象学方法、实用主义经验论和科学唯物论思想的综合,在美国现象学史上是一个独特的开篇。

    With a strong scientific background , his doctrine is a synthesis of phenomenological method , pragmatic empiricism and scientific materialism , it is a unique beginning in the history of American phenomenology .

  28. 现象学方法是反映现代实践格局的思维方法,本文认为:黑格尔是第一个用现象学方法建构其哲学体系的人。

    The phenomenological method is a method of thought which reflect the construction of modem practice . The article holds that Hegel is the first person to construct system of philosophy by this method .

  29. 认为21世纪科学哲学的发展,要在系统辩证法的指导下,用现象学方法对其进行系统化建构。

    Under the guidance of systems dialectics , the author thinks that the philosophy of science in the 21st century should be a kind of systematic construction by the use of the method of phenomenology .

  30. 胡塞尔认为哲学应在纯粹意识领域能运用先验现象学方法追求绝对的知识,他的这一思路是在对古代和近代哲学的批判过程中确立起来的。

    Husserl thinks that philosophy should seek absolute knowledge in sphere of pure consciousness by phenomenology method . Husserl established the train of thought in process of criticizing philosophy of the ancient Greece and modern times .