
  • 网络modern philosophy;contemporary philosophy
  1. 休谟是一位有着现代哲学意味的传统哲学家。

    David Hume is a traditional philosopher with modern philosophy sense .

  2. 笛卡尔被誉为现代哲学之父。

    Rene Descartes commonly knows as the Father of modern Philosophy .

  3. SDA定义的但在其他系教授的课程,如现代哲学和哲学解释学。

    Courses defined by SDA but taught by other departments , e.g.Postmodern and Hermeneutic philosophy .

  4. 而且这种反本质的观点,又是一种标准的后现代哲学语境。

    And the anti-essence view is a standard post-modernist philosophy context .

  5. 后现代哲学的挑战与系统哲学的回应

    The Challenge of Postmodern Philosophy and the Response of Systematic Philosophy

  6. 中国现代哲学的源、流与结构考

    A Study of the Source and Structure of Chinese Modern Philosophy

  7. 摘要法国现代哲学把伦理学作为一个核心问题。

    French contemporary philosophy considers moral philosophy as a central issue .

  8. 庄子语言思想中的现代哲学解释学意义

    Hermeneutical Significance of Contemporary Philosophy in Zhuang Zi 's Thoughts on Language

  9. 西方后现代哲学精神的近期扩展

    The Spread of Vision of Postmodern Philosophy in Western since Recent Time

  10. 现代哲学与中国古代哲学的互释

    The Mutual Interpretation between the Modern Philosophy and the Chinese Ancient Philosophy

  11. 语言哲学在西方现代哲学中占据中心地位;

    Philosophy of language enjoys its central position in modern western philosophy .

  12. 对中国现代哲学研究中时代性观念的反省

    A Reflection on Concept of " Diachroneity " in Modern Chinese Philosophical Studies

  13. 后现代哲学之源&尼采的现代性批判理论

    The Origin of post - Modernism & Nietzche 's critical theory of Modernism

  14. 现代哲学的本质与马克思思想的当代意义

    The Essence of Modern Philosophy and the Contemporary Significance of Marx 's Thought

  15. 科玄论战对中国现代哲学的意义

    The Effect of " Controversy of Science and Metaphysics " on Modern China Philosophy

  16. 后现代哲学思维方式的特征&从自组织动力学的观点看

    The Scientific Connotations in Approaching Postmodernism Mode of Thinking & From a Synergetical Perspective

  17. 现代哲学,乃至整个哲学,从根本上来说,都是人学。

    Radically speaking , modernistic philosophy even entire philosophy is a theory of human .

  18. 这就为中国现代哲学的进一步发展展开了新的话语空间。

    This opened up a new field of the development of Chinese modem philosophy .

  19. 后现代哲学全面解构了现代性,同时又以一种建设性的创造精神展示着生态后现代主义。

    Postmodern philosophy comprehensive deconstructed modernity , while demonstrating eco-postmodernism with a constructive creativity .

  20. 马克思颠覆形而上学的思想历程&兼对后现代哲学的一个批判性考察

    The Thought Process of Marx Subverting Tradition Metaphysics & Criticizing and Reviewing to Post-modernism

  21. 马克思立足于资本主义的现实和近代哲学理性主义的矛盾性,从现代哲学的思维方式着手并立足于人的现实生活和实践,实现了马克思主义哲学对近代理性主义的超越。

    Marxist philosophy transcended modern rationalism based on the contradiction and modern western capitalist reality .

  22. 回归生活世界是现代哲学的基本精神。

    Returning to the realistic life world is the fundamental spirit of the contemporary philosophy .

  23. 海德格尔称他为在全部现代哲学中成为最强有力的哲学力量。

    And Husserl called it as the most powerful strength of Philosophy in contemporary Philosophy .

  24. 熊伟和中国现代哲学

    Xiong Wei and the Modern Chinese Philosophy

  25. 析后现代哲学的三大特征

    On three Features of the Postmodern Philosophy

  26. 从现代哲学解释学角度看音乐作品的本质问题

    Viewing the Essence of Musical Works from the Point of View of Modern Philosophical Hermeneutics

  27. 反对主客二分的思维方式,是现代哲学的主流。

    Against the subject-object binary way of thinking , is the mainstream of modern philosophy .

  28. 现代哲学在对传统哲学的反思和批判中,实现着面向生活世界的哲学变革。

    Reflecting and criticizing traditional philosophy , modern philosophy is changing to return to the life-world .

  29. 只有现代哲学才把人的问题凸显出来,作为哲学的最高问题来研究。

    In contemporary , human study has been regarded as the dominated part of philosophy research .

  30. 现代哲学物质观可分为实践论物质观、有机论物质观与整体论物质观。

    Contemporary philosophical outlooks on substances fall into practicism , organic theory and doctrine of entirety .