
kū shuǐ
  • low water
枯水 [kū shuǐ]
  • [low water] 河道流量最小,水位最低的情况

  • 枯水季节

枯水[kū shuǐ]
  1. 水体HCHs浓度在丰水期显著高于枯水期,不同时期DDTs浓度变化规律不明显。

    The average concentration of HCHs in high water season was higher than that in low water season .

  2. 根据对延河河水连续5a的水质污染因子测定数据,运用模糊数学方法对延河的丰水期、平水期和枯水期的水质现状进行了评价。

    Based on water quality monitored data of Yanhe River for 5 years , water quality of abundant , usual and low water season was evaluated .

  3. 枯水期A厂和B厂的出厂水水质是较好的。

    The quality of treated water in A and B waterworks in winter was better .

  4. 基于RS流域枯水资源的判读识别

    The identification of the drainage basin low-flow resources on RS

  5. 出水水质好、宜于回用。枯水期A厂和B厂的出厂水水质是较好的。

    The treated water could be reused . The quality of treated water in A and B water works in winter was better .

  6. 红桔枯水机理及GA3处理效应的研究

    Studies on the mechanism of Citrus reticulata Blanco peel puffing and the effect of ga_3 treatment

  7. C市枯水期饮用水中有机污染物分析及对肝细胞DNA损伤的研究

    An analysis of the organic extracts from source water and drinking water in city C and the effects on DNA damage in primary hepatocytes in rats

  8. 提出在多闸坝河流上,利用枯水期断面化学需氧量同步监测数据测算COD综合衰减系数的方法。

    A method to calculate the fall coefficient of COD in rivers which have many dams was put forward .

  9. 枯水果膜透性显著高于正常果,而RNA含量低于正常果;

    The puffy fruits have significant higher membrane permeability but lower RNA content of the peel in comparison with the healthy ones .

  10. 枯水期样品δ~(13)C值的范围是26.623.7×10~(-3),表明陆源有机碳占优势。

    Samples collected during the low-water period ( November , 1981 ) have δ 13C values ranging from - 26.6 to - 23.7 × 1013 , indicating a dominant terrestrial organic carbon contribution .

  11. 蓄水季、枯水季鱼中指示性PCBs的浓度并无差别。

    The concentration of indicative PCBs in fish is no different in Water and dry season .

  12. 丰水期和枯水期的溶解态稀土的(La/Yb)N值从西半湖区到东半湖区呈现有规律性的逐渐增大,并且丰水期的(La/Yb)N值低于枯水期。

    The values of ( La / Yb ) N in high-water period and low-water season increase from west to east , and they in high-water period are larger than those in low-water season .

  13. 在枯水年(1988年),非点源贡献了约1/3的TN、TP入湖负荷量。

    About 1 / 3 total nitrogen and phosphorus were contributed by non-point sources pollution in low flow year ( 1988 ) .

  14. 测量了喀斯特地区乌江、沅江两大水系的河流枯水期的主元素、Sr2+离子浓度和Sr同位素比值。

    Major ions and Sr ~ ( 2 + ) concentrations and Sr isotopic compositions of two major river systems were measured in Guizhou karst region .

  15. 各水文期不同水体COD平均含量排序为:枯水期COD含量较高的水体为水产养殖场及居民生活区周围水体;

    In low water season , the water body , which contents of COD were higher than the others , were the water around aquiculture site and residential area ;

  16. 线性回归的结果表明,纵断面Ⅲ的丰、枯水期COD与S和N、P间相关性很好,在99%置信水平上显著;

    The results of linear regression analysis showed that there was good correlation between COD and S , nitrate , phosphate respectively at confidence level 99 % in flood season and dry season along longitudinal section I .

  17. 水平槽道内湍流两相流的PIV测量西江、东海水道枯水期分流比实测研究

    Measurement of Turbulence in a Particle-laden Channel Flow Using PIV Technique ; Measurement and study of dry-period flow distribution ratio between Xijiang river and Donghai waterway

  18. 蓄水季和枯水季PBDEs的浓度都以长吻鮠和黄颡鱼中最高。

    The concentration of PBDEs in the long snout catfish and catfish were very high in water and dry season .

  19. 报道了1993~1999年西宁市居民生活用水中总β放射性水平范围、均值和标准差,分别为:枯水期005~025012±004(Bq·L-1);

    The level of total β radiation in drinking water for residents in Xining city from 1993 to 1999 was reported .

  20. 以枯水年计,南校区2010年的雨水利用潜力为26.54万m3,是南校区年用水量的43.51%。

    In 2010 , calculated by dry year , the available rainwater was 26.54 ten thousand m3 , which accounted for 43.51 % of water consumption in the south campus .

  21. 然后对枯水径流做了频率分析,最后用支持向量机、投影寻踪回归、BP神经网络建立模型,对湘潭站最小7日平均流量作了预报。

    Then has made the frequency analysis to the low flow , finally using support vector machine , the projection pursuit regression , the BP neural network to build model , to forecast the 7 daily average current runoff of Xiangtan station .

  22. 枯水症状主要体现在果肉中,实验表明枯水果果肉中的ABA含量显著上升,说明两者之间有密切的联系。

    The symptoms of granulation are mainly in pulp . The experiments show that the ABA content in the granulation fruits pulp was increased , and there was close contact between them . 4 .

  23. 依据灰色系统理论,构造了一个由6个GM(1,1)模型组成的灰色动态模型群,并运用该模型群对淮河干流枯水期氨氮浓度变化趋势进行了预测分析,得到令人满意的结果。

    A gray dynamic model group is put forward made up of six simple gray models . Then the model group is used to predict the trend of concentration of NH 3-N in the Huaihe river during dry season .

  24. 枯水(Section-drying)是柑橘贮藏过程中普遍发生的生理病害。

    Section-drying is the widespread occurrence of physiological disorders in citrus during storage .

  25. 针对水资源系统自身的不确定性、模糊性以及其他评价方法存在的问题,将人工神经网络模型中的BP网络模型用于喀斯特地区枯水资源承载力的评价中,并以贵阳市为实例进行了评价。

    Whereas the uncertainty and illegibility of water resource system , and the problems of existing methods , the paper uses BP network model , a kind of the artificial neural network model , to evaluate the low-flow resource carrying capacity in karst area .

  26. 杭州湾海水枯水期和丰水期水样的(Ca2+)/Cl比平均值分别超出大洋水平均值28.8%和20.6%;

    The seawater average ionic ratio value of ( Ca 2 + ) / Cl exceeds that of the average value of ocean seawater 28.8 % and 20.6 % , respectively in the dry season and the flood season .

  27. 珠江水体HCO3~-离子含量在一个水文年中发生显著变化,特别是丰水期与枯水期之间波动幅度较大;

    The main conclusions are as follows : The HCO3-ion content of Zhujiang River changes notably in one hydrological year , especially in wet season and dry season .

  28. 1996年后,枯水季节江豚不再进行江&湖迁移,其活动范围仅限于20km的长江八里江江段,较1993年以前缩短了约40km。

    After 1996 , the porpoise no longer migrated between the Yangtze mainstream and Poyang Lake during the dry season , migration range was cut down 40 km .

  29. 水质合格率总的趋势是枯水期水质优于丰水期(P0.05);集中式供水规模愈大,水处理工艺愈完善,水质合格率愈高(P0.05)。

    The overall trend of the qualified rate of water is higher in dry season than in the abundant water period ( P0.05 ); The biger centralized water supply scale is and the more perfect the water treatment process is , the higher quality qualified rate is ( P0.05 ) .

  30. ONI为负时,同期西江径流量及中、下游降水量出现负距平的概率,后枯水期高于前枯水期。

    When ONI is genitive , the probability for the Xijiang River discharge and precipitation in the middle and lower streams in post-dry season is higher than in pre-dry season .