
  • 网络evapotranspiration;reference evapotranspiration
  1. 森林蒸散量日变化特点是白天高于夜间,中午最高,夜间潜热通量和显热通量(H)有低估的现象;

    Forest evapotranspiration was higher in the daytime than that at night , with the highest value occurring at noon .

  2. 利用PE模型,分别模拟了水稻前中期与后期不同株型的群体光合量、蒸散量以及水分利用效率。

    Using the PE Model , the canopy photosynthesis , evapotranspiration and water use efficiency ( WUE ) for different rice plant types were simulated .

  3. 修正温度法计算农作物蒸散量ET0研究

    Study on the Method of Calculating ET_0 by Modifying Temperature

  4. GIS环境下1999~2000年中国东北参考作物蒸散量时空变化特征分析

    Analysis of temporal-spatial characteristics of reference evapotranspiration based on GIS technology in Northeast China during 1991 ~ 2000

  5. 高CO2浓度下,干旱处理的气孔导度和蒸散量(ET)减少大于湿润处理,不施氮肥处理大于施用氮肥处理。

    High CO2 concentration decreases more stomatal conductance and evapotranspiration in drought treatment than in wet treatment , in no N added treatment more than in N added treatment .

  6. 利用Penman-Monteith法和蒸发皿法计算农田蒸散量的研究

    The estimation of evaportranspiration with Penman - Monteith and evaporator methods

  7. 因而CO2浓度升高、光合速率增加和蒸散量减少会减缓干旱的不利影响,增强作物对干旱胁迫的抵御能力。

    Thus , the increase in photosynthesis and the reduction in evapotranspiration due to elevated CO2 can ameliorate the negative effects of drought , and increase wheat resistance to water stress .

  8. 潜在蒸散量根据每日的气象观测资料,用FAOPenman-Monteith公式进行计算。

    Daily measured climate data are used to calculate potential evapotranspiration amount with FAO Penman - Monteith Equation .

  9. FAO先后建议用Penman修正式和Penmanmonteith公式计算参考作物蒸散量。

    Modified Penman and Penman Monteith formulae were recommended to calculate the reference crop evapotranspiration by FAO one after another .

  10. 验证流域潜在蒸散量需要把流域站点20cm口径的蒸发皿蒸发量转换成大型蒸发池蒸发量。

    The station 's 20 cm-diameter evaporation pan evaporation capacity is converted to that of large-sized evaporation tank .

  11. 在典型农区,日蒸散量、NDVI的频率分布随作物生长季节的变化表现出一定的差异性。

    The frequency distribution of the daily evapotranspiration and the NDVI is different in different crop growing seasons , which is mainly caused by the different vegetation indexes .

  12. 甘肃黄土高原40a来土壤水分蒸散量变化特征

    Variations in Evapotranspiration of Soil Moisture in Gansu Loess Plateau in the Recent 40 Years

  13. 日蒸散量与NDVI、地表温度呈线性相关,与海拔高度呈对数相关,与坡度、坡向无明显相关性。

    The daily ET has a linear correlation with NDVI and surface temperature , has a logarithmic correlation with altitude , and has no significant correlation with slope and aspect .

  14. 降雨量与潜在蒸散量系统误差对非点源污染负荷的影响具有相似性,均是泥沙不确定性最大,然后依次是TP负荷、河流流量和TN负荷。

    Rainfall and potential evapotranspiration system error on non-point source pollution load of a similar nature are the greatest uncertainties in the sand , followed by TP load , river flow and TN load .

  15. 平流-干旱模型估算的月蒸散量比较合理,而CRAE模型与Granger模型都存在冬季月蒸散量估算过高的问题。

    Monthly evapotranspirations from Advection - Aridity model were rational . However , CRAE model and Granger model overestimates monthly evapotranspirations during the winter .

  16. 近40a江河源区潜在蒸散量变化特征及影响因子分析

    Trend of Potential Evapotranspiration and Its Main Impact Factors in the Source Regions of Yangtze and Yellow Rivers

  17. 基于Shuttleworth-Wallace双源模型的天然杨树蒸散量日变化研究

    Study on diurnal variation of Populus evapotranspiration based on Shuttleworth-Wallace model

  18. 在估算大气蒸发力方面,以参考作物蒸散量为指标,估计作物参考蒸散量的方法以联合国粮农组织(FAO)最新推荐的Penmanmonteith方法较为精细。

    The crop reference evapotranspiration , estimated from meteorological data with methods such as the Penman-Monteith method recommended by FAO , is useful for precision irrigation decision-making .

