
rè dǎo xiào yìnɡ
  • heat-island effect
  1. 基于Landsat影像的南京地区热岛效应

    Investigation on Heat-island Effect in Nanjing Area by Landsat TM Data

  2. 建筑空调能耗与城市热岛效应

    Energy consumption of air conditioning system in buildings and city heat-island effect

  3. 将城市热岛效应分析融入GIS中应用于城市规划

    Application of analysis of urban heat island effect in GIS to urban planning

  4. 基于遥感和GIS的城市绿地缓解热岛效应作用研究

    The Study of City Green Reducing Thermal Island Effect Based on RS and GIS

  5. 基于RS与GIS的哈尔滨城市热岛效应动态变化分析

    Dynamic change of heat island effect in Harbin city based on RS and GIS

  6. RS与GIS在城市热岛效应研究中的应用

    Application of Remote Sensing and GIS in the Study of Heat Island Effect in City

  7. 基于TM影像的城市热岛效应和植被覆盖指数关系研究

    Urban Heat Island Effect and Vegetation Cover Index Relation Using Landsat TM Image

  8. 基于MODIS数据的上海市热岛效应分析

    A Study of Urban Heat Island Effect of Shanghai Based on MODIS Data

  9. 基于Landsat数据的城市热岛效应研究

    Research on Urban Heat Island Effect Based on Landsat Data

  10. 利用Landsat数据对广州城市进行热岛效应分析

    Analysis on Guangzhou Urban Heat Island Effect with Landsat Data

  11. 基于AVHRR和DEM的重庆城市热岛效应分析

    An analysis of urban heat island effects in Chongqing Based on AVHRR and DEM

  12. 基于LANDSATTM遥感数据的城市热岛效应信息提取与分析

    The Retrieval of and Analysis on the Urban Heat Island Effect Based on Landsat TM Remote Sensing Data

  13. 基于AVHRR的成都平原城市热岛效应演变趋势分析

    The evolutional trend analysis of Urban Heat Island Effect on Chengdu Plain , based on NOAA / AVHRR

  14. 近50a南京市气温和热岛效应变化特征

    Air temperature and urban heat island effect change character in Nanjing city for last 50a

  15. 结合森林生态城规划实践,采用TM卫星数据的远红外波段信息,分析确定郑州市热岛效应分区;

    In combination with planning of urban forest ecological construction and by application of the far-infrared wave band information of TM satellite data , this paper analyses and identifies the thermal island effect division of Zhengzhou City .

  16. 说明在热岛效应的研究过程中,如何运用4S系统技术;以及用科学的手段和研究方法,来研究城市热岛效应与社会经济运行模式之间的内在联系。

    How used the " 4S " technology and the scientific means or method , researched within the relationship between urban hot-island effect and the circulation of economics .

  17. 热岛效应(HIE)是城市气温高于四周郊区的温差现象,对环境生态系统和人类生产活动产生已造成重大影响。

    Heat Island Effect is defined as phenomenon of difference in temperature that urban temperature is higher than suburban temperature , highly influenced on environmental ecologic system and production activity of human being .

  18. 利用3S技术,从土地资源,敏感景观的空间分布格局,植被指数和热岛效应强度的变化等角度分析了煤炭开采对区域生态的宏观影响。

    3S techniques were further applied for studying changes of land resources , sensitive landscape distribution , vegetation index and heat-island intensity , which typified the macro influences of coal mining activities to the surrounding area .

  19. 而陆地上如华北平原、长白山附近以及京津唐地区由于受到地形、城市热岛效应等作用,属于午后活跃型MCV。

    Whereas on land like North China Plain 、 around Changbai Mountains and Beijing-Tianjin-Tangshan ( BTT ) region MCVs were active on afternoon because of the effects of terrain 、 urban heat island , and so on .

  20. 结果表明:土地利用变化引起的城市化使城市O3日均浓度升高,这与城市热岛效应、城市干岛效应以及地面风场的改变有关。

    The results show the urbanization caused by land-use change increases daily average O3 concentrations in urban areas , which is related to urban heat island effect , urban dry island effect and the change of surface wind fields .

  21. 桂林的城市热岛效应(简称CHIE),因桂林所处的特殊岩溶地质背景而对城市环境产生特殊的影响。

    City Heat Island Effect ( CHIE ) in Guilin exerts special influence to the environment of city because of Guilin located special background of karst geology .

  22. 柳州市热岛效应与干岛效应

    The Hot Island Effect and Dry Island Effect in Liuzhou City

  23. 绿地对城市热岛效应的改善;

    Improvement of the urban tropical island effect of green space ;

  24. 不同类型绿地对南京热岛效应的缓解作用

    Mitigative effects of different vegetations on heat island effect in Nanjing

  25. 全球变暖、热岛效应与城市规划及城市设计

    Global warming , heat island effect , urban planning and design

  26. 城市绿色空间及对城市热岛效应的影响

    Urban Green Space and its Effect on Urban Heat Island Effect

  27. 冬季热岛效应维持时间长于夏季。

    The UHI effect in winter maintain longer than in summer .

  28. 绿化改造工程对城市热岛效应的影响

    Effect on the city 's heat island by an afforestation project

  29. 北京市植被绿度与城市热岛效应关系研究

    Relationship between vegetation greenness and urban heat island effect in Beijing

  30. 研究地表植被覆盖与热岛效应的关系;

    Studies the surface vegetation cover and the hot island effect relations ;