
  • 网络Environment Canada
  1. EPA、加州大气资源委员会(CaliforniaAirResourcesBoard)及监管机构加拿大环境部(EnvironmentCanada)的调查人员在美国对所有柴油车型开展了新的检测,期间发现了这些新的减效装置。

    The new cheating devices were uncovered by investigators during new tests that were conducted on all diesel car models in the United States by E.P.A. , the California Air Resources Board and the regulatory group Environment Canada .

  2. 加拿大环境部的科学家表示,双酚A正通过洗涤残留物、废水和来自垃圾场的渗液进入环境。

    According to scientists at Environment Canada , BPA is entering the environment through washing residues , waste water , and leachate from landfills .