- Law Department

Karen Fan graduated from the Economic Law Department of the Beijing Institute of Technology and got her master 's degree in International Trade Law from the University of Essex in Great Britain .
To get a sense of the European backlash against Facebook , you do not have to look much further than the experiences of Max Schrems , an Austrian law student who has led a vocal opposition to how the company collects and uses people 's data from around the world .
He was gifted as a debater and graduated in law with honors in 1809 .
" That has always been strongly resisted by police departments ," Hou Xinyi , deputy dean of the law school at Nankai University in Tianjin , was quoted as saying .
Earlier this year , The Mail on Sunday revealed that Oxford law students destined to be barristers and judges were told they could skip lectures covering violent cases if they feared the content would be too ' distressing . "
While he said his law students still spoke good English , in general , if one goes into the community and looks at the young people , there is a decline not only in their English , but in their Chinese as well .
While syntax and phonology study the structure of expressive possibilities in language , semantics studies the meaning that can be expressed .