
  • 网络cryopreservation
  1. 梯度降温、深低温保存同种骨组织生物力学特性研究

    The Studies on Biomechanics of Gradient Freezing and Cryopreservation Bone Allograft Tissue

  2. 深低温保存与同种异体组织库的建立及应用

    Cryopreservation and the establishment and applications of homograft tissue bank

  3. 观察深低温保存不同时期人视网膜的酶组织化学及超微结构变化

    To observe the enzymic histochemical and ultrastructural changes of cryopreserved human retina .

  4. 深低温保存的角膜缘组织CD40的表达以及体外培养增生活性的研究

    Culture of cryopreserved human corneal limbal tissue and the expression of CD40 in vitro

  5. 供眼角膜深低温保存采用KaufmanCapella冷冻保存及复温技术。

    The Kaufman Capella cryopreservation technique was used .

  6. 输注深低温保存血小板组共131次,平均每例2.67次,CCI值有效率16.79%,临床疗效有效率81.63%;

    The group with the frozen platelet transfusion were received 131 times , each case was received 2.67 average times , the effective rate of CCI was 16.79 % , the clinical effective rate was 81.63 % .

  7. 结果:脐血深低温保存复苏后,CFU-GM由97±5个/1×105MNC减少到84±13个/1×105MNC,回收率为(83±12)%;

    Result : After thawing , CFU GM decreased from 97 ± 5 / 1 × 10 5 MNC to 84 ± 13 / 1 × 10 5 MNC , the recovery was ( 83 ± 12 ) % ;

  8. 结果-80℃深低温保存1a内的血小板在复融中蛋白析出率明显降低,血小板回收率≥70%,黏附聚集功能和第3因子活性完好。

    Results The falling rate of the protein reduced apparently when remelted the blood platelet stored at-80 ℃ temperature within 1 year , and the recycling rate of the blood platelet ≥ 70 % , good agglomeration and adherence properties and cytokine 3 ' activities indicated .

  9. 目的用二甲基亚砜(Me2SO)和1,2丙二醇(PROH)深低温保存兔颈总动脉,评价两种保护剂对深低温保存复温后血管平滑肌细胞再生能力和超微结构的影响。

    Objective To assess the different regenerative capabilities and ultrastructures of the smooth muscle cells ( SMCs ) of the cryopreserved rabbit carotids with dimethyl sulfoxide ( Me_2SO ) and 1,2-propanediol ( PROH ) .

  10. 深低温保存的猪二尖瓣去细胞处理后的生物学特征

    The biological characteristics of cryopreserved porcine mitral valve with cell extraction

  11. 新鲜血小板输注和深低温保存血小板输注的疗效比较

    Compare the transfusion effect between fresh platelet and frozen platelet

  12. 培养角膜缘上皮细胞深低温保存后异体移植实验研究

    Experimental study of allogeneic transplantation after cryopreservation on cultivated limbal epithelial cells

  13. 深低温保存角膜穿透性移植治疗角膜溃疡穿孔

    Penetrating keratoplasty with cryopreserved corneas for treatment of corneal ulceration and perforation

  14. 人离体牙深低温保存的实验研究

    An Experimental Study on Cryopreservation of Human Teeth in Vitro Deep Autumn

  15. 深低温保存对猪二尖瓣内皮细胞活性的影响

    Effects of Cryopreservation on Endothelial Viability of Porcine Mitral Valves

  16. 深低温保存新鲜富含血小板血浆质量分析

    Qualitative Analysis of Batch Preparing Cryopreserved Fresh Platelet Rich Plasma

  17. 深低温保存后同种异体血管移植的实验研究

    The Experimental Study of Deep Cryopreserved Homologous Blood Vessels Transplantation

  18. 人脐血基质细胞深低温保存的实验研究

    Investigation on the profound hypothermal preservation of human umbilical cord blood stromal cell

  19. 深低温保存对气管组织细胞活力的影响

    Effects of cryopreservation on the viability of tracheal tissue and cell in rats

  20. 深低温保存兔角膜神经形态的观察

    Morphological observation of rabbit corneal nerves under long-term cryopreservation

  21. 不同复温方法对深低温保存兔颈总动脉力学性能的影响

    Effects of different thawing methods on mechanical properties of cryopreserved carotids in rabbits

  22. 深低温保存牛角膜内皮细胞的分裂特性

    Mitosis Character of Endothelial Cells of Frozen Cattle Corneas

  23. 深低温保存小鼠骨髓细胞及其移植效果

    Cryopreservation of murine bone marrow cells and their transplantation

  24. 目的从细胞代谢角度评价深低温保存家兔股动脉的效果。

    Objective To study the effect of Cryop-reserved rabbit femoral artery through metabolic activity .

  25. 方法1、建立简易中期保存液和微机监控程序降温的深低温保存法。

    Simple and easy intermediate and cryopreservation methods in microcomputer monitoring procedure were established .

  26. 深低温保存同种活性带瓣主动脉临床应用长期效果

    Long-term clinical evaluation on cryopreserved homograft aortic valves

  27. 深低温保存角膜缘干细胞羊膜片的异体移植

    Experimental hetero-grafting of cryopreserved corneal limbus epithelium on the upper parts of the amnion

  28. 长期深低温保存对骨库异体半关节主要生物学特性的影响

    The effect of prolonged cryopreservation on the major biological properties of half-joint bone allografts

  29. 改良后的家兔动脉深低温保存实验研究

    The Experimental Study on Preserving the Arteries of Rabbits Under the Improved Profound Hypothermia

  30. 成熟狗牙深低温保存延期再植的实验研究

    The Experimental Study of the Delayed Replantation after Cryopreservation of Mature Tooth in Dogs