  19. 用Priestley-Taylor模式计算棉田实际蒸散量的研究

    Calculation of actual evapotranspiration for cotton field by means of the priestley & taylor model

  20. 根据冬小麦生育期内实测的ETc以及用气象资料计算的参考作物蒸散量(ETo),求得了冬小麦的作物系数(Kc)。

    The crop coefficients ( Kc ) of winter wheat were obtained , based on the measured ETc by TDR in the field and calculated reference crop evapotranspiration ( ETo ) with meteorological data .

  21. 以简化Penman-Monteith作物蒸散量计算模型为基础,构建基于WEB平台的农田墒情监测与水分管理系统。

    Which indicated a strong accordance between simulated and observed value . ( 5 ) On the basis of the predigested Penman-Monteith model , we build the field soil moisture monitoring and water management system base on WEB .

  22. 该文利用FAO推荐的作物系数乘以参考作物蒸散量的方法计算了华北地区6个站点近50年主要作物的需水量,并并分析了其变化趋势。

    Crop water requirements of winter wheat and summer corn in North China in recent 50 years were calculated by the FAO approach , which equaled to crop coefficient ( multiplied ) by reference crop evapotranspiration .

  23. 研究成果为定量评价水土资源环境,估测农田蒸散量、制定合理的农田灌溉制度与改善农业生态环境具有重要的意义。研究成果如下:3.利用SWAP模型估算了农田实际蒸散量。

    It is of a great significance to know field evapotranspiration and establish reasonable irrigation scheduling and improve ecological environment . ( 3 ) The result calculated By SWAP shows irrigation is key on field evapotranspiration in winter wheat period .

  24. 结果表明:平流-干旱模型、CRAE和Granger模型估算的年蒸散量除了干旱年份外,误差都在10%以下。

    Results show that with the exception of several extreme arid years , annual errors of Advection-Aridity model , CRAE model and Granger model were less than 10 % .

  25. 结果表明:1春小麦蒸散量在降水或灌溉后1~2d最大,然后逐渐下降,说明春小麦的蒸散速度受土壤有效水分含量的影响;

    The results are as follows : ① The evapotranspiration of spring wheat will reach the largest 1 ~ 2 days after rainfall or irrigation , then decreases gradually . That means the speed of evapotranspiration in spring wheat is affected by the soil water content .

  26. 结果认为该地区自20世纪70年代开始平均蒸散量有逐渐减小的趋势,与1980年相比,1998年区域年平均蒸散量减小了24mm。

    The results show that the regional averaged evapotranspiration has a tendency of decreasing gradually during the past 40 years .

  27. 第二,关于植物方面,利用考虑气压修正的彭曼(Penman)公式计算了川中丘陵区1999~2003年的逐日蒸散量并分析了它的变化规律;

    Secondly , plant aspect , the day-to-day reference evapotranspiration ( 1999-2003 ) of hill region in Si Chuan middle part has been calculated by Penman formula and its changed law has been analyzed .

  28. 苜蓿的蒸散量和净光合速率(NPn),尤其是日最大净光合速率受盐分的影响比羊草显著。

    The effect of salt stress on net photosynthesis rate ( NPn ) and especially on the diurnal highest net photosynthesis rate ( NPn ) was more distinct in Medicago sativa than in Leymus chinensis .

  29. 文中用NOAA数据、DEM数据结合实测气象数据对Penman公式进行修正,再用修正后的Penman公式计算雅鲁藏布江流域潜在蒸散量。

    NOAA / AVHRR and DEM ( Digital Elevation Model ) together with the measured meteorological data are applied to modify Penman Formula . And the monthly potential evapotranspiration of Yarlung Tsangpo River Basin is calculated with the modified Penman Formula .

  30. 以气象观测资料为基础,采用不同的方法估算了黑河中游湿草地的参考作物蒸散量(ET0),并对5种方法计算结果进行了对比。

    Based on meteorological data , different methods are used to calculate the reference evapotranspiration of swampy meadow in the middle reaches of Heihe River in Hexi Corridor .