
  • 网络limousine;Premium;Limousine Car
  1. 高级轿车和运货卡车服务公司常常是他们的掩护机构。

    Limousine and trucking companies are always their fronts .

  2. 噢,知道了.打扰一下,您帮我叫辆高级轿车好吗?

    Oh , I see . Excuse me , could you call a limousine ?

  3. 再无其他高级轿车能按这个价格水平为你提供同样水准的标准配置。

    No other executive car can offer you the same level of standard equipment at this price .

  4. 本文通过市场结构-行为-绩效(SCP)范式对我国中、高级轿车行业产业组织进行分析,认为现阶段我国的轿车市场属于寡头垄断市场结构。

    By means of the SCP model , the industrial organization of domestic advanced Sedan car industrial market is analysed . On the basis of the analysis , a conclusion is made that the structure of this industry is an oligopoly one .

  5. 有辆高级轿车7点去你家接你。

    The limo 's picking you up at your place at7:00 .

  6. 他买这辆高级轿车主要是为了撑门面。

    He bought the saloon car to keep up appearances .

  7. 高级轿车后簧无模拉伸数学模型

    Mathematical Model of High-Grade Saloon Car - rear spring

  8. 我国中、高级轿车价格博弈分析

    The Pricing Game Analysis on Domestic Advanced Automobile Industry

  9. 高级轿车在屋外呜呜地鸣叫,邀她约会的小伙子就坐在有色玻璃的车窗后等她赏脸。

    Limousines purred outside , with dates waiting for her behind tinted windows .

  10. 用位置消费理论拓展中高级轿车市场

    Exploration of High & Medium Level Car Market by The Theory of Positional Consumption

  11. 我国中高级轿车市场2001年综述及2002年展望

    Analysis China Medium and High Grade Car Market in 2001 and Prospect in 2002

  12. 达夫-吉赖斯皮曾拥有一辆罗斯-罗依斯高级轿车。

    Duff Gillespie had once owned a Rolls-Royce .

  13. 高级轿车铝制冷却器真空钎焊工艺研究

    Research of Vacuum Brazing Technology for the Aluminum Cooler Used in the Advanced Car

  14. 高级轿车的市场依然很有势头。

    The market for quality cars remains strong .

  15. 他有辆崭新的高级轿车。

    He 's got a mean new car .

  16. 因此被广泛的应用于高级轿车及工程机械上。

    Now , hydro-pneumatic suspension has been widely applied for limousine and Construction Machinery .

  17. 他在桥上溜达着,突然发现一辆高级轿车向他迎面冲过来。

    While he is walking on the bridge he sees a limousine roaring towards him .

  18. 高级轿车轮胎气压监视系统

    Tire pressure monitoring system for limousine

  19. 旅行社订了一部高级轿车,将我们从机场接送到饭店。

    The travel agency booked a limousine to transfer us from the airport to our hotel .

  20. 酒店设有免费穿梭巴士来往机场,亦会应客人要求提供高级轿车接送服务。

    The hotel provides complimentary bus service to and from the airport and also limousine service .

  21. 每年有40亿个集成电路块植入从煮咖啡的器皿到卡迪拉克高级轿车的各种各样的商品。

    Four billion chips are now embedded in everything from coffee makers to Cadillacs every year .

  22. 不是,是中国产的轿车。他买这辆高级轿车主要是为了撑门面。

    No. It is made in China ! He bought the saloon car to keep up appearances .

  23. 他有一所大房子和一辆高级轿车,更不用说在法国还有一座别墅了。

    He has a big house and an expensive car , not to mention a villa in France .

  24. 我们也制造大客车和面包车,而且还制造了红旗牌高级轿车。

    We also produce buses and minibuses . And we have made advanced limousines of Red Flag brand .

  25. 我国中、高级轿车行业产业组织分析不是,是中国产的轿车。

    Industrial Organization Analysis of China s Advanced Sedan Car Industry ; No. It is made in China !

  26. 主动悬架因其能够显著地提升性能,在高级轿车和特种汽车上的应用逐渐成为必然。

    Active suspension can significantly enhance their performance in the limousine and specialty vehicles , spontaneously the application has become inevitable .

  27. 日系汽车中的马自达等其他品牌都虎视眈眈地盯着这个空间比较大的中高级轿车市场。

    Japanese car brands such as Mazda 's all stare at the sight of this larger space for the high-class cars market .

  28. 科比表示,为了博爱妻一笑,曾送给瓦妮莎几十万美金的公寓,40万美金的高级轿车以及不可计数的珠宝。

    He reportedly bought her a multi-million dollar mansion , a four hundred thousand dollar custom car , and a wealth of jewelry .

  29. 一个年青男孩窃取了一辆大型的豪华高级轿车,目的是赢得偷车帮的尊敬,希望能参加他们的帮会。

    A young boy steals a luxury limousine to earn the respect of a gang of car thieves - hoping to join their gang .

  30. 电子节气门产品自20世纪80年代问世以来,已逐渐应用到各种中、高级轿车中。

    The electronic throttle product was developed in the eighties of the twentieth century , and it has gradually been applied to high-grade automobile .