
  • 网络freshwater wetland
  1. 过去20年间,尼日尔损失了逾80%的淡水湿地。

    Niger has lost more than 80 per cent of its freshwater wetlands in the past 20 years .

  2. 对我国所剩为数不多的淡水湿地植物生态系统原生景观结构特征进行定量分析对于湿地保护与恢复具有重要意义。

    It is very significant to study both landscape pattern and its structure of plant communities in vast wild freshwater wetlands in China which are few in number .

  3. 然而,随着海水侵入淡水湿地,不断增加的盐分正在妨害稻米产量。

    As the sea creeps into these freshwater marshes , however , rising salinity is hampering rice production .

  4. 鄱阳湖湿地是我国一块十分重要的湿地,具有典型的淡水湿地特点.鄱阳湖湿地土壤中CuZnPbCd的形态研究

    The wetland of Poyang Lake is a typical freshwater wetland , and it plays an important role in China . Speciation of Cu , Zn , Pb , Cd in the Wetland of Poyang Lake

  5. 氮素输入影响下淡水湿地碳过程变化

    The variation of carbon stock in freshwater mire after nitrogen input

  6. 淡水湿地种子库的小尺度空间格局

    Small-scale heterogeneity in seed bank of a freshwater marsh

  7. 万物之道:中国淡水湿地洪水、农业和环境的动态管理规划

    The Courses : Planning of Dynamic Management of Flood , Agriculture and Environment in a Freshwater Wetland of China

  8. 看来,长江中下游淡水湿地在陆地生态系统碳氮储存上具有重要意义。

    The wetlands in the lower reaches of the Yangtze River may have significance in C and N storage in the terrestrial ecosystem .

  9. 该保护区具有丰富的生物多样性,主要保护对象为国家Ⅰ、Ⅱ级鸟类及内陆淡水湿地生态系统。

    The reserve has the rich biodiversity . National level ⅰ and ⅱ birds and Inland freshwater wetland ecological system is the main protection object .

  10. 衡水湖是华北平原惟一保存完整的内陆淡水湿地生态系统,生物多样性十分丰富,本文通过对衡水湖湿地水环境监测资料的收集整理,分析了衡水湖湿地水环境质量现状。

    Hengshui Lake is the only inland wetland ecosystem that has been preserved intact with rich biodiversity in the North China Plain . This paper analyzes the present quality of the water environment based on data gathered from water quality monitoring in Hengshui Lake wetland .

  11. 淡水沼泽湿地CO2、CH4和N2O排放通量年际变化及其对氮输入的响应

    Annual Dynamics of CO_2 , CH_4 , N_2O Emissions from Freshwater Marshes and Affected by Nitrogen Fertilization

  12. 基于QUEST决策树兼容多源数据的淡水沼泽湿地信息提取

    Freshwater marsh wetland information extraction based on QUEST decision tree integrating with multi-source data

  13. 结果表明,淡水河口湿地的CH4释放呈现出明显的季节特征,最大值出现在夏季和夏末,最小值出现在初春和冬季。

    CH4 emissions from the freshwater estuarine wetlands had remarkable seasonal variations , with the highest values occurring in summer and late-summer and the lowest emission occurring in the early spring and winter .

  14. 淡水沼泽湿地泥炭沉积中氮素分布特征

    Characteristics of Nitrogen Distribution in Peat Deposit of Freshwater Marsh Wetland

  15. 人类活动影响下淡水沼泽湿地温室气体排放变化

    Character of the Greenhouse Gas Emission in the Freshwater Mire under Human Activities

  16. 长江淡水潮汐湿地演化规律及其水环境效应

    Study on the Evolvement and the Water-Environmental Effects of the Freshwater Marshes of the Changjiang River

  17. 通过野外控制试验和室内培养试验研究了氮素输入对淡水沼泽湿地碳循环过程的影响。

    Field control experiment and laboratory culture experiment were conducted to study the influence of nitrogen input on the freshwater mire carbon stock .

  18. 沉水植物具有很强的生态功能,是防治富营养化,以及淡水、湿地生态恢复的重要环节。

    Submerged macrophytes have strong ecological functions and play important roles in freshwater and wetland ecosystem recovery ; they are also used in preventing and controlling eutrophication .

  19. 洞庭湖区是我国最大的淡水湖泊湿地之一,复杂多样的湿地类型和生态环境蕴含了丰富的生物资源。

    The wetland in Dongting Lake area is one of the largest fresh lake wetland in China , the complexity and diversity of wetland types and eco-environment created rich biological resources .

  20. 据2001年进行的全省湿地资源调查结果,将云南的湿地划分为永久性河流湿地、永久性及季节性淡水湖泊湿地、沼泽草甸湿地等6个湿地类型。

    According to the inventory results of wetland resources of the whole province in 2001 , Yunnan wetland was divided into 6 types including permanent river wetland , permanent and seasonal freshwater lake wetland , grassy marsh wetland , etc.

  21. 综述国内外湿地氮素各种输入途径的研究进展,分析当前研究中存在的问题,指出淡水沼泽湿地是目前研究的薄弱点。

    This paper firstly summarizes the advance in the research on each nitrogen input approach . Then it analyzes the issues existed in current research , and points that , in particular , the study of freshwater mire wetland is very weak .

  22. 洞庭湖湿地是我国重要的淡水湖泊湿地之一,其生态环境对调蓄洪水、调节气候、涵养水源、净化水质、维护生物多样性等方面具有重要的作用。

    The wetland in Dongting Lake area is one of the largest fresh water lake wetland in China , its eco-environment plays an important role in flood storage and regulation , climatic regulation , water conservation and purification , maintenance of biological diversity .

  23. 海峰湿地是在高原上由喀斯特地貌发育形成的永久性淡水湖类型湿地。

    Haifeng wetland developed and formed form karsts physiognomy belongs to the permanent fresh water lake type wetland .

  24. 近年来,长江中下游迅速发展的淡水渔业对湖泊湿地产生严重扰动,湖泊生态系统的结构和功能受到影响。

    In the middle and low floodplain of Yangtze River the increasing aquiculture had disturbed the lake wetlands , seriously affected the structure and function of the lake wetland ecosystems .

  25. 七是发育有中国第一大淡水湖-鄱阳湖和亚洲最大淡水湖泊湿地;

    The largest fresh water lake of China - Boyang Lake and the largest fresh water lake wet land in Asia ;