
  • 网络intentional;intentionality;ITT
  1. 当代心灵哲学视阈中的意向性问题研究

    Researches into Intentionality in the Horizon of Contemporary Philosophy of Mind

  2. 强化了意向性在技术哲学研究中的作用。

    Strengthening the importance of intentionality in the philosophy of technology .

  3. 背景脆性X相关震颤/共济失调综合征(fragileX-associatedtremor/ataxiasyndrome,FXTAS)是一种以意向性震颤和/或小脑性共济失调为主要特征的神经退行性疾病。

    Background Fragile X-associated tremor-ataxia syndrome ( FXTAS ) is a neurodegenerative disease characterized by progressive cerebellar ataxia and intention tremor .

  4. 在意向性治疗分析中,传统INR监测组的10年生存率是76.1%,而口服抗凝自我管理组的生存率是84.5%。

    In the intent-to treat analysis , 10-year survival was76.1 % with conventional INR monitoring but84.5 % with self-management of oral anticoagulation .

  5. 370篇进行了随访,报告失访仅有17篇,仅2篇采用了意向性分析(ITT)。

    Followed up was used in 370 articles ; 17 reported loss follow-up , but only 2 reports used intention to treat analysis ( ITT ) .

  6. 我们在意向性治疗基础上研究了UKPDS中的7项次级临床终点集合,按照预先的随机分组。

    We examined seven prespecified aggregate clinical outcomes from the UKPDS on an intention-to-treat basis , according to previous randomization categories .

  7. 结果意向性治疗(ITT)分析显示,治疗1周后试验组和对照组在下尿路感染综合疗效的总有效率方面分别为92·43%和91·31%;

    Results ITT ( intention-to-treatment ) analysis showed that the total effective rates of the treatment group and the controlled group were 92.43 % and 91.31 % , respectively ( P > 0.05 ) .

  8. 华盛顿现在正在召开一个保守主义政治行动大会(CPAC),今年举行了一场总统大选的意向性投票,竞争者是正在崛起的年轻政治明星如州长BobbyJindal和SarahPalin。

    It 's happening at the conservative political action conference or CPAC in Washington right now . The group takes a presidential straw poll today . Contenders include rising young stars like Governors Bobby Jindal and Sarah Palin .

  9. 主体性教育研究的新视野&意向性理论

    The New Perspective of Subjectivity Education & the Theory of Intentionality

  10. 意向性与语篇的解读初探

    A Preliminary Exploration to the Relation of Intentionality and Discourse Interpretation

  11. 当代心智哲学的演变及其意向性理论

    On Evolvement of Contemporary Philosophy of Mind and Its Intentionality Theories

  12. 意向性是心智指向或关于事物的属性。

    Intentionality is property which mind direct at or about something .

  13. 诗歌翻译主体认知性身份的界定:分析性和意向性之间

    The Identification of Cognitive Subject in Poetic Translation against Analyticity and Intentionality

  14. 塞尔对传统的意向性理论进行了大胆的改进。

    J.Seale has boldly improved the traditional theory of intentionality .

  15. 论意向性及言语行为理论发展的瓶颈

    Intentionality and the Bottleneck of Speech Act Theory 's Development

  16. 塞尔对意向性的研究是由他对语言意义问题的研究引起的。

    His study of Intentionality is caused by his study of meaning .

  17. 塞尔的意向性理论与人工智能的未来

    The Searle 's Theory of Intentionality and the Future of Artificial Intelligence

  18. 意向性问题是当代西方哲学关注的核心论题。

    Intentionality is a core issue of contemporary western philosophy .

  19. 论意向性的认识功能与实践功能

    On the Cognitive and Practice Functions of the Intentional Mind

  20. 意向性对语篇的建构有什么作用?

    How does intentionality contribute to the construction of discourse ?

  21. 原语文本中意向性关联物的有限性;

    Schematized objects constrained in the text of source language ;

  22. 河北农民患菌痢疾病意向性就医可及性研究

    The intention and accessibility of dysentery patients in Hebei province

  23. 论意向性在言语交际中的作用

    A Preliminary Inquiry into Functions of Intention in Linguistic Communication

  24. 带有临时性的个人意向性的语义特点。

    It was a kind of semantic characteristic with temporary and personal intention .

  25. 胡塞尔现象学的核心是意识的意向性问题。

    The core of Husserl Phenomenology is the problem of consciousness ' intentionality .

  26. 工作记忆提取过程中有意抑制与无意抑制比较研究无意识意向性潜意识意向性

    Differences between Intentional and Unintentional Inhibition during Working Memory Retrieval ; unconscious intentionality

  27. 意向性与意义理解&从言语行为论的视角看

    Intentionality and Meaning Interpretation : from the Perspective of the Speech Act Theory

  28. 教育意识表达了主体对客观教育实践的意向性和能动介入,是影响教育价值取向的主观因素;

    The subjective fact of influencing the educational value orientation is educational consciousness .

  29. 现代汉语意向性动词研究

    The Studies of the Intentional Verb in Modern Chinese

  30. 意向性概念的理论根据质疑

    Query the Theoretical Basis of the Concept of Intentionality