- 名temperature gradient

The combined effect of uplift and denudation upon the temperature gradient can be obtained by formula ( 3.86 ) .
Growth of c_ ( 70 ) single crystals with a liner temperature gradient
Microstructure evolution of Cu Mn alloy under laser ultra high temperature gradient and rapid solidification condition
Firstly , the bending deformation and upsetting of plate under the temperature gradient mechanism , buckling mechanism and upsetting mechanism are analyzed .
So we get the stress of the board , CA mortar , concrete base and soil subgrade in the temperature gradient .
Influence of Temperature Gradient on Radiation Damage of BGO Crystals
The calculation of homogeneous ' turbulent SHE-AR flow within uniform mean temperature gradient using PDF method
Effect of Temperature Gradient on the Quality of TAl Cylinder Spinning
Polar glass-ceramics in the BaO-TiO2-SiO2 have been prepared by crystallizing the glasses in a temperature gradient .
The average growth rate of the SiC monocrystal increases with the seed temperature in the same axial temperature gradient according to the experiments .
Vertical Gradient Freeze Growth of Te-Doped InSb Single Crystal
Primer 3 was designed to paired with primer 1 . The competitor C was successfully constructed after one round of PCR . The optimum annealing temperature is 58 ℃ determined by gradient PCR .
As a result , the stable , simple , fast method of two-temperature gradient PCR for sexing bovine pre-implantation embryos was obtained , which only took 57 minutes to identify the embryo sex .
In the present study a directional solidification device of high temperature gradient was used and the solid-liquid interface morphology of Al-Cu-Ce alloys is obtained under controlled technological conditions .
Estimates of dissipation rates of thermal variance and turbulent kinetic energy are made by scaling temperature gradient spectra in the inertial-convective subrange from well-resolved measurements on the equatorial ocean mooring .
The calculated results for LEC growth of InP show that the droping ambient temperature gradient can reduce the dislocation density in crystal .
High temperature gradient are employed under the directional condition to examine the influence of the ratio of gradient and solidification rate , G / R , on the microstructure of Al-17.5 % In ( mass fraction ) alloys .
Numerical Analysis on the Error in the Split Hopkinson Tension Bar Test at Temperature Gradient
Properly greater temperature gradient , heat transfer coefficient and suitable bottom cooling are requirements for Bridgman method and also important for technics optimizing .
According to the preset of exponential n and temperature step , the parameter k at any moment during the transformation was calculated based on the inverse application of additivity rule .
This paper presents an expression for temperature distribution in growing crystal by considering the ambient temperature gradient as a variable introduced in LEC model .
The evolution of unidirectional solidification microstructure of the Al-In Monotectic Alloys in high temperature gradient
On the other hand , for a liquid jet under Taylor regime , jet speed , density ratio and temperature gradi - ent are all positive factors , whereas the liquid viscosity is negative factor .
Marc by FEM . It analyses the distribution of quenching residual stress , achieves the law of the layered distribution of the residual stress along the radius according to temperature gradient .
A transparent γ - LiAlO_2 crystal has been grown by temperature gradient technique ( TGT ) . ( 001 ) plane γ - LiAlO_2 crystals annealed in different ambients were studied by scanning electron microscope ( SEM ) and X-ray diffraction ( XRD ) .
A total of 30 dairy embryos were sexed with the two-temperature gradient PCR method in the study . 15 identified embryos ( 11 female , 4 male ) were transferred into 15 recipient cows , among them 7 were pregnant after 60 days .
The numerical method and the code of seeking complex eigenvalues are given by invariant imbedding method . Itis suited to simulate numerical instability driven by the temperature gradient [ η _i ] of the particles .
The simulation results show that this method can predict distribution of grains and effect of steep temperature gradients in HAZ . Comparison of simulated grain size and actual grain size has good consistency .
The test was carried out by half static acute toxic experiment method through the setting of different temperature gradients to four marine fishes for 96 hours .
Microstructure Evolution of Ni-NbC Alloy Under High-Temperature Gradient Directional Solidification