
  • 网络GHG;greenhouse gas emission;greenhouse-gas emissions;greenhouse emissions
  1. 清洁发展机制(CDM)为温室气体排放企业创造了难得的商业机会,使企业负担的环保义务变成为可以出售的产品。

    Enterprises emitting GHG gases may gain a lot from the Clean Development Mechanism underKyoto Protocol , which can turn environmental obligation into a profitable product , CER .

  2. 我们有理由相信,人均温室气体排放与人均收入之间会出现近似倒“U”型的曲线,但中国正处于这一曲线的爬坡阶段。

    We may believe the existence of inverted " U " curve between GHG emission and income per head under appropriate policy interventions , but China is now in the climbing up stage .

  3. 然而,不能全面解决温室气体排放问题,将把我们的世世代代置于无法估量的风险之中。

    Failure   to   address   comprehensively   the   problem   of   greenhouse   gasemissions ,   however ,   exposes   all   generations ,   present   and   future ,   to   incalculable   risks .

  4. 各国政府齐聚巴黎,参加联合国气候变化大会,针对减少温室气体排放这一主题,签订通用的且具有法律效力的协议。

    Nations   from   around   the   world   have   gathered   in   Paris   for   the   United   Nations   Climate   Change Conference ,   COP   21 ,   with   the   goal   of   a   universal   and   potentially   legally-binding   agreement   onreducing   greenhouse   gas   emissions .

  5. 尽管如此,中国还是在积极回应国际减少温室气体排放的努力,诸如碳捕获(carboncapture)和可再生能源的发展。

    Despite this , China has responded positively to international initiatives to reduce greenhouse gas emissions , such as carbon capture and renewable energy development .

  6. 在LNG的液化过程中,天然气中的水、惰性气体、C5等烃类基本被脱去,燃烧时温室气体排放量低,被公认为是未来世界普遍采用的燃料。

    In the LNG liquified process , water , inert gases , hydrocarbons like C5 are eliminated .

  7. 2006年的斯特恩报告(Sternreview)揭示,总体来说,运输部门产生了高达14%的全球温室气体排放,仅次于发电行业。

    For transport as a whole , the2006 Stern review revealed that the sector contributes up to14 percent of global greenhouse gas emissions , second only to power generation .

  8. 然而,可以通过国际碳贸易减少温室气体排放的成本,Sierra说。

    But the cost of decreasing greenhouse gas emissions can be reduced through international carbon trading , says Sierra .

  9. 但作为一个发展中国家,《京都议定书》(kyotoprotocol)并未要求中国限制温室气体排放,因此,中国国内没有强制购买碳减排指标的需求。

    But as a developing country , China is not required to limit greenhouse gas emissions under the Kyoto Protocol , so there is no domestic demand for mandatory carbon credits .

  10. 面对国际社会的压力,这两个国家的第一反应,就是把矛头指向美国及其富裕盟友(如澳大利亚),指责它们拒绝签署强制限定温室气体排放的《京都议定书》(kyotoprotocol)。

    The initial reaction in both countries to international pressure has been to point to the refusal of the US and rich fellow-travellers such as Australia to sign the Kyoto Protocol for mandatory emissions caps .

  11. IPCC的四次报告一次次肯定了由人类活动引起的温室气体排放与全球变暖间的因果关系。

    The four IPCC reports have made sure that there is a casual relationship between the greenhouse gas emissions caused by human activities and the global warming .

  12. 许多共和党人仍然对人类活动是否是造成全球变暖的原因表示质疑,更别提环保局是否应该通过限制温室气体排放以缓和全球变暖。MrBarton就是其中之一。

    Mr Barton is among the many Republicans in Congress who question whether global warming is caused by human activity , let alone whether the EPA should be trying to mitigate it by limiting emissions of greenhouse gases .

  13. 据路透社(Reuters)报道,中国一直拒绝设定强制性排放目标,但中国将会提出,从2000年到2020年,将其每经济产出单位的温室气体排放量降低40%。

    China has resisted setting mandatory targets for emissions but will propose cutting its emissions of greenhouse gases per unit of economic output by 40 per cent from 2000 to 2020 , according to Reuters .

  14. 苹果公司CEO库克介绍说,从现在起到2020年,这项计划将帮助中国减少超过2000万吨的温室气体排放,相当于近400万辆客车停驶一年。

    Announcing the moves , Apple CEO Tim Cook said they will avoid over 20 million tons of greenhouse gas pollution in China between now and 2020 , equivalent to taking nearly four million passenger vehicles off the road for a year .

  15. Cheung说,该研究的结论是:如果不能有效控制能引起气候变化的温室气体排放,海洋生态系统、全球渔业和世界上粮食的基本来源之一就会遭受进一步危害。

    Cheung says the study concludes that failure to curb climate-changing greenhouse gas emissions could further risk damage to marine ecosystems , global fisheries and an essential source of the world 's food .

  16. 潘基文随后一番话明显指向中国和印度,他补充道:但这个原则并不意味着发展中国家可以袖手旁观。在现行的《京都议定书》(KyotoProtocol)框架下,这两个全球温室气体排放大国没有减排义务。

    But in words clearly aimed at China and India , two of the world 's biggest greenhouse gas emitters which carry no obligation to curb emissions under the current Kyoto protocol , he added : Yet this principle does not mean that developing countries should do nothing .

  17. 必和必拓首席执行官安德鲁•麦肯齐(AndrewMackenzie)表示,中美之间达成的限制温室气体排放的协议,为达成全球性的气候协议带来了一线曙光,这类全球性的协议能避免混乱而含糊的单边行动。

    Andrew Mackenzie , BHP chief executive , said a deal between China and the US limiting greenhouse gas emissions offered a glimmer of hope for the type of global climate deal that could avoid messy and imprecise unilateral action .

  18. 分析到2020年中国和印度的电力部门用各种措施降低温室气体排放的技术潜力,对采用常规技术(BAU)和采用最佳实用技术(BPT)时的CO2排放量进行对比。

    The technical potential of various options to reduce emission of greenhouse gas from electricity sectors in China and India in the year 2020 is quantified . A business-as-usual ( BAU ) scenario and a number of best practice technology ( BPT ) scenarios for emission reduction are evaluated .

  19. 在最新的SRESA2和B2温室气体排放情景下,利用国际上7个气候模式针对未来全球变暖的数值模拟结果,本文着重分析了东亚区域气候21世纪的变化趋势。

    Using the numerical experiment outputs as simulated by seven climate models under SRES A2 and B2 greenhouse gas scenarios , the East Asian climate change trend in the 21st century is analyzed . It follows that surface air temperature warming in China synchronizes with the global average case generally .

  20. 稻米生产是温室气体排放的另一个主要来源。

    Rice production is another major source of greenhouse gas emissions .

  21. 安徽省气候变化形势与温室气体排放预测分析

    Climate Changing and Greenhouse Gases Emission Forecast Analysis in Anhui Province

  22. 钢铁工业温室气体排放与减排

    Greenhouse gas emission from iron and steel industry and its reduction

  23. 欧盟国家温室气体排放交易权对我国的启示

    EU glasshouse gas emission trading rights , present situation and enlightenment

  24. 内蒙古草原温室气体排放日变化规律及其矫正方法研究

    Study on Greenhouse Gases Release from Mongolia Grassland and Corrections of Results

  25. 中国能源消费与温室气体排放预测分析

    Energy Consumption and Prediction of Greenhouse Gas Emission in China

  26. 我国核电链温室气体排放系数研究

    Study of greenhouse gases emission factor for nuclear power chain of China

  27. 中国的温室气体排放、减排措施与对策

    Emissions of greenhouse gases in China and its reduction strategy

  28. 在过去150年里,全球温室气体排放量一直在持续增长。

    Emissions have been rising for the past 150 years .

  29. 特大城市温室气体排放量测算与排放特征分析

    The Analysis on Calculation and Characteristics of Greenhouse Gas Emission in Mega-cities

  30. 到那时,公司的生产过程将不再产生温室气体排放,也不会有浪费。

    It would produce no greenhouse-gas emissions and no waste .