- 名temperate grassland

Thereby , the N2O emission flux from temperate grassland soils was lower because that the heterotrophic nitrification is key N2O production process in these soils .
Impact of climate change on temperate grassland in northern China
The content characteristics on Fe , Mn and Cu in the grassland vegetation of Xilin River Basin
The biogeochemical character on the temperate zone grassland of Inner Mongolia
Reclamation of Steppe and Related Desertification in Three Temperate Zones of North Hemisphere
Remote Sensing Analysis on Grade Evaluation of Accumulated Snow Disaster in Temperate Rangeland
A Brief Talk on absolute weed and pest control
There are more insects in tropical rainforest zones than in temperate grass zones .
Weed and pest control are two major problems , when pasture establish in temperature climate .
The landscape changed during the Neogene period , becoming temperate grassland-forest , with warm cool climate .
Most plants among the six life forms belonged to the hemicryptophyte which accounted for 31.25 % .
Ecological studies of vegetation in the ecotone between temperate grassland and warm-temperate deciduous broad-leaved forest of Hengshan Mountains , Shanxi
Temperature sensitivity of soil respiration in relation to soil moisture in 11 communities of typical temperate steppe in Inner Mongolia
Using the alkali absorption technique , we measured soil CO_2 efflux in 11 temperate steppe communities in Xilin River basin , Inner Mongolia .
Since temperate grassland in northern China is more sensitive to rainfall , vegetation fractional coverage can be estimated combining remotely sensed data and rainfall time series .
Resin-core incubation technique causes little disturbance to the grassland soil and is a good method to study the net N mineralization of the temperate grassland in field .
As a most drought type in temperate steppe , the desert steppe in Inner Mongolia is a district with harshest natural condition , lowest productivity and weakest ecosystem in steppe districts .
From the available information , biogenic Si accumulation rate in bamboo forest soil was much higher than that of tropic rain forest , grassland , temperate deciduous and coniferous forest soil .
According to climatic factors , Alashan desert region can be divided into three classes : mid temperate steppe desert climate zone , mid temperate desert climate zone and warm temperate hyper-arid desert zone .
Shanxi Hengshan is the threshold between temperate zone prairies and warm temperate zone deciduous broad-leaved forest in the zoning of Chinese vegetation , with its northern and southern slopes belonging to different vegetation zones .
Results show that northern temperate grassland came into being in Miocene ( about 7 to 10 million years ago ) and strenuous evolution happened to ecological environment of grassland during the thousands years of human action .
The objective of this study was to examine the net nitrogen mineralization rate of three different types of temperate grassland soil using the resin-core technique and to evaluate the application of the resin core incubation technique in temperate grassland .
In recent years , the influence of the global warming will be in north China province temperate nature disasters , living in the local nomads living by the ecological environment of the adverse impact of the deterioration of the environment .
Potential temperate steppe could grow in western Northeast , southeastern Inner Mongolia , northwestern Loess Plateau and central east Qinghai Province , where only animal husbandry could be developed and the previously cultivated lands should be returned back to the pastures .
Surface soils on grassland are rich in pollens and have an average pollen concentration of 26 077 grains / g , and 33 taxa of pollens , which are correlated to the local vegetation of semi-arid temporal steppe rich in Artemisia as well .
The processes of N_2O production in temperate meadow grassland soils
Effects of Grazing on Carbon Dioxide and Methane Fluxes in Typical Temperate Grassland in Inner Mongolia , China
The research results showed that the heterotrophic nitrification is the important microbiological process of N2O production in this kind soil .
In this paper , A lots of laboratory experiments using the acetylene inhibition method ( AIM ) were carried to investigate the N2O production processes in chernozem soil of meadow grassland in Inner Mongolia .
Resource Allocation Strategies of Eight Grassland Species as Influenced by Nitrogen Rate