
  • 网络temperate continental climate
  1. 境内地势平坦,平均海拔1240米,属于典型的温带大陆性气候。

    The territory is flat , with an average altitude of1240 meters , a typical temperate continental climate .

  2. 河南省属于温带大陆性气候,夏季多雨。

    Henan has a temperate continental climate , with most rainfall in summer .

  3. 西伯利亚的气候是典型的大陆性气候。郑州地区属暖温带大陆性气候,四季分明。

    The weather in Siberia is typically continental . Zhengzhou has a temperate and monsoonal climate with four clearly distinct seasons .

  4. 北京的温带大陆性气候产生明显的对比四个季节:春天很短,雨季及潮湿的夏季气候,漫长而寒冷的冬天,一个非常愉快的秋天。

    Beijing'stemperate continental climate produces four clearly contrasted seasons : a short spring , rainy and humid summer , long and cold winter , and avery pleasant autumn .

  5. 新疆地处中国西北,深入内陆,气候干燥温和,属于典型的温带大陆性气候。

    Xinjiang is located in the northwest of China , goes deep into the inland , where the climate is dry and mild , and is on typical warm temperate zone .

  6. 郑州地区属暖温带大陆性气候,四季分明.华北暖温带山地落叶阔叶混交林的茎流研究

    Zhengzhou has a temperate and monsoonal climate with four clearly distinct seasons . A STUDY ON THE STEMFLOW OF THE DECIDUOUS BROAD LEAVED MIXED FOREST IN THE WARM TEMPERATE ZONE OF NORTHERN CHINA

  7. 鄂尔多斯高原属于典型的温带大陆性气候,可利用的水资源十分有限,全市供用水矛盾非常突出。

    The climate of Ordos plateau is belonging to typical temperate zoon continental climate , and the available water was limited . Agriculture was much water consuming , and dependent for water intensely .

  8. 吉林省西部地区气候属温带大陆性气候区,降水量少,降水年际变化很大,年内分配不均,为全省蒸发量最大区域。

    In the west of Jilin province , the local climate is continental climatic region of temperate zone , the precipitation is a less and its interannual change is bigger and distribution is uneven in a year , and the amount of evaporation is largest in the province .

  9. 晋中属暖温带大陆性季风气候,季节变化明显。

    Jinzhong a warm temperate continental monsoon climate , seasonal changes .

  10. 属暖温带大陆性季风气候,季风特点显著,四季分明。

    A warm temperate continental monsoon climate , characterized by significant winds , four seasons .

  11. 新疆属典型的温带大陆性干旱气候,年均天然降水量155毫米。

    Belonging to temperate continental arid climate , the annual natural precipitation in Xinjiang is155 mm .

  12. 该地区属温带大陆性季风气候,四季分明,气候温和,日照充足;

    The area is a temperate continental monsoon climate , the climate is mild , the sunshine is sufficient .

  13. 塔里木盆地西北缘的天山南麓地处暖温带大陆性干旱气候区,碳酸盐岩广为出露。

    Carbonate rocks are widespread along South piedmont of Tianshan , northwest Tarim Basin , where is dry-warm temperate continental climate .

  14. 平谷区属于温带大陆性季风气候,四季分明,年平均日照时数2555.3小时,总积温4611℃;

    In the continental monsoon climate area of temperate zone , Pinggu District has clear-cut four seasons , 2,555.3 annual average sunshine hours and4611 ℃ total accumulative temperature .

  15. 通化属于温带大陆性季风气候,特征是春季风大干燥,夏季温热多雨,秋季凉爽,冬季漫长。

    Tonghua has temperate continental climate , which is characterized by strong winds in spring , dry 、 warm and rainy in summer , cool in autumn , winter longer .

  16. 气候属于暖温带大陆性季风气候,四季分明,降雨量充足,环境优美,气温适宜。

    The climate belongs to the warm temperate zone continental monsoon climate , the four seasons is distinct , the rainfall amount is sufficient , excellent surroundings , temperature being suitable .

  17. 本区属暖温带大陆性季风气候区,四季分明,春季干燥多风,夏季炎热多雨,秋季降温迅速,冬季寒冷少雪。

    Belonged to the warm temperate zone continental monsoon climate , four seasons , dry and windy spring , hot summer and rainy , cool quickly in the fall , winter cold and less snow .

  18. 以山东省潍坊市为例,从分析当地的自然条件入手,对暖温带大陆性季风气候旱作和灌溉条件下的土地生产潜力进行了探讨。在寒温带,D。

    Based on the natural conditions , this paper takes Weifang city as example to look into the land resources potential productivity of the area in which dry farming and irrigation farming exist together . In cold temperate regions , D.

  19. 属暖温带半湿润大陆性气候。

    Is a warm sub-humid continental climate .

  20. 阳曲位于北半球中纬度暖温带,属大陆性气候。

    Yangqu located in warm temperate latitudes in the northern hemisphere , is a continental climate .

  21. 暖温带大陆[性]气候

    Warm temperate continental climate

  22. 宁夏属中温带半干旱大陆性气候,降水少,干旱频繁,风大沙多。

    Ningxia belongs to mid-temperate semiarid continental climate with few rains , strong wind and plenty of sands , as well as frequent drought .

  23. 本文选择了4种共计11份优良的国外草坪草材料,在扬州地区温带大陆性半湿润气候条件下,对这些草种的生态适应性和成坪质量进行观测研究和比较试验。

    In this study , some new and representative species of foreign turf grass were selected to conduct a comparative experiment on their ecological adaptability and turfing quality under the circumstance of temperate continental semi-drought climate in Yangzhou District .

  24. 阳泉市属暧温带半湿润大陆性季风气候区。

    Yangquan municipal sub-humid warm temperate continental monsoon climate zone .

  25. 大庆湖泊群地处中温带亚湿润大陆性季风气候区。

    The group of lakes in Daqing locate in the sub temperate Zone with a sub humid continental monsoon climate .

  26. 秦皇岛处于河北省东北部,属于东部季风区暖温带,半湿润大陆性气候,四季分明;

    Qinhuangdao in Hebei Province , north-east , belonging to the eastern warm temperate monsoon zone , semi-humid continental climate , four distinct seasons ;

  27. 本区属于暖温带大陆性极端干旱荒漠气候,具有降水量小、蒸发量高、温差大、风力强等典型大陆性干旱气候特征。

    The region belongs to the extremely arid hungriness continental climate in warm variable zone with low rainfall , high evaporation , big temperature difference , strong winds and other characteristics of typical arid continental climate .

  28. 新华区地处黑龙港流域,是华北冲击平原,地势低平,气候温和,属暖温带半湿润大陆性季风气候。

    Black Dragon River is located in Hong Kong , Xinhua District , is the impact of the North China plain , low and flat , mild climate , is a warm temperate semi-humid continental monsoon climate .

  29. 气候为海洋性暖温带湿润季风气候向温带大陆性干旱气候过渡;

    And its climate transites from marine warm temperate damp monsoon zone to contential temperate arid zone ;

  30. 欧洲发达国家全部分布在温带:温带海洋性气候、温带大陆性气候和地中海气候。

    All the European countries in the temperate : temperate maritime climate , temperate continental climate and the Mediterranean climate .