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An Experiment of Simulating Convective Precipitation with Cumulus Parameters and NWP Products
Climatic Feature and Forecast of Convective Precipitation during June-August 2004 in Datong
The result indicates : initial CCN has great influence on convectional precipitation .
The numerical test of initial cloud droplet concentration ( CCN ) effect on convectional precipitation
The result shows that different convective schemes made large differences in the simulation of rainfall for different months and regions , the schemes of Kuo and Grell exhibited better performance than the scheme of BM ;
To increase the accuracy of radar rainfall estimation , an automatic convective / stratiform precipitation classification algorithm based on radar reflectivity data at the Wuhan radar station is proposed .
Finally , in order to improve the precipitation estimate in summer in Ningbo , the relationships between Z and I under convective and typhoon weather cases are established respectively .
The qualitative identification methods of Doppler radar velocity PPI pictures are introduced . The related image features of convective rainfall clouds are analyzed : ① the zero-velocity lines in the wind field related to large-scale convergence or divergence in combination with cold or warm advection ;
Automatic Convective / Stratiform Cloud Precipitation Classification Based on Radar Reflectivity
The spatial distribution of rainfall relative to the CG lightning location ;
The numerical test of initial ice nuclei concentration effect on cold cloud convectional precipitation
The unstable stratification in the lower troposphere was a necessary thermal stratification condition for convective precipitation ;
Results show that stratiformis precipitation occupied more area and contributed more rainfall to the total than convective precipitation at the three times .
A two-dimensional anelastic non-hydrostatic equilibrium cloud model has been used to simulate initial ice nuclei concentration affecting on cold cloud convective precipitation in this paper .
But it must be noted that , this approach has the risk of filter divergence and in the practical application , the updraft and downdraft producing from convective precipitation makes wind fields exhibiting nonlinear .
And meanwhile , the warm , humid southwest summer monsoon flow was also very active , the both met over the southern China , producing a vast area of the convective precipitation south of the cold air .
Compared with gauges records , the proposed method shows its capability to improve the precision of precipitation estimation in a regional scale , however , for the case of intensive convective precipitation , only the LSM is applicable .
Low-level cyclone circulation with high-level anti cyclone circulation , is helpful to form low-level convergence and high-level divergence , and make the rising airflow nearby cyclone keep and strengthen so that have offered necessity condition for convection precipitation .
The warm cloud process was the main developing process in the rain formation of this event , but the ice phase microphysical processes can greatly speed the rain formation .
Intensive convective precipitation usually occurred over the regions that VPRs detected together with no bright band , the big reflectivity factors , and the bigger reflectivity factors , the lower elevation angles .
Estimation of Rainfall in Convective Weather System by Using CG Lightning Data
The relationship between cloud to ground lightning and precipitation in the convective weather
Analysis of apparent heat source and apparent moist sink suggest that cumulus convection activities were active , and the convective rainfall dominated .