
rè yǐn
  • hot drinks
热饮 [rè yǐn]
  • [hot drinks] 指热的饮料,如热茶、热咖啡等

热饮[rè yǐn]
  1. 然后您创建了一个简单的基于Web的发票,类似于您可能在一家从事异国热饮的电子商务站点上所看到的诸如此类的事情。

    Then you created a simple web-based invoice , similar to the sort of thing you might see on an e-commerce site specializing in exotic hot drinks .

  2. 热饮,即茶和咖啡,另计。

    Hot drinks , ie tea and coffee , are charged for separately .

  3. 他喝了一杯热饮御寒。

    He fortified himself against the cold with a hot drink .

  4. 我给她裹了条毯子,又给了她一杯热饮。

    I bundled her up in a blanket and gave her a hot drink .

  5. 我小口喝着她调制的巧克力热饮。

    I sipped the hot chocolate she had made .

  6. 这家店铺出售好几种热饮。

    The shop sells several kinds of hot beverages .

  7. 含有朗姆酒,其他酒,蛋液,牛奶,水,糖,还有其他香料的热饮你有喝过TomAndJerry吗?

    A hot drink consisting of rum or another liquor , a beaten egg , milk or water , sugar , and spices . Hey , have you ever tried a " Tom And Jerry " ?

  8. 缺少“适合热饮的易回收的纸杯”是Dunkin'Brands仍旧在权衡是否换为纸杯的原因之一,首席公关卡伦?拉斯科普夫(KarenRaskopf)说。

    The lack of an ' easily recyclable cup designed for hot beverages ' is one reason Dunkin ' Brands is still weighing whether to switch to paper , Karen Raskopf , chief communications officer , said .

  9. 糕点大厨尼古拉·巴切(NicolasBacheyre)制作的巧克力热饮上桌时其实不是热的,而是温的,盛放在传统的利摩日瓷杯里,保证让你以最经典的方式告别巴黎。

    A spot of the pastry chef Nicolas Bacheyre 's chocolat chaud , served warm , not hot , in traditional Limoges porcelain , is guaranteed to send you off in classic style .

  10. 绿山通过为消费者提供多种选择,已成功将其Keurig热饮平台打入1500万个家庭。

    Green mountain managed to get its Keurig platform for hot beverages into 15 million households by offering consumers choice .

  11. 该公司负责热饮系统的高级副总裁戴维·萨克斯(DavidSachs)称,测试人员会询问他们对冲煮饮料的机器采用这种色彩有何感受——以及他们是否能使用它三年或更长时间,这也是比较切合实际的厨房电器的使用期限。

    Testers asked people how they felt about the color on a beverage-brewing machine -- and if they could live with it for three years or more , a viable time frame for kitchen appliances , says David Sachs , Keurig 's senior vice president of hot beverage systems .

  12. 马丽不想喝热饮,直接进了自己的房间。

    Mary declined a hot drink and went to her room .

  13. 他看来冻僵了,需要来杯热饮。

    He looks half frozen ; he needs a hot drink .

  14. 你看起来好像感冒了,所以我给你拿了点热饮。

    You looked cold so I got you something warm .

  15. 我喜欢在晚上睡觉前喝一杯热饮。

    I like to have a hot drink last thing at night .

  16. 给他们盖一条毯子,或让他们喝一杯热饮。

    Cover them with a blanket and give them a warm drink .

  17. 大热天喝热饮有助散热?

    Does Drinking Something Hot On A Hot Day Cool You Down ?

  18. 复方抗高热饮治疗感染性高热症50例

    50 Cases of Infective High Fever Treated with TCM Compound Antifebrile Liquid

  19. 京晶:马克,你带着喝的热饮回来了。

    Dialogue 2 Mark , you 're back with something warm to drink .

  20. 拿着热饮的学生更倾向于作出正面评价。

    Those holding the hot cups were more likely to say positive things .

  21. 热饮还能减轻咽喉痛。

    Warm liquids can help ease a sore throat .

  22. 京晶:有啊,我正准备去来杯热饮呢。

    Yeah , I was just about to go get a hot drink .

  23. 然后谢尔顿也给了我一杯热饮。

    And Sheldon made me a beverage , too .

  24. 谁输谁负责买热饮。

    The loser has to go get hot drinks .

  25. 要不你我还有你的小假人去喝个热饮。

    Maybe you , me and your dummy could go get a hot beverage .

  26. 小时候喜欢冷饮,现在喜欢上了热饮。

    Like cold childhood , love the drinks .

  27. 我认识到,茶在英国并不一定意味着热饮。

    I realized that tea in England does not necessarily mean a hot drink .

  28. 她把豆子和火腿加热,做好了可可热饮,然后把桌子摆好。

    She heated some beans and ham , made cocoa , and set the table .

  29. 早晨,海克尔酱瓦洛喝他的巧克力热饮。

    Hercule Poirot drank his morning chocolate .

  30. 热饮能让我们冷下来?

    Do hot drinks cool you down ?