
shēn cáo
  • Deep groove;quirk
深槽[shēn cáo]
  1. 为提高水平抛射和向上抛射的距离,抛矸皮带机采用深槽花纹带式输送机。

    Belt flinger adopts quirk figured belt for improving the level and upward slinging distance .

  2. 利用白光干涉原理测量MEMS深槽结构

    Measuring MEMS Deep-Trench Structures with White Light Interference

  3. 深槽Ni(Pt)Si/Si肖特基二极管特性研究

    The Characteristics of Ni ( Pt ) Si / Si Schottky Barrier Diode with Deep Trench

  4. ICP硅深槽刻蚀中的线宽控制问题研究

    Research of critical dimension loss control in the ICP etch of deep Silicon trenches

  5. 一种基于刻蚀的SOI深槽介质隔离工艺

    An Etch-Based Deep Trench Isolation Process for SOI

  6. 硅深槽ICP刻蚀中刻蚀条件对形貌的影响

    Effects of Technical Parameters on Etching Rate and Selectivity of Si Deep Trench Using ICP Etching

  7. 厦门海底隧道穿越F3风化深槽施工技术

    Construction Technique of Xiamen Undersea Tunnel across F3 Weathered Trench

  8. MEMS器件深槽侧壁形貌测试方法研究内导体薄壁深孔扼流槽精密加工技术

    Study on Testing Method for Surface Profiling of MEMS ' Devices with Trench Structure Precise Machining Technology of Thin-Wall and " Deep-Hole " Inner-Conductor Chocke-Slot

  9. 电镀CBN砂轮缓进给磨削高温合金叶片窄深槽的试验研究

    An Experimental Study on Creep Feed Grinding Narrow Deep Groove of High Temperature Alloy Blade with Electroplated CBN Wheel

  10. 针对用于MEMS的硅湿法深槽刻蚀技术,对KOH腐蚀液的配方、掩蔽技术等关键技术进行了研究,获得了优化的KOH腐蚀条件;

    KOH solution and masking in wet etching of silicon trench for MEMS are investigated . Optimized conditions for KOH etching are obtained .

  11. n型漂移区、p型SOl层、不连续N岛之间有很好的自隔离效果,省去了在功率集成电路中做深槽介质隔离。

    Because the isolation effect among n-type drift region , p-type SOI layer , discontinuous n-islands is very good , there is no need to use deep trench dielectric isolation in the power Integrated Circuits .

  12. 还详细讨论了DRIE刻蚀参数与深槽侧壁形状之间的关系,并作了理论上的阐述。

    The relationship between trench profile and DRIE parameters is discussed .

  13. 为了提高电容式触觉传感阵列的性能,本工作以SOI材料中异质结界面作为深槽腐蚀中腐蚀自停止界面,以提高硅膜片的表面平整度和厚度均匀性。

    In order to improve the uniformity of the thin film of silicon , the interface of hetero-junction of SOI material was used as the interface of etch self-stopping .

  14. 工艺中采用了先进的深槽隔离技术、选择性集电极注入(SIC)技术、使用自对准Si3N4/SiO2复合侧墙作为E-B结的隔离、用低能氟化硼取代硼注入基区形成超薄内基区。

    Some advanced technology is adopted including deep trench isolation , SIC , self-aligned Si3N4 / SiO2 composite sidewall as Emitter-Base junction isolation and ultra-thin interior base formed by BF2 implantation .

  15. 文章运用有限差分软件(FLAC3D)对厦门海底隧道F4风化深槽的涌水情况进行了流固耦合分析。

    The fluid-mechanical analysis on water inflow capacity in Xiamen subsea tunnel was carried out by the finite differences software FLAC ~ ( 3D ) .

  16. 报道了一种使用深槽隔离和注入基区及快速热退火(RTA),同时为发射极扩散和Ti硅化物退火的双层多晶硅双极技术。

    A double-layer polysilicon bipolar technology is presented . Deep-trench isolation and BF_2-implanted base layer , combined with rapid thermal annealing ( RTA ), are used in the process for emitter diffusion and titanium silicide annealing .

  17. 介绍了F3风化深槽地段的施工总体方案,重点阐述风化槽的注浆工艺和开挖支护方法。

    The total construction plan of F3 weathered deep trough section and related technology methods of grouting , excavation and supporting were also mentioned and analysed in the paper .

  18. 利用硅深槽刻蚀技术(ICP)制作微振动传感器,ICP的最大刻蚀深度可达400μm,最小线条宽度小于1μm。

    The inductively coupled plasma technology ( ICP ) is used to produce the micro-vibration sensors , the maximal etching depth of which can be 400 μ m , and the minimal width is less than 1 μ m.

  19. 国内外将MgO混凝土筑坝技术应用于主体工程,在贵州东风水电站拱坝基础深槽是第一次。

    The technology of dam construction with MgO concrete is applied to the main body of engineering in the world , and it 's the first application in the deep groove of Dongfeng arch dam foundation in Guizhou Province .

  20. 以厦门海底隧道F3风化深槽为例,对超前地质预报系统的内容及工作步骤进行了应用。

    The geological prediction system is applied to an example of F3 weathered slots of Xiamen subsea tunnel . Finally , the development trend of geological prediction system is put forward .

  21. 龙口位于主河床深槽右侧,龙口宽130m,最大水深达60m。

    The closure gap will be located in the right part of the main river channel , with its width of some 130 m and maximum water depth of up to 60 m.

  22. 大坝混凝土总方量247.53万m3,其中辗压混凝土(RCC)190.79万m3。经比较,RCC运输采用深槽高速皮带机辅以负压真空溜筒的入仓方式。

    The total quantity of the main dam concrete placing is 247.5310 4 m 3 , among which , RCC is 190.7910 4 m 3.Through comparation , the RCC transmission use the format of deep channel quick conveyor combining with nagative pressure vacuum elephant trunk .

  23. 文中披露了东风拱坝基础深槽MgO混凝土的长达近10年的原型观测成果,用详细的数据和成功的事实阐明了MgO混凝土的长期变形总是趋于稳定,不存在无限膨胀趋势。

    An almost 10-year period prototype observation results of the deep groove MgO concrete of Dongfeng arch dam foundation is presented in this paper . It clarifies that the long-term deformation of MgO concrete goes steady and has no infinite expansion with detailed data and successful facts .

  24. 该文主要介绍以加工金属、聚合物以及陶瓷为主的LIGA技术,先进硅刻蚀技术(ASE)和石英晶体深槽湿法刻蚀技术。

    Three main bulk micromachining processes are described in the paper : the LIGA technology , which is mainly for processing of metal , polymer and ceramic , anisotropic silicon etch ( ASE ) techniques and deep wet chemical etching of quartz process .

  25. 坝址区河床狭窄,存在河谷深槽。

    The dam site has a narrow riverbed and deep trench .

  26. 深槽型可伸缩式下运带式输送机的开发

    Development of deep-trough extensible downward belt conveyor Joy extensible steel band

  27. 深槽型胶带输送机过渡段长度的计算

    The calculation of the deep - trough belt conveyor transition length

  28. 深槽形带式输送机卸料段长度的缩短

    Reduction of the unloading part length of deep slot form belt conveyor

  29. 电厂应用U型深槽带式输送机的可行性

    Feasibility of U Model Deep Groove Band Conveyor Used in Power Plant

  30. 黄浦江越江隧道深槽管段抬高对邻近水域的影响

    Effect of submarine tunnel under the Huangpu River on adjacent water area