- 名savanna

Players simply observe wild animals in the savanna and take virtual photos .
South of the equatorial region is the tree-dotted grassland called the savanna .
Common savannah monkey with greenish-gray back and yellow tail .
It makes its way to the riverbank before clambering up into the savanna .
The tropical grasslands are a far cry from the lush green pastures of ireland .
A fluffy gray mantle and patches of tall grass help a cub hide on the open savanna .
But the thorny acacia are more numerous on the open savanna , where they need to defend themselves .
Cheetahs mostly live in grassy or open areas like savannas , but sometimes they are found in deserts and mountains .
Sudan 's dry savannas are a major source of the gum , whose global market is worth US $ 90 million .
We married a few months later , and this was the trip where we really went to see the animals and to see the savanna .
The forests of the Cerrado , an area of savannah punctuated with trees that once covered much of central Brazil , are disappearing even faster .
Savannah River Site serves the nation through safe , secure , cost-effective management of our nuclear weapons stockpile , nuclear materials , and the environment .
South Africa 's vast landscape includes seavannahs , snow-covered mountains , forests , tropical swaps , endless beaches , tranquil rivers and bustling urban centers .
For example , in colder soils of the American corn belt and drier areas of the Argentine pampas , banding is the preferred method for phosphate fertilization .
From loud barks to thunderous booms , hornbill cries resound across a range that extends from the dry savannas of sub-Saharan Africa to the lush forests of Melanesia .
This tropical grassland , however , has been severely destroyed due to the effects of human activities and excessive utilization , which has been rapidly dwindled over the past 40 years .
He says this fire-free method by the pre-Columbian farmers helped change the seasonally flooded , or grassland , into productive cropland . Raised fields provide better drainage and soil aeration and also hold moisture during the dry season .
They have been known to occupy a wide range of habitats from tall grassy areas to high mountains , and the only places where they have not been found are deserts and rainforests . However , they can survive in very arid environments .
These upright apes evolved on the African savanna about two million years ago ,
The largest intact savanna in East Africa .
The savanna browsing black rhino has a prehensile lip for feeding on shrubs .
Even though a savanna man shivered for hours to create this scene , it 's really a heart-warming story .
Elephants live in habitats ranging from thick jungle to savanna , in small family groups led by old cows .
A golden lioness and her cub bask in the warmth of a savanna sun in Tanzania 's Serengeti National Park .
Error cascades can explain why complex ecosystems ( like rainforests ) tend to be more fragile than simple ones ( like savannahs ) .
Hippos , elephants , giraffes , lions , leopards , and scores of other species flourish in this savanna-woodland watershed , watered by the Luangwa River .
A new type of locust area in china ── the ecological geography characteristics of the tropical savannah locust area in Hainan as compared with the river delta type of locust area
Found in the savannas of Africa and India , the baobab is a godsend to locals who use nearly every part of the tree for food , medicine , and even shelter .
Now , these great creatures are commonly found in national parks and reserves , however and various reintroduction programs have increased their numbers in these areas including deserts , savannas , grasslands and woodlands .
A savanna full of predators , after all , was not a place to get distracted .