
liáng cài
  • cold dish;cocktail
凉菜 [liáng cài]
  • [cold dish] 凉着吃的菜;冷菜

凉菜[liáng cài]
  1. 2005年青岛市市区部分餐饮单位凉菜间卫生状况调查

    Investigation on Sanitary Condition in Cold Dish Preparing Room of Restaurants in Qingdao in 2005

  2. 凉菜在饮食业俗称冷菜或冷盘。

    The cold dish is commonly referred to as " cold cuts " or " cold platter " .

  3. 番茄凉菜汤,清蒸扇贝,鳄梨和莱姆沙拉。

    Chilled tomato gazpacho , poached scallop , avocado & lime salad .

  4. 超市内快餐凉菜制售场所卫生现状

    Sanitary status of places for producing and selling snack dishes in supermarkets

  5. 这些不需要厨房加热的凉菜将很快成为夏季的主要食物。

    These no-cook recipes for cool kitchens will quickly become summer staples .

  6. 西班牙凉菜汤的味道很不错,迪尔洛特也表示自己的火腿很不错。

    The gazpacho tastes good , and Dilnot professes to enjoy his ham .

  7. 在菜单上是西班牙凉菜汤,桔子果汁,小女和更多!

    On the menu are gazpacho , orange smoothies , brownies and more !

  8. 荤素菜分为凉菜和热菜两种。

    For meat and vegetable dishes , there are cold dishes and hot dishes .

  9. 这里的凉菜看着都那么精致。

    Even the cold dishes look so delicate .

  10. 凉菜切配的主要原料大部分是熟料。

    The main ingredients for cold dishes are for the most part ready food .

  11. 使现代凉菜在餐饮业中展献出一种新的现象。

    Make sure to modern cold dishes in the restaurant industry gave a new phenomenon .

  12. 通常先上凉菜,后上热菜;先吃干的,后喝稀的。

    Normally cold dishes are served before hot ones , dry dishes are served before soup .

  13. 她在调拌沙拉(凉菜)。

    She was mixing a salad .

  14. 我来给你夹一点牛肉(凉菜,糖醋鱼)。

    Let me help you to some beef [ cold dishes , sweet and sour fish ] .

  15. 凉菜,芋艿8元。蜜枣泡制的芋头丸,甜蜜绵软,冰凉可口,让人唇齿留香。

    The Taro and Chinese date with honey , cold dish , RMB8.Sweet and soft , cool and fragrant .

  16. 加入酱油,鱼露,和香油,可以变成更适合亚洲人口味的凉菜。

    To add an Asian touch , you can also add soy sauce , fish sauce and sesame oil .

  17. 尤其是在夏天,海蜇被切成丝,加上其他佐料制成一道凉菜,非常受欢迎。

    Especially popular in the summer , jellyfish skin is sliced and served like a salad with various dressings .

  18. 通常凉菜汤选用新鲜西红柿、黄瓜、小辣椒和大蒜制成,十分清口健康。

    Usually made with fresh tomatoes , cucumber , bell peppers and garlic , it 's as refreshing as it is healthy .

  19. 可以说西班牙海鲜饭是西班牙最著名的菜肴了,但是想要吃低卡路里食物的话,还是选择安达卢西亚的凉菜汤吧。

    Paella is arguably Spain 's most famous dish but for a low-calorie option , eat this chilled vegetable soup from Andalusia .

  20. 《寨门口的小饭馆》主营一些简单的米粉和小炒菜、小凉菜。

    The small restaurant in front of Miao stockade This restaurant sells some simple rice noodles and cooking as well as cold dishes .

  21. 聚丰源主营各色家常小炒、风味面食、特色凉菜及兰州正宗烩菜,价格低廉,优质服务。

    Main source of home-colored Jufeng Xiaochao , style pasta , features authentic Huicai Liangcai and Lanzhou , low prices , quality service .

  22. 夏天是人们享受各种冷餐凉菜的好时候。其中,过程简单、易于制作的凉面便是炎炎夏季中的最佳选择。

    Summer is the season to enjoy cold dishes , and cold noodles are among the easiest dishes to prepare in the hot weather .

  23. 丽贝卡·凯恩是一名凉菜厨师也是一家餐馆的创始人,她将会告诉我们如何做出美味的生西红柿汤食材

    Rebecca Kane , raw food chef and founder of Shine on Raw shows us how to make a healthy and delicious raw tomato soup At a glance

  24. 凉菜间工具、容器、抹布、从业人员手检测大肠菌群合格率以大型餐饮单位最高为94.44%、中型次之为67.62%、小型餐饮单位合格率最低为33.33%。

    The qualified rate of coli group tested from the equipment , tableware and hands in big , middle and small restaurants was94.44 % , 67.62 % and33.33 % respectively .

  25. 一盘热菜毛肚、两盘凉菜黄瓜和西红柿,一盘馒头和“两碗”西瓜“汤”。

    One hot dish of Marinated Pork Tripe , two cold dishes of cucumber and tomato , one dish of steamed bread and two " bowls " of watermelon'soup ' .

  26. 第一次去买烤土豆,先研究了半天贴在橱窗上的菜单,闹不明白卖烤土豆的为什么还卖凉菜(蔬菜沙拉)!

    The first to buy baked potatoes , first of a half-day affixed to the window on the menu , not trouble selling baked potatoes understand why they sold the dish ( vegetable salad )!

  27. 大多数客人喜欢在餐前要点儿口味较重的开胃小菜。在中国,我们通常是先点凉菜。

    Situation ( 2 ): Most guests like to begin their meal with appetizers or starters , which are salty and have a strong taste . In China , we usually begin with some cold dishes .

  28. 在不同来源的熟肉制品中,以定型包装熟食品的卫生状况较好,其次为市售熟食品,饭店凉菜类合格率最低。

    In the different sources of cooked meat , the hygienic status of the packed foods was the best , that of commercial cooked meat was the second , and that of the cool foods of restaurants was the lowest .