- tropical cyclone;tropical revolving storm

Research on the Northwest Pacific Tropical Cyclone : GIS-based Approach
GIS-based tropical cyclone similar path query and analysis
A BP neural network prediction model for the annual frequency of Tropical Cyclones Affecting Guangxi
The Effect of the Atmospheric 10 - 20 Day Oscillation on the Recurving Tropical Cyclones during SPECTRUM - 90
Application of SVG to Graphic Service for Tropical Cyclone Information
Rapid intensification are mostly seen east and northeast of Luzon Island .
Climatic Features of Tropical Cyclone in Hainan Island and Its Relationship with ENSO
The Influence of ENSO Circulation on the North going Tropical Cyclones in July / August and Navigation
Insurers have complained that they face billions of dollars of extra losses after US authorities declared superstorm Sandy a post-tropical cyclone rather than a hurricane .
Based on the forecast of Meteorological Facsimile Chart , mathematic model of true motion is given and program of ship 's avoiding tropical cyclone is made by using the Matlab .
An operational forecast system of tropical cyclone track by means of ECMWF products
Analysis show that the tropical cyclones which influence Fujian are fewer in El Nino years and more in La Nina years then normal .
Interrelation between the Tropical Cyclon action and the types of the rain band in summer in China as well as the action of ENSO
Results show that the cyclone system interacting with Maggie is the main factor in the appearance of the abnormal track of Maggie .
With the support of GIS , the thesis has a discovering research on two problems , Tropical Cyclone source spatial distribution pattern and Tropical Cyclone path similarity , which are most valuable for the forecast of Tropical Cyclone .
The thermal structure characteristics of tropical cyclones with different intensity revealed by AMSU data
Secondly , a shallow-water model is designed to study the topographical effects on the propagating vortex Rossby waves and tropical cyclone intensity change detailedly .
Storms had taken the heaviest toll of lives , however , causing about 242000 recorded deaths , including 138000 killed by Cyclone Nargis , which struck Myanmar in 2008 .
The relationship of OLR and the development of tropical cyclones over the South China Sea is studied by using the OLR data ( 1990 & 2000 ) .
The complex weather processes of tropical cyclones can be condensed to a chart of life cycle time evolution and main features in it can be shown more clearly with EOF .
A case study on an event with a tropical cyclone approaching Hong Kong is included to demonstrate the significance of meteorological conditions in determining the visibility and PM2.5 concentration .
Montgomery and Kallenbach proposed that the propagation of vortex Rossby waves may intensify the tropical cyclone , this new physical mechanism has been widely studied .
The response of upper ocean to the tropical cyclones in the northwestern Pacific during 2001 & 2004 was discussed and analyzed using the data from Argo profiling floats .
The tropical cyclones forecasting operational system in Liaoning province and its forecasting results in the year of2005 were introduced based on MM5 in this paper .
There are 419 records of wind speed caused by 8 tropical cyclones in shore of the South China Sea in 1988 , comparing the 419 records and the corresponding forecast value , the mean absolute error is 2.04 m / s.
The effect of atmospheric intra-seasonal low-frequency oscillation ( 30-50 day ) during the period from May to October , 1980 on tropical cyclone tracks are analysed .
Then , a forecasting model for annual and seasonal numbers of tropical cyclone affecting Fujian is proposed using the original idea and its implement algorithm of projection pursuit regression ( PPR ) .
In this paper , GRAPeS , the next generation of numerical weather prediction system of China has been used . The impacts on the typhoon Dujuan ( in 2003 ) forecast in experiments with Dropsonde have been studied and experiments on modify the background .
By using 20-year monthly mean Outgoing Longwave Radiation ( OLR ) data ( 1975 ~ 1994 ) observed by NOAA satellites , the frequency of the tropical cyclone ( TC ) landing and impacting on the meteorological field of southern China are investigated .
APO is significantly and positively correlated to the tropical cyclone frequency over the western North Pacific , with the correlation coefficients being 0.47 and 0.33 respectively for non-detrended and detrended time series during 1949 ~ 2005 , both exceeding the 95 % significance level .