
shēn cāng
  • deep tank
深舱[shēn cāng]
  1. 每艘深舱货轮交货时,支付船价的25%。

    E.25 % of the Unit Price on the delivery of each DHCS .

  2. 深舱货轮经试航和测试后在A港交船。

    The DHCS shall be delivered at port A after due trial voyage and tests .

  3. 每交付一艘深舱货轮,银行保函金额应按比例减少。

    Proportionate reductions of the Bank Guarantee will be made on delivery of each DHCS .

  4. 投标书上标明向史密斯国际有限公司供应的两艘深舱货轮的性能规格。

    Specifications of2 DHCS to Smith International Co. , Ltd , are indicated in Tender Form .

  5. 投标价格应以美元或深舱货轮制造国的货币表示。

    Tender value should be stated in United States Dollars or as an alternative in the currency of the DHCS building country .

  6. 供方同意对深舱货轮的设计和安装予以质量保证,保修期自深舱货轮在船坞交船日起,为期一年。

    The Supplier agrees to provide a Quality Guarantee for design and installation of DHCS within a guarantee period of one year from the dates when the DHCS are delivered at shipyard .

  7. 报价:投标者所报价格:投标者在标书中所报出的交货或完工的价格。深舱货轮的性能规格详见投标书。

    Bid price [ contract ] : The price that a Bidder specifies in the Bid form for the delivery of goods or completion of the works . Specifications of DHCS required are indicated in the Tender Forms .