
  • 网络Freshwater;freshwater resources;Fresh water
  1. 农业是一个极耗水的产业。农业耗水量占世界淡水资源消耗量的70%。

    Agriculture is a water-intensive business , accounting for nearly 70 % of global fresh water consumption .

  2. 一些科学家在研究从南极洲采集冰川的可能性,据估计,南极洲蕴藏着地球上最大的淡水资源。

    Some scientists are examining the potential for harvesting icebergs form Antarctica , which is estimated to have the biggest reserves of fresh water on the planet .

  3. 然而,印度淡水资源短缺更令人担忧。

    But water shortages are even more worrying in India .

  4. 这其中最大的挑战是农业灌溉,仅此一项便会消耗全球七成的淡水资源。

    The biggest challenge here is irrigation , which consumes 70 % the world 's fresh water .

  5. 当前的三大环境趋势——淡水资源短缺、表层土壤流失和气温不断上升——使得加速扩大粮食供应以跟上需求越来越难。

    The three environmental trends —— the shortage of fresh water , the loss of topsoil and the rising temperatures —— are making it increasingly hard to expand the world 's grain supply fast enough to keep up with demand .

  6. 淡水资源被污染后,我们就不能再使用这些水了。

    When our sources of fresh water get polluted , we can no longer use this water .

  7. “如果我们在面包和意大利面食中使用10%的海藻,而不是小麦,就能省下100万公顷的土地,消除所有与之相关的二氧化碳排放,同时,还能减少宝贵的淡水资源短缺的压力。”

    If we used ten per cent of seaweed instead of wheat in breads and pastas , we ’ ve eliminated a million hectares of land , we ’ ve eliminated all of the carbon dioxide emissions5 associated with that , and we ’ ve also reduced the pressures on very precious fresh water .

  8. 中国2020年城市生活污水排放量预测及淡水资源财富GDP指标的建立

    Domestic Sewage Discharge Forecast and Countermeasures for Chinese Cities in 2020

  9. 提出了淡水资源绿色GDP指标,并以某市为例,框算了其淡水资源财富。

    The Green GDP index of freshwater resource was proposed , and a case study in one city carried out with the estimation of its freshwater resource wealth .

  10. 新疆属内陆干旱地区,降雨量少,淡水资源严重缺乏。

    There is a great deficiency of freshwater resources in Xinjiang .

  11. 还可以额外的为30多万的圣地亚哥居民提供淡水资源。

    Providing water to an additional 300000 San Diego County residents .

  12. 地下水是人类生存重要的淡水资源。

    Groundwater is an important fresh water resources for human being .

  13. 淡水资源短缺是全球性问题。

    The shortage of freshwater resource has been a worldwide problem .

  14. 驻马店市如何保护淡水资源

    How to Protect Freshwater Resources in Zhumadian Under a New Situation

  15. 上海河网密布,淡水资源非常丰富。

    Shanghai with dense river net is abundant of water resources .

  16. 世界淡水资源持续利用探讨

    Research into Sustaining Use Fresh Water Resources in the World

  17. 污水资源化是改善环境解决淡水资源短缺的重要途径

    Sewage Recyeling : An Essential Solution to the Problem of Freshwater Shortage

  18. 基于动力学模型的人口与淡水资源问题研究

    Study of Human Activities and Freshwater Resources Based on the Dynamic Model

  19. 浅谈解决淡水资源危机的有效途径

    Talking about the Effective Paths of Solving the Crisis of Fresh-water Resources

  20. 全球气候变化对中国淡水资源及其脆弱性影响研究综述

    Impacts of climate change on water resources and its vulnerability in China

  21. 地下淡水资源管理研究的发展方向

    The direction for further study on fresh groundwater resource management

  22. 系统模糊决策在中深层淡水资源优化开采中的应用

    Application of System Fuzzy Decision in Optimization for Development Median-deep Groundwater Resources

  23. 试论涠洲岛地下淡水资源特征

    On the characteristic of the underground fresh water resources in Weizhou Island

  24. 每年,联合国会选择不同方面来宣传淡水资源。

    The UN focuses on a different aspect of freshwater every year .

  25. 城市雨水不是废水,而是宝贵的淡水资源。

    The urban rain is not waste water , but valuable freshwater resources .

  26. 淡水资源勘探无岩心钻进的电测井方法

    Electro-well logging method on coreless drilling for freshwater resources

  27. 沿海火电厂对淡水资源的需求及其对策

    Requirement and Countermeasures for solving freshwater resource for power plant in coastal areas

  28. 解决淡水资源危机的有效战略途径就是水的淡化。

    The best way is desalination to resolve the problem of water scarcity .

  29. 淡水资源和农村可持续发展的动态监测

    Dynamically Monitoring Fresh Water Resource and Rural Sustainable Development

  30. 农民是淡水资源的最大使用者。

    Farmers are the biggest users of freshwater resources